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View Full Version : How the Pocket PC saved my sanity (and my ears)

12-29-2003, 09:05 PM
The big Boxing Day family get-together was over, and it was WAY past my little son's (21 months old) bedtime. But we still had a one hour car ride in front of us. Thomas usually does not sleep in the car, and I knew he would be grumpy, so while my husband was driving us home, I sat in the back seat with my son, trying to entertain him as best as I could. He was very unhappy, because it was so dark and he could not see any of his toys. We tried singing, finger games, tickling, but he didn't like any of it. I couldn't switch on the light in the car, because it made it hard for my husband to see the road at those already bad wintery conditions. After half an hour, I was at the end of my rope. My son cried, throwing his head from side to side, and nothing could make him stop. If only I had a flashlight!!!

I did! Finally I remembered that my pocket pc was in my purse, and I would be able to bring some light into our desperate situation, but then the genius struck: why don't show him some pictures? I had a ton of his own baby pictures and pictures of his grandparents and his friends on my SD card, so I put up a slideshow for him. The moment I showed him the first picture, he shut up. His eyes flew open, and he just looked. He pointed at the faces on the screen and kept saying "A baby!", or "Opa", "Oma", "Mommy", etc. I didn't mind him touching the screen, because the screen protector I use is very robust. Well, we showed those pictures for half an hour, and when we finally reached home, he was happy and chatty and smiling from ear to ear.

Even my husband had to admit that again my pocket pc saved the day! Now I am thinking about scanning in pages of his favorite books, or maybe even rip an episode of Blue's Clues from his DVD??? :)

Happy New Year everyone!

12-29-2003, 09:15 PM
Our little one is 15 months, and I keep a couple of episodes of Dora the Explorer on my Flash card for that exact purpose. It definitely saved us a couple of times over the holidays...

Jon Westfall
12-29-2003, 10:37 PM
Excellent Idea! Now rip some Spongebob - entertaining for children and adults alike ;)


12-30-2003, 02:14 AM
Any help with the "ripping"? How do I do that? What is the best software for it? Is there any free software for rippind DVDs?

Thanks for your help!


12-30-2003, 06:16 AM
I figured this out mostly from reading through the posts on the Multimedia forum here, so start there :) It's not very hard just a bit time consuming.

12-30-2003, 05:11 PM
My 10 Month old loves this http://www.rathergood.com/punk_kittens/ I have a copy of it on my ipaq to keep him happy :D

Jon Westfall
12-30-2003, 08:59 PM
My 10 Month old loves this http://www.rathergood.com/punk_kittens/ I have a copy of it on my ipaq to keep him happy :D

That was great!

12-31-2003, 02:15 AM
Ripping is a walk in the park... though it can be a long one. I would look at using PocketMVP as your player... and rip the vob's with SmartRipper... and encode with VirtualDUB... all these programs you can find free. Head over to this forum and I am sure you will find what you need to know. Your a smart woman...
