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View Full Version : hp 1935 performance ?

12-22-2003, 01:27 PM
hello !

i want to buy a pocket pc after having a sony clié handheld for one year which had a terrible quality.because i don't need wifi i want to buy one of these:

- Thoshiba Pocket PC e350
- Acer n10
- iPaq H1930

now i see that the h1930 has the best design and a replaceable battery but only 203 mhz.

I also want to use my handheld to play games and mp3s. i saw that the h1930 has only 203 Mhz while the other two have 300 Mhz.... is the performance of the h1930 enough to play snes or genesis emulation and "scumm" games or should i choose one of the other two models ?

01-04-2004, 05:36 PM
I have the iPAQ 1935. I play games a bit but I use the mp3 capabilities a lot. It is great.

Dave Potter
01-04-2004, 06:11 PM
The 1935 uses a Samsung processor which is quite different than the Xscale processors most of the other PPCs use. Believe it or not, the 1935 benchmarks rate it faster than many units with 400 Mhz Xscale processors!

I use my 1935 to watch full length movies all the time. Video is very smooth and sound is great. MP3s also playback flawlessly as well.

I do not have any first hand experience with emulators - but I have read many posts on this forum stating that the 1935 works fine.