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View Full Version : Bluetooth connectivity on iPaq 194x and win XP

01-01-2004, 06:11 PM
I'm trying to connect to the internet using my iPaq 1945 and bluetooth.
I'm running a Sony Vaio with Win XP home edition and a Widcomm
bluetooth usb adapter.
I use an ethernet dsl modem to access the web.
My main lan connection does not allow me to share the connection and
attempting a bridge with the bluetooth lan fails.

I know bluetooth connectivity works since I can mount a remote
directory on my pc from my pda.

Does anyone know where there is a faq that gives a good step by step
account of how to do this?


01-02-2004, 03:32 PM
You can try this site http://home.comcast.net/~spam-target/

It's Peppe's Bluetooth Guides, I used it to hook up my 1940 with a Belkin adapter, & everything went great. I thought I might have problems because I have a 4 port router & wireless broadband, but all is well.