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View Full Version : Sync/Internet over WiFi

01-02-2004, 04:44 PM
I've been reading through the numerous posts here on getting everything working wirelessly, but I'm still having problems and I'm hoping that someone can suggest a solution for my specific setup and problem:

Dell Axim X5 Basic
AmbiCom 802.11b CF card
Linksys 802.11g cable router (DHCP on, MAC filtering, 128 bit WEP enabled)
2 PCs on network (Win98 wired in, XP wireless)

Both PCs work just fine. I can access file shares, internet, and can ping anything else on the network (other PC, router, PPC).

The PPC can access file shares and ping anything on the network. I can ping web sites. However, I can't pull up web sites in Pocket IE or sync wirelessly. I remember that I used to be able to access the internet through ActiveSync before I started setting up the WiFi, but even that isn't working now. I've tried playing with the Connections settings (work, internet, etc.), but I can't find the right mix and I'm beginning to wonder if the problem is somewhere else.

Any suggestions?

01-02-2004, 07:50 PM
since you say you can access shares on your home network, I'll assume that your ipaq is getting an IP address.

try this...

On the iPAQ, under START -> SETTINGS-> CONNECTIONS -> Connections, click the Advanced tab.
Then click the Select Network button
Change both drop down boxes to "My Work Network."
Next, for each, click the edit button
and go to the proxy settings tab
and check "This network connects to the Internet." If "This network uses a proxy server..." is checked, UNCHECK it.

01-02-2004, 07:58 PM
On the iPAQ, under START -> SETTINGS-> CONNECTIONS -> Connections, click the Advanced tab.
Then click the Select Network button
Change both drop down boxes to "My Work Network."
Next, for each, click the edit button
and go to the proxy settings tab
and check "This network connects to the Internet." If "This network uses a proxy server..." is checked, UNCHECK it.

Yes, I can get an IP address. I have also tried assigning a static IP.

I've tried using both the "Work" and the "Internet" connections. Even tried mixing them. Tried creating a new connection. Tried with "... connects to Internet" checked and unchecked. Same for proxy setting. Haven't found a combination that worked. That's why I was wondering if the problem might be elsewhere.

And it's an Axim, btw, not an iPAQ.

01-02-2004, 11:32 PM
And it's an Axim, btw, not an iPAQ.oops.. sorry.. force of habbit...

If your Axim gets an ip address and can access network shares, that means you are at least getting connected to your Linksys. So that rules out WEP/Mac Filter problems, or router setup problem.

If you could get to web sites but just not active sync over wi-fi, I'd suggest using Pocket Hosts to make "hosts file" resolving ip of your PC on the hand held. BUT since you can't get to web, this probably wont help.

Not sure where else your poblem could be....

Almost hate to suggest it, but it might be time to start from the beginning... Doing a hard reset, and start from scratch.

except for Axim vs Ipaq, we have about the same set up... Windows Mobile 2003, Ambicom WL1100C-CF wifi card, Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Router... only my WRT54G is stacked to my BEFSR41, and the SR41 is doing the DHCP/Firewall/router functions.

So if you want to start from scratch... you can follow the steps I took... I listed them here... http://marzano.home.att.net/mobile/ipaq.htm

01-03-2004, 12:08 AM
Almost hate to suggest it, but it might be time to start from the beginning... Doing a hard reset, and start from scratch.

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to a hard reset. I still have hope that it won't come to that.

except for Axim vs Ipaq, we have about the same set up... Windows Mobile 2003, Ambicom WL1100C-CF wifi card, Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Router... only my WRT54G is stacked to my BEFSR41, and the SR41 is doing the DHCP/Firewall/router functions.

Almost the same, yes. I don't think Axim/iPAQ is important in this case. But I haven't upgraded my OS. I'm still on 2002, so the configuration screens are a little different.

01-03-2004, 12:50 AM
Could there be something directly related to Pocket Internet Explorer that is messed up?

As I said before, I can ping web sites by name (yahoo.com) or by IP. That suggests to me that I am getting outside my network. I can also connect to Windows Messenger wirelessly. Because I can ping yahoo.com, I think DNS is okay. Funny thing is, when I try to pull up a site in PIE it does nothing. I see a little black square with the Windows logo flash up in the upper-right corner of the screen, but it still shows the "Welcome to Pocket Internet Explorer" screen. I've looked, but I can't find any updates to PIE short of upgrading the entire OS.

If you could get to web sites but just not active sync over wi-fi, I'd suggest using Pocket Hosts to make "hosts file" resolving ip of your PC on the hand held. BUT since you can't get to web, this probably wont help.

I have Pocket Hosts and I've mapped my XP machine (which I have sync'd with previously via USB) to the IP assigned to it by DHCP.

I did find this wizard (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/resources/downloads/pocketpc/connwiz.mspx) from Microsoft that claims to setup your PPC for connecting to a network. I ran it a few times, once telling it that I connected to the internet and a network at work, and once with just the internet. Neither time seemed to have any effect.

I think I downloaded a third-party browser at one point. I'm going to see if I still have it and try it out instead of PIE...

Steven Cedrone
01-03-2004, 02:55 AM
Try running welcome.exe in the Windows folder to see if it repairs your PIE problem...


01-03-2004, 03:19 AM
Try running welcome.exe in the Windows folder to see if it repairs your PIE problem...


Woo! Thanks, Steven. My first post from PIE! 8)

What exactly does welcome.exe do? Is there anything that I'll need to recofigure?

Thank you too, Mark, for your assistance.

Now to see if AS will work...

Steven Cedrone
01-03-2004, 07:21 AM
Certain files needed by PIE in the My Device folder, either by deletion or corruption, can cause Pocket Internet Explorer to fail...

Running the Welcome.exe program rebuilds/replaces those files...


Now as far as Activesync is concerned, when I removed my entries in Pocket Hosts for my desktop, it started to work for me (suggested by ctmagnus (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16115&h))... YMMV... :wink:

01-08-2004, 09:38 PM
Appreciate all the good advice. I'm having one additional small problem. I can connect to the internet ok, but when I try to sync wirelessly, it connects as Guest. I've already established a partnership through USB. I've been syncing wirelessly for some time, but just upgraded to 2003 last night and now I can't get it to sync.

I'm using a Dell Axim X5 with PPC 2003 and Ambicom WL1100C-CF. I also have Pocket Hosts installed and mapped.

Any thoughts?


Steven Cedrone
01-08-2004, 09:46 PM
I'm using a Dell Axim X5 with PPC 2003 and Ambicom WL1100C-CF. I also have Pocket Hosts installed and mapped.

Uncheck everything in Pocket Hosts and try again...

See this thread... (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=17165&start=0)


01-15-2004, 07:40 PM
I had the same problem and I checked ActiveSync-->extras-->options-->sync with this pc at manual sync (or something like that)
The pockethost list was empty.
After that the sync worked and it was fast (10s).

After I inserted a host entry in pockethost the iPAQ initiates a connection but nothing happens. ActiveSync at my PC says connected, my iPAQ says connecting).

So it seems I need to check the setting mentioned above and disable pockethosts.
thank you for your help