View Full Version : Custom Pocket PC Skinning with PPX 2.0
Jason Dunn
01-02-2004, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div>This looks like a very cool app, but I didn't know about it until I saw a few messages in our forums about it. What's the general consensus on it? I used to be really into hacking up the user interface on my Pocket PC, but I've since become a fan of a clean and simple UI, so I haven't really explored UI modding lately.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><br />"PPX3k today released their landmark product, PPX For Pocket PC, an enhanced shell, User Interface design, and usage tool, that finally brings a custom interface to the Pocket PC masses. This program allows anyone to create a custom interface that suits their needs instead of using the normal, stock, Pocket PC interface as supplied with the operating system.<br /><br />...With this release, users can have virtual pages, layers, overlay images, icon support and plug-in compatibility. Mike Stous, an IT Operations & Support Specialist for a Midwestern company said “PPX breaks the mold imposed by the rigid Today Screen, allowing you to have your PPC exactly the way you want it. Instead of how someone else thought it would appeal to the masses.”<br /><br />...PPX For PPC is an enhanced shell with interface design capabilities that allows for the replacement of the standard Pocket PC interface. It allows you to replace the Today program and the standard Taskbar with a more functional version, while safely leaving those objects accessible if needed. PPX For PPC supports Virtual Pages, Layers and Today plug-ins to make the computing environment easier to navigate as well as more pleasing to the eye. PPX is easily customized using industry standard bitmaps (.BMP's) and is easily configured via dialogs."
01-02-2004, 04:43 PM
Interesting, but I perfer the clean UI also. I don't use my PDA so it looks good, I use it so I can get things done quickly away from my computer. I changed my theme on my PC, but only because I hate the look of luna on XP. I changed it to "Watercolor," which, if you haven't seen, looks very much like the old Win9x themes, only a little more colorful and easier on the eye.
01-02-2004, 05:05 PM
This doesn't replace the actual shell does it? Or does it just sit on top of the PocketPC shell like all the other apps.
01-02-2004, 05:13 PM
This doesn't replace the actual shell does it? Or does it just sit on top of the PocketPC shell like all the other apps.
It just sits on top of the PPC Shell similar to the way Facelift does. I have been using it for about a week or so now and I really like it. It allows me to have a clean interface most of the time, and I still have access to my most used apps with just a couple of clicks instead of having to go thru programs etc..
Kati Compton
01-02-2004, 05:13 PM
Oooh... I don't know about the program, but I like the background pic. :)
01-02-2004, 05:29 PM
I Like this idea - downloading the trail now...
In fact - after using my tabletpc I have to remind myself that the "start" button is on the top of the ppc and not where it should "normally" be. Not only that - but it looks like it will help actually clean things up for me. Does anyone use this in landscape mode at all?
I'll let you know what I think about it after the trail is up
01-02-2004, 05:34 PM
I really like the wallpaper image also. Does anyone know where to download the wallpaper pic? Or the name of the wallpaper file?
01-02-2004, 06:35 PM
You might want to look in to this TodayPlus. It is free!
Bob S
01-02-2004, 06:38 PM
01-02-2004, 06:43 PM
Damn! The software looks interesting to say the least, but when their site is down (which it has been all but one time I visited today) it just reeks of "amateur" which makes me very hesitant about installing a shell replacement (not your typical app) on my PPC which I count on for business. Too bad.
01-02-2004, 07:24 PM
Damn! The software looks interesting to say the least, but when their site is down (which it has been all but one time I visited today) it just reeks of "amateur" which makes me very hesitant about installing a shell replacement (not your typical app) on my PPC which I count on for business. Too bad.
I feel the same way; sometimes I wonder if the software developers realize that their POP is almost as important (if not more) to the successful introduction of new products, than the products themselves (since Microsoft has already accustomed us to the introduction of initially, partially defective software).
01-02-2004, 08:14 PM
Damn! The software looks interesting to say the least, but when their site is down (which it has been all but one time I visited today) it just reeks of "amateur" which makes me very hesitant about installing a shell replacement (not your typical app) on my PPC which I count on for business. Too bad.
I could understand why you feel that way, but judging the quality of PPC software based on the uptime availability of the service provider that hosts their site would be a mistake in this instance.
The response to PPX has been so overwhelming, that even increasing capacity and bandwidth to handle the projected volumes wasn't enough.
PPX was released on 12/19/2003. The site has only had availability problems for the past few days...
As for "shell replacement", you have the option of running PPX as "just another application"... so any "fears" about the quality of the code should be calmed somewhat by that. A demo is available for download so you can try-before-you-buy... and there is plenty of support for it on the major PPC forums... like this one.
Stop by my site to check out the UIs that I created for PPX.
01-02-2004, 08:19 PM
I bought it and haven't figured out how to get a 480x640 skin to work on it. I think it has lots of potential as being very simple to very complex, depending on what you want to do with it. The ability to move icons around the desktop is pretty darn cool - I was almost shocked!
01-02-2004, 08:22 PM
Site's back up again.
01-02-2004, 09:44 PM
For the person who is hesitant... maybe looking at this will help. I personaly have no use for this, but I thought it might be helpful to share this with all of those who might be interested in this app.
01-03-2004, 01:30 AM
You might want to look in to this TodayPlus. It is free!
Are the four tabs pictured part of "Today Plus?" I've been searching for something like this for the longest.
01-03-2004, 04:42 AM
I bought it and haven't figured out how to get a 480x640 skin to work on it. I think it has lots of potential as being very simple to very complex, depending on what you want to do with it. The ability to move icons around the desktop is pretty darn cool - I was almost shocked!
From what I understand (I don't have a device capable of VGA) all you need to do is to create a BMP that is 480x640 and start with that. PPX can handle VGA displays. There was a VGA skin posted at but I don't know if it is still there.
01-03-2004, 10:04 AM
Are the four tabs pictured part of "Today Plus?" I've been searching for something like this for the longest.
I like a clear UI too:
01-03-2004, 10:44 AM
You might want to look in to this TodayPlus. It is free!
Are the four tabs pictured part of "Today Plus?" I've been searching for something like this for the longest.
I tried TodayPlus. Looks very nice - but customising the set up is way too complicated for my liking! I shall try PPCX
01-03-2004, 03:27 PM
This is one of those apps that makes me wish I had a spare device. It's *so* different that I'd be hesitant to put it on my everyday device at this point. But it also looks *very* interesting, so I'd like to give it a try.
Alas, only 1 ppc here, so I'll have to wait for a larger number of reviews from the brave early adopters.
If you woulike like to see some clean UI's, check out the QNX-Lite series of UI's in my library. Very basic but very funtional.
VRams PPX UI Library (
01-03-2004, 03:48 PM
This is one of those apps that makes me wish I had a spare device. It's *so* different that I'd be hesitant to put it on my everyday device at this point. But it also looks *very* interesting, so I'd like to give it a try.
Alas, only 1 ppc here, so I'll have to wait for a larger number of reviews from the brave early adopters.
There's a free demo available for download. Also, you can use PPX as just another application (the Today screen is still available)... so it doesn't have to "take over" your whole device. :)
If you load it, and it freaks you out because it is so-out-there, simply tap-n-hold, and select "unload".... bingo! It's unloaded. :)
01-03-2004, 03:51 PM
There's also PPXSkins.Com ( for other interfaces people have created.
01-03-2004, 04:42 PM
any comments on performance? I stoped using past interface replacements because they slowed down the ppc to much.
01-03-2004, 06:45 PM
I just stick with my basic windows 2003 today screen. I do have the omaga ONE software install. Thay is great app
01-03-2004, 06:59 PM
any comments on performance? I stoped using past interface replacements because they slowed down the ppc to much.
Performance has been stellar for me. There are reports here and on Brighthand from people who had previously been running dashboard but stopped using it because of performance degradation but are now using PPX and concur that the performance is excellent.
Performance of ppc apps seems to vary by device... as is evident by the fact that many can run dashboard just fine, and for others (like me) performance was terrible.
Try the demo for yourself, on your own hardware and see for yourself.
01-03-2004, 07:51 PM
Up until now, people have been turning out some elaborate UIs for PPX. Unfortunately, some folks think that PPX is only capable of that. So I present "PPX Clean"... a minimally intrusive UI that really allows the background image to show through, but is still very functional and handy.
Of course you can put icons on the desktop if you'd like... or on the pop-up menu. You can easily swap out the background image by creating your own 240x295 .bmp file, naming it ppxclean.bmp and overlaying the file that is on your PPC. available at speedZone.
01-03-2004, 09:46 PM
Is it just me or do some of the PPX skins I see remind others of Dashboard, too?
Tom W.M.
01-05-2004, 01:22 AM
Was this developed by the same people that did all the PPX, eXpod and eXpod Gold stuff for the BE-300? They have gotten some pretty nasty things said about them in other forums (stealing code, etc.), and if these are the same people I wouldn't trust them with my money.
01-05-2004, 02:08 AM
And we have been pursuing these individuals legally too, to stop this type of slander. Although it is just a hand full of people of questionable character. We have been open for over a 1 1/2 years and have thousands of customers, Paypal verified and the author's home address, as well as all business contact information, is openly displayed on the website.
We have absolutely nothing to hide. Too bad you cannot say the same for the ones that make these slanderous allegations.
I even have to question the previous poster's motives in this case. You have obviously read these socalled allegations somewhere. You would cerainly know they are absolutely absurd. Not even partially believable. Ranking up there with stating the Axim is a reverse engineered Speak-n-Spell.
If you are simply looking out for the PPC community's best interest, then I appologize. Your intentions are in the right place but severely malformed.
If someone wants to lay claim on any "stolen" code, then do so. No one has come forward yet and I have been asking people to for over a year now. The challenge still stands. You can reach me via e-mail at
[email protected] or visit our website and go to the Contact Us page,
I just wish the ones that make up these crazy allegations would end their posts with their home address and contact information, it would make our pursuit a lot easier ;)
Michael Pollard
Author of PPX
Tom W.M.
01-07-2004, 01:49 AM
Thanks Goofather, I'd been wondering about that sort of thing. I read those posts at (, which is a great resource for the BE-300, but certainly "gets all types". Upon further digging, I have found plenty of positive remarks about your work. Sorry for giving you bad press.
Tom W.M.
01-09-2004, 11:27 PM
Damn! The software looks interesting to say the least, but when their site is down (which it has been all but one time I visited today) it just reeks of "amateur" which makes me very hesitant about installing a shell replacement (not your typical app) on my PPC which I count on for business. Too bad.
The down times have been addressed on the website and a move to a more reliable server is in progress. It isn't something that has gone unnoticed by PPX3k.
01-09-2004, 11:31 PM
I've been using goo's products since 2002. I like what he does to my devices. I particularly LOVE being able to have my today screen be as useful as (or more useful than) a PC's desktop and being able to use the entire screen! I have trusted him with my money twice, now, and I haven't had reason to be unhappy. From the responses to posts I've seen, I've developed a fear of angering him, but that hasn't hurt me or my BE or Axim, so I just benefit from his work and keep mostly quiet, cuz I don't want to wake the dragon!
01-10-2004, 08:31 AM
There's a new FAQ ( at PPX3k.Com ( now that addresses questions that have been asked with step by step answers with screenshots, along with a User Manual ( that has been updated and improved to cover more points. I'll be adding more to the FAQ tonite and this weekend. Trying to make everything as easy as possible for people.
If anyone needs more help or just has questions you can email myself or any of the PPX staff, post on our forum, and/or come to our Online Chat which is active pretty much 24/7.
PPX User Manual (
If you're looking for premade PPX Themes or just want to browse some cool ones:
PPXSkins.Com (
01-11-2004, 12:58 PM
Here's a Hello Kitty Theme by Chefz ( Available at Chefz's site and PPXSkins.Com (
01-13-2004, 03:22 PM
This is about the best PPC software ever created. I can't say enough about how great this app is, how professional and quick the customer support is, and how fun it is to customize your PPC ina way never before possible. My hats off to the creators and those working in support.
01-13-2004, 05:46 PM
I think i speak for the entire PPX Team when i say thank you for the compliments. We set very high standards for ourselves, and it's good to know that people appreciate what we do. :D
Was this developed by the same people that did all the PPX, eXpod and eXpod Gold stuff for the BE-300? They have gotten some pretty nasty things said about them in other forums (stealing code, etc.), and if these are the same people I wouldn't trust them with my money.
I've followed goofathers work since the early BE days. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
The bad press his group gets has nothing to do with software. My observation is that they tend to overreact to ever little criticism and post replys that are often inflamatory (even if unintensionally so). Personally, I think most of those replys do more harm than good to the groups reputation. All that posturing comes off unprofessional and provokes the "low life" that started it. Here's the bottom line....
They've got a nice piece of software. They should ingore the cheap shots and let their work speak for itself.
Keep up the good work guys.
01-19-2004, 07:17 AM
Not all the cheap shots are addressed. Some are for reasons only to inform people, even if it is seen as unprofressional. Most people are not intentionally trying to cause catastrophic damage to someone's life, they think they are funny, it is the Internet and we are anonymous. The problem with this thinking is we are not really anonymous. You can do some serious damage to someone's life.
For example, if a man had a Federal Government job in the US. Security clearances are rather thorough. One false criminal accusation is enough to pull a person's clearance temporarily. If you are at a place that has no work in less sensitive areas, you can't work until things are cleared. You then cannot feed your family. That is a rough punishment for some anonymous fun. This is also why you cannot simply ignore all pot shots. It is easy to ignore someone saying "You stink!" but when you cross into criminal territory, do yourself a favor and don't ignore it. It could haunt you later, especially if you are not so anonymous as your attacker.
If it gets through to one person to think before wanting to have anonymous fun with someone, it is worth not seeming profressional, to me.
Sorry for the Public Service announcement, it is just something I like to make people aware of and an injustice that does occur. If you ignore, it will continue. It is real.......
01-19-2004, 07:32 AM
Alright, now I´m disturbed. It´s very unsettling to think that a 13 yr-old with too much time on his hands could screw with the livelihood of someone he never met. Also, I´m wondering just how much was uncovered about me during my internship at the EPA. Man, I´m already paranoid enough!
02-02-2004, 03:00 PM
Here's one i made last night. It's available on PPXSkins.Com and was inspired by the television show Charmed.
02-02-2004, 07:30 PM
Here's my latest... available at and speedzone!
02-09-2004, 07:39 PM
Longhorn SE now available at the speedZone!
03-06-2004, 12:56 PM
Rainy Day is one of my latest themes and is now available for free download at handango. Click on the image to goto handango and try it for yourself. I really hope people like it. :D (§ionId=0&catalog=30&txtSearch=ppx)
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