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View Full Version : Put a DVD on your Pocket PC

Jason Dunn
12-18-2003, 06:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=94375' target='_blank'>http://www.handango.com/brainstore/...productId=94375</a><br /><br /></div>Now THIS looks like some interesting software! I have a few DVDs that I own in Pocket PC format, but the process is long and painful, and I've been waiting for an "all in one" solution that would do the trick. This looks like it might be it - it you live outside the US, Norway, and Malaysia that is. :wink:<br /><br />"This software allows you to convert a DVD to your Pocket PC and watch it in great quality, with stereo sound and in full screen landscape mode. A memorycard as small as 128 Mb is sufficient to store a full length feature film. Take your DVD's on the plane, train or automobile, watch them on vacation, at work or at school. With only two clicks, this PC software automatically converts the content of your DVD to a super small movie file, which will play on any Windows Mobile 2003 device, such as HP iPaq, on a postage stamp size memory card. Due to regulatory limitations this software may not be used by citizens of the U.S.A., Norway and Malaysia to convert copy-protected DVD's. Makayama Software supports fair use."<br /><br /><img src="http://www.handango.com/pictures/259010/ipaq1945.jpg" /><br /><br />You can download a free trial or <a href="http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=94375">purchase this application for $24.99.</a> [Affiliate]

12-18-2003, 06:09 PM
*sighs* The DMCA strikes again. :evil:

12-18-2003, 06:12 PM
But why just three countries? U.S.A., Norway and Malaysia? What is so significant about this country that it was not allowed? Is it the cyberlaw in this country? Doesn't other country have the law too?

Mitch D
12-18-2003, 06:26 PM
I hope Santa brings me that 256MB SD card I asked for, heck lunch time at work won't be so boring anymore... :D

Jason Dunn
12-18-2003, 06:27 PM
But why just three countries? U.S.A., Norway and Malaysia? What is so significant about this country that it was not allowed? Is it the cyberlaw in this country? Doesn't other country have the law too?

Yes, local laws are the reasons why it would not be for sale in those countries - the developer doesn't want to have the legal hassle, and I can't blame him.

12-18-2003, 06:37 PM
Okay, so how would one know where you are or aren't when you go to download it?

12-18-2003, 07:01 PM
Your IP address identifies the county of origion, as well as the address on your credit card.

12-18-2003, 07:09 PM
Okay, so how does one work around this? I'd like to buy the software and convert some DVD's into movies and this program is what I have been waiting for. The other process is how Jason describes it which is why I haven't bothered. It's not worth all that effort and pain.

12-18-2003, 07:11 PM
A few things.
1. This only works with WM2003 devices.
2. The demo version will only encode the first five minutes of a DVD
3. The disclaimer only says that US (and the other country) citizens can't use the software for DRM DVDs, not that they can't buy it.

Anyway, I downloaded the trial to see how the quality and size was compared to the Smart Ripper/Virtual Dud technique - that's when I discovered the five minute thing, although it does say that on the Handango page as well.

So anyway, I ordered the real version and am waiting to see if I get the reg code from the developer. I am in the US but I'm a UK citizen so can use this. If there's a problem I'll fight to get my money back from Handango (should be entertaining) and have my son in London get the code.

Since this is for WM2003, I can't use it for myself but we bought an e355 for our daughter and this would be great for the Disney movies she has.

12-18-2003, 07:40 PM
So anyway, I ordered the real version and am waiting to see if I get the reg code from the developer. I am in the US but I'm a UK citizen so can use this. If there's a problem I'll fight to get my money back from Handango (should be entertaining) and have my son in London get the code.

Since this is for WM2003, I can't use it for myself but we bought an e355 for our daughter and this would be great for the Disney movies she has.

Let us know how it works out....

12-18-2003, 07:42 PM
Humm I'm in the US and let me download the trial. But not the full version. Some one I know in Eastern Europe is buying me the full version. :)

12-18-2003, 07:56 PM
this would be great. someone please post after they have used the full version.

i've done it before where i digitize a movie, then run it through wm encoder. but i'm way to lazy to do that. if this thing is an all in one solution. wow.

im sure we can get our hands on it in the us.

12-18-2003, 07:59 PM
I downloaded the demo and encoded 5 minutes of 2 different dvd's. I have a 4155 with a 256 sd card.......... I have to say I am not impressed. Sure the process was relatively quick, for a 5 minute clip remember, but the quality was NOT as nice as I had expected. The audio skips and stops constantly, and the image is very blurry. I am viewing on WMP 9 and have no other apps open and plenty of space. I showed it to my girlfriend and she said "that looks like crap"....... 8O It isn't THAT bad, but by looking at their site you would think it would be much better quality. The real problem is the audio stops and starts...... it is so annoying that I couldn't even watch the whole 5 minutes...... let alone 120 minutes.......

12-18-2003, 08:38 PM
I live in the UK, and I've bought it.

When you purchase it, you're given a unique user name and serial number, and these are held on a database by the distributer. They warn you of this.

The program is simple to use, and will convert a DVD into a single .wmv file. I've converted my copy of The Matrix into a .wmv file optimised to fir a 256mb card, and a 128mb card. Following compression, they came in at 248mb, and 124mb respectively.

The program does require the DVD to run it's length at single speed. It took me some 2.5 hours to produce each .wmv file. The program seem to optimise the frame rate sampling etc. to produce files of these sizes. A 45 minute episode of Star Trek came in a 119mb when optimised for a 128mb card.

There is also a notable difference in quality between the two versions of the film. The 128mb version looks fine in portrait, but tends to be a little jumpy. Yo notice the low frame reate during fast action scenes. In landscame mode, there is blockiness in the rendering where large areas of the screen are similar in colour, particularily with blacks. Presumably the compression algorithm interpolates these colours.

At 256mb, the blockiness is drastically reduced, and the frame rate is smoother. In portrate mode, there is no discernale juminess, but in landscape there can be an occasional skipped frame during action sequences.

These dropped frames do not occur when you play the movies on the PC, so I would interpret this as an indication of an issue with the pocket PC, or Mobile Media Player 9.

Hope this helps. Merry Xmas :D

[email protected]
iPAQ 5550 - 256mb SD
iPAQ 3950 - 128mb SD - For Sale

Dave Beauvais
12-18-2003, 08:50 PM
... Sure the process was relatively quick, for a 5 minute clip remember, but the quality was NOT as nice as I had expected. The audio skips and stops constantly, and the image is very blurry. ...
Well, even with the nifty features in the Windows Media 9 CODECs when encoding at low bitrates, you're essentially taking around ~4 GB of data -- and sometimes more -- and squeezing it down to a file that will fit on a 128 MB flash card. There are some serious compromises which must be made in terms of video and audio quality in order to achieve that level of compression. I am a bit surprised by the audio skipping you mentioned, however. Usually the video is what suffers the most.

Semi-political side note: I wish our lawmakers here in the U.S. would pull their heads out of whatever orifice they're stuck in and realize that laws like the DMCA are horribly flawed and are being used for nothing more than lining the coffers of lawsuit-happy corporations. End semi-political side note.

12-18-2003, 08:52 PM
I currently use Super DVD Ripper and then windows movie maker to convert my DVD's for use on my PPC. The problem is it takes a long time to do. I have done about 50 DVD's in the 6 months I have the software. If anyone else uses this, I have a question. I have been able to rip every DVD I have tried except for the two Star Wars DVD's. These two get stuck in an endless loop of the first 10 minutes or so of the movie. I would really love to get these two on my PPC, but it is extremely frustrating that I can't. Technical support from the maker has not been any help.

12-18-2003, 08:54 PM
I am a bit surprised by the audio skipping you mentioned, however. Usually the video is what suffers the most.

Semi-political side note: I wish our lawmakers here in the U.S. would pull their heads out of whatever orifice they're stuck in and realize that laws like the DMCA are horribly flawed and are being used for nothing more than lining the coffers of lawsuit-happy corporations. End semi-political side note.

Couldn't agree with you more on that last statement.......... And I understand the given issues with compressing to that rate........ but the audio is what really bothered me as well. I mean if I can at least hear the movie well, which I expected, I would be much happier. The video can skip frames here and there or be a little blurry and I would still watch it if the sound was decent. But i must say it is not right now.
I did try and register it for the heck of it, living in Los Angeles. It went through on handango so I'll see if I get a reg code now! :)

12-18-2003, 09:06 PM
When viewing the files on the desktop, keep in mind the desktop codecs are usually more more concerned with quality, and probably has a bit of post-processing.

12-18-2003, 09:08 PM
Will wait and see what people have to say about this for a few days, but this could be just the thing to make good use of the 512mb CF card I just bought to share between my 2215 and my Digital Rebel (which I'm picking up in 2 hours (leap for joy!))

Oh, by the way, Staples is selling that 512MB CF card from SanDisk for less than $100 after a $20 mail-in rebate

12-18-2003, 09:33 PM
Strange thing about the audio......... When you make the compressed file it is sent to your desktop for you to copy to the PPC. Now if I open that file on my desktop and play it........ the audio hiccups are still there...... Very obvious too! The quality sound is fine but it breaks off to silence every 10 seconds or so.........

12-18-2003, 09:52 PM
I noticed the same thing the other day when I tried this program. The video was ok but the audio sucked. I have to say that a divx file at the same bitrate looks 100 times better.

12-18-2003, 10:11 PM
but the process is long and painful,

where does it say that this program will be any faster converting a DVD, than using the currently popular software products? Riping a DVD and then compressing it down to PPC dimensions, is still going to take approx. the same amount of time, since the process is limited by hard disk i/o. All I see this doing, is taking the process from two steps, to one step; if that's all you want, I can give you a batch file which will call your choice of DVD ripper & compression program. You will still have to load the DVD, start the process, and come back in 6 hours to collect the finished product.

12-18-2003, 10:15 PM
I've tried the demo, and encoded a DVD I had previously encoded using the long winded method involving VirtualDub etc.
I have to say I was very disappointed by the quality of the video. In my opinion it was unwatchable. Whenever there was any movement, the image would break up into lines, a bit like a very bad case of interlacing.
It obviously isn't the DVD, or the PocketPC, since those have been the same in both cases. I'm afraid I have to put it down to the conversion software. Oh, by the way, this was all done at the "high quality" settings, so I dread to think what the low quality settings are like.
Full marks for convenience though... Version 2 of this product might be worth keeping an eye out for.

12-18-2003, 10:49 PM
Kudos, the quality is horrible, almost unwatchable. The temptation to try this however was overwhelming, to think of a feature length movie on a 128 MB SD card was just great.....
However, nothing out there comes close to the compression achieved by this software. The lowest compression I have seen is 1:10, does anybody know of anything better? :D

12-18-2003, 10:50 PM
I've bought it and converted two DVD's, one in 'Normal' quality, and one in 'High' quality. I must say I'm impressed. Squeezing 5 Gigabyte into 128 Mb and still delivering this quality is superb. I'm watching the movies on my iPaq 1945 with headphones attached. No audio hickups or interlacing effects. However the same files on my old PPC2002 iPaq do give some playback problems. So probably that's why Windows Mobile 2003 is recommended. Overall I would say a cool app if you have the right gear.

12-18-2003, 11:43 PM
I've bought it and converted two DVD's, one in 'Normal' quality, and one in 'High' quality. I must say I'm impressed. Squeezing 5 Gigabyte into 128 Mb and still delivering this quality is superb. I'm watching the movies on my iPaq 1945 with headphones attached. No audio hickups or interlacing effects. However the same files on my old PPC2002 iPaq do give some playback problems. So probably that's why Windows Mobile 2003 is recommended. Overall I would say a cool app if you have the right gear.

I just recieved my reg code......... and told them of my audio problems. I am waiting to hear what they have to say. How did you get it to work well? Isn't the audio garbage? on my 4155 it is.
I keep getting an audio buffer error........ that says blank sound will be inserted where there is a buffer error........ I am running a burn now with their help to see if it can be fixed....... if not....... it isn't worth it!

12-18-2003, 11:47 PM

I also have a 1945 with a 128MB SD card, but the video was very choppy at times and the format was not optimized for the pocket PC screen. This mayhave been my fault, I think there are some options for that. Anyway, I just could not even watch the 5 minutes the Demo version was playing.
Maybe I'll give it another try with different settings. :mrgreen:

12-18-2003, 11:50 PM
I've bought it and converted two DVD's, one in 'Normal' quality, and one in 'High' quality. I must say I'm impressed. Squeezing 5 Gigabyte into 128 Mb and still delivering this quality is superb. I'm watching the movies on my iPaq 1945 with headphones attached. No audio hickups or interlacing effects. However the same files on my old PPC2002 iPaq do give some playback problems. So probably that's why Windows Mobile 2003 is recommended. Overall I would say a cool app if you have the right gear.

I just recieved my reg code......... and told them of my audio problems. I am waiting to hear what they have to say. How did you get it to work well? Isn't the audio garbage? on my 4155 it is.
I keep getting an audio buffer error........ that says blank sound will be inserted where there is a buffer error........ I am running a burn now with their help to see if it can be fixed....... if not....... it isn't worth it!

Same problem....... every 5 seconds....... audio cuts out.......

12-18-2003, 11:58 PM
Ripping DVD's no matter what you use is going to take a lot of time. Once you have the file ripped how you strip it down so it’s playable on your PPC is what’s important. “One click solutions” such as this provide a variety of results like we’ve seen in previous post. Since we all have our own standards of “quality” some wont like it. Here is a test that was done with WMA files and MPEG TV. http://pocketpcedge.com/viewtopic.php?t=14


Dave Beauvais
12-19-2003, 12:00 AM
I haven't downloaded the demo or used the software yet, but I have a thought. Does it encode as it rips from the DVD or does it rip then encode? If it encodes as it's ripping, do you guys have DMA mode enabled on your DVD drives? Without DMA, even a fast CPU may be way too busy to properly encode the audio and video streams.

As I said, just a thought.

12-19-2003, 12:11 AM
I've bought it and converted two DVD's, one in 'Normal' quality, and one in 'High' quality. I must say I'm impressed. Squeezing 5 Gigabyte into 128 Mb and still delivering this quality is superb. I'm watching the movies on my iPaq 1945 with headphones attached. No audio hickups or interlacing effects. However the same files on my old PPC2002 iPaq do give some playback problems. So probably that's why Windows Mobile 2003 is recommended. Overall I would say a cool app if you have the right gear.

I just recieved my reg code......... and told them of my audio problems. I am waiting to hear what they have to say. How did you get it to work well? Isn't the audio garbage? on my 4155 it is.
I keep getting an audio buffer error........ that says blank sound will be inserted where there is a buffer error........ I am running a burn now with their help to see if it can be fixed....... if not....... it isn't worth it!

Same problem....... every 5 seconds....... audio cuts out.......

Changed some settings based on thier support...... same issue......

12-19-2003, 12:17 AM
Well my first DVD is in process right now. I'll see how it is in a few hours. I had a question and he responded very quickly, so I get the feeling that he will soon have an updated version if there are problems with this one.

There had been about 750 downloads from Handango so plenty of testers to provide feedback.

12-19-2003, 12:36 AM
I like the sound of this too - but will await other explorers' feedback first!

12-19-2003, 12:42 AM
Changed some settings based on thier support...... same issue......

They wer very, very supportive in finding out the problem......... turns out the 2 dvd's I was trying to copy are protected somehow......... I tried another and it worked well, and looks and SOUNDS quite good....... I guess it depends on the dvd......... they are VERY supportive let me say that again!

12-19-2003, 01:59 AM
i use DVDx.. with a click of one button it will encode it in divx format
and your set. well in about 4 hours roughly. works great for me.
just my thoughts


12-19-2003, 02:02 AM

what is the compression on this software and what's the website. Thanks for your help :lol:

12-19-2003, 02:20 AM
]i use DVDx.. with a click of one button it will encode it in divx format
and your set. well in about 4 hours roughly. works great for me.
just my thoughts


can you reach the same compression as the Dvd to PPC Software?

12-19-2003, 02:34 AM
I wached my DVDs in my PocketPC with the DivX Method, is PERFECT for me (Video and Sound), the Movies, I use 256MB Card, for example The HULK use 235MB, the Terminator 3 used 223MB

The General Steps for do that are:

1.- RIP the DVD to my Computer (Time: 16 Minutes)

2.- Convert the VOB files to AVI (DivX) with NeoDivX (Time: 3 Hours with 2 Passed, Final Size: 1.4 GB)

3.- Compress the DivX AVI with VirtualDub, Rezise to PPC Screen, Rotate 90 Grades, Encoding All frames, 27 FPS, 220 vibrate, More Contrast and more Bright for my PPCPE. (Time 2 Hours with 2 Passed, Size: 230 MB)

Believe me, the Movie Looks and Sounds GREAT!! No Sound Problems and not Skips.


12-19-2003, 03:53 AM
Has anyone tried using this program to convert VCD's rather than DVD's? I'm just wondering if the program would do this and whether file/quality is about the same.

You can tell i don't have a DVD-ROM drive :P but heaps of vcd's!

12-19-2003, 04:02 AM
So, the only output option is WM9?

I've been encoding pocket movies using DivX for a couple of years. I have an iPAQ 2200 now.

For 2.35:1 widescreen movies my settings are 320x144@24fps, 200kbps DivX 5.1.1, and 64kbps stereo Ogg sound. This gives a 90 minute movie of about 190kb in size.

I've used WMP, PPC2003, and WM9 movies encoded at similar bitrates and didn't like how the movies paused slightly and showed color banding because WMP doesn't have a dithering option like PocketMVP does.

I do think I can achieve a sharper image using WM9 rather than DivX, but I have to up the video bitrate to 300kbps.

I will never consider Windows Media Player to be a viable option to PocketMVP until it has a dithering option.

12-19-2003, 04:44 AM
Convert the VOB files to AVI (DivX) with NeoDivX

Where did you get yoru copy of NeoDivx? and what are the settings you use?


12-19-2003, 04:56 AM
Has anyone tried using this program to convert VCD's rather than DVD's? I'm just wondering if the program would do this and whether file/quality is about the same.

You can tell i don't have a DVD-ROM drive :P but heaps of vcd's!

Just use Virtual Dub. You can convert directly from VCD to perfect PPC DivX in one step. Having VCD's and DVD's for every movie available is awesome. Those in countries that stuck with VHS over VCD long ago are really missing something. ;) As Mr. T would say, "Pity the fool!" :twisted:

Shaun Stuart
12-19-2003, 03:11 PM
I purchased this software and I am quite impressed. I think quality could be improved and would like to see an option for converting a movie to a larger file size to fit on a 512mb card - but I think they have done very well for the first comercial release of a product like this.

12-19-2003, 03:33 PM
I just use the VP3 codecs from On2. I make my movies at 100 kbps video (12 fps, so detail is higher, I don't care that much about frame rate) and 20-24 kbps mono sound. A regular movie fits on a 128 MB card :-) I play back with PocketMVP and it's so much better than the media player :-)
Also, it plays back without hickups on my ppc2002, HP 1910 iPaq.

12-19-2003, 04:18 PM
I purchased this software last night and encoded a DVD that I own. I must say It's very easy and the results are very good. It's a keeper for me!!

12-19-2003, 05:52 PM
Actually, you can buy the software in any country. You can technically use it for non-DRM protected titles or content in the US legally. Questionably, it's illegal to copy your DVDs for your own use as I understand it, but that might not hold up in court given in practice (although, I don't want to be the guy that ends up with the legal bill to carry the court challenge through the system :mrgreen: ).

I purchased the software for review purposes. I encoded a DVD I own for my own use -- Scrooged. The file encoded for a 128MB card came in at 203MB. It looks ok on my HP 2215 in landscape mode. The sound seems fine in quality, but it is out of sync with the video -- running ahead slightly.

I got the buffer error for the sound at the end of the process. The instructions told me that this is typical at the beginning and end of the video where there may be silence. This may also be the case if there are periods of silence in the video itself.

Overall, I'd use this imperfect product because it's good enough for viewing on a PPC -- Hey! A PPC isn't HDTV with surround sound after all. Storing the wmv files is my biggest hang-up. If I can't get two videos on a 256MB card that makes it a little harder to swallow. Getting that 518MB CF card deal at Staples sounds like a good plan. I have a 5GB Toshiba PC Card drive, but the 2215 doesn't send enough power to the CF slot to run it.

The benefits are that the process is easy -- pretty much insert a DVD and select the video track (unlike the DivX and other multi-part processes I've read here.) The files are relatively small and the quality is acceptable enough for something you carry in your pocket. It also allows me to carry DVDs without having to actually carry my bulkier DVDs and cases. This is also a much cheaper alternative to a Sony Memory Stick movie recorder and Memory Stick cards.

The cons are that I would risk being hauled into court on our DRM laws by the mattress tag police. I can only carry a few titles at any time due to the cost of the storage medium -- but how many videos do I really need with me on a given trip anyway? And, for me, the biggest con is the cost of the extended battery I'll now "have-to" buy for my 2215 :wink:

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone here at PPCThoughts!

12-19-2003, 06:24 PM
Nice write up! :wink:
I encoded Patriot Games last night for a 256 card and it came in at 203. The quality is quite good, a few hiccups, but the sound is smooth and just a little off here and there, you are right it seems faster than the mouths move at times. But what can you expect at 203mb?
I would love to have someone try this that uses the Divx method or any other to rip dvd's. And get an opinion of the two combined. I have never really done this before and find it quite neat! 8) And very useful considering how much flying I have to do next month! Let's just say alot.
I do like the fact this is a one step process........ run the app overnight and it is ready in the morning!
Anybody try this new app and use an older method? What do you think?

12-19-2003, 08:35 PM

what is the compression on this software and what's the website. Thanks for your help :lol:

Heres the website... http://www.labdv.com/dvdx/
and I use several different compression setting depending on what
media i'm going to place it on. Just follow the forums on
http://www.projectmayo.com/ There is a good write up in there.

I hope that helps.


Dave Potter
12-19-2003, 11:24 PM
I downloaded the trial and took it for a spin with my 1935. The results were great! Video quality exceeded my expectations for 128 MB file size. Sound quality was also good as well. I did not experience any of the sound difficulties reported in earlier postings in this thread. I'm gonna buy it!

I think that the PC used to rip/encode the video may be a factor in determining the end result. For those who have experienced sound problems - what kind of PC are you using?

12-20-2003, 01:29 AM
Well as far as my sound problems....... it had to do with the DVD itself. Some are encoded in a way that the sound will cut out to stop people from copying I bleieve. I have burned 3 for my ppc now with no problem........ and the sound has been quite good. I am trying my first burn to the 128 card level........ the others were 256....... so the quality will be less I am sure......

12-21-2003, 12:24 AM
I was able to burn the 5 minutes of a DVD using the trial version. I have since purchased the program and now the PC just sits there after step 2 and doesn't write the dvd file.

Any thoughts?

12-21-2003, 02:32 AM
Mine does this as well. Try to manually launch Windows Media encoder 9 then exit media encoder then run the program to see if it works. The program will only complete the second part (encoding using windows media encoder) if I had already launched and exited windows media encoder manually. Try it and let me know if works.

12-21-2003, 05:40 AM
I was able to burn the 5 minutes of a DVD using the trial version. I have since purchased the program and now the PC just sits there after step 2 and doesn't write the dvd file.

Any thoughts?

It has happened to me now 4 times as well. It just sits when it is going into the second step. I tried to press stop and it asked if it should encode the movie as is ........ I say yes and it closes.........

As far as openning media encoder............ should one open it before running the app at all? Or just when it freezes like that?

12-21-2003, 03:39 PM
Hi iksler, I replied to your post over at Dales site.

Whenever I am going to use the dvd to pocket pc program, I first open and exit windows media encoder then start the dvd to pocket pc program. It's worked for me everytime this way.

Has anyone sent the developer info on this issue?

12-21-2003, 04:33 PM
Hi guys, this thread has finally prompted me to have a go at this.

After a couple days wrestling with the problem, I'm now running Auto Gordian Knot on an episode of Friends to see if I can get more acceptable quality than Windows Media Encoder 9, which was unwatchably choppy.

Should be done in a half hour or so and will report back.

If it works OK I'll try a feature-length film.


Dave Potter
12-21-2003, 05:37 PM
Whenever I am going to use the dvd to pocket pc program, I first open and exit windows media encoder then start the dvd to pocket pc program. It's worked for me everytime this way.

I too have experienced this problem - thanks for the tip!

Dave Potter
12-21-2003, 06:37 PM
Has anyone else experienced the problem where you choose the 128 MB size option, but it seems to encode for 256 MB?

This has happended to me twice so far.


I can't seem to encode at the 128 size at all. Am I doing something wrong?

Has anyone sent the developer info on this issue?

I just did.

12-21-2003, 11:31 PM
I also contacted the developer about the problem and this was the email reply..........

You may have a conflict with certain video drivers that cause Windows Media Encoder (which is part of our software package) to hang. Check this support page at Microsoft.

Seems odd to me as it only happens %50 of the time........ if it was hardware wouldn't it always happen?
Vetie I saw both response and thanks for that......... I just had it happen again today as I ripped all night and then woke up to the frozen screen again.

I will try your method and see if that works....... but it seems strange that it would need to be openned and closed like that......... the app shouldn't need that if you ask me.

Also I too have tried to encode at 128, and it always ends up with about a 200mb file size......... and if I encode at 256 I get about 223mb....... so I don't really see much of a difference there...... another major problem.

I do have to say that I watched Something about Mary last night with it encoded at 223mb........ and it was quite good. The audio was off here and there but overall the quality was nice...... and watchable for a flight or something.

I also rarely see a difference between the 4:3 zoom setting and the 16:9 setting. 4:3 should be bigger on the ppc....... fill the screen more, but I see almost no difference most of the time. That could be because of certain disks though.

The only thing that is annoying really besides the few bugs we have discussed is how god awfully long it takes to encode! I am looking at about 5 -6 hours at least.......... and then to see that it froze on step 2. Ouch!

Let's keep this discussion running until we all are completely happy! :)
I know there is supposed to be a version 1.1 coming out this weekend or very soon............ maybe that will resolve a lot of these issues!

Dave Potter
12-21-2003, 11:41 PM
I also contacted the developer about the problem and this was the email reply..........

You may have a conflict with certain video drivers that cause Windows Media Encoder (which is part of our software package) to hang. Check this support page at Microsoft...

Also I too have tried to encode at 128, and it always ends up with about a 200mb file size......... and if I encode at 256 I get about 223mb....... so I don't really see much of a difference there...... another major problem.

I just got the same "video drivers" response too from the developer. I will say that I am very impressed with the developers response time - hell, it's Sunday and he got back to me in a couple of hours!

As far as the 128 encoding issue stands, here was his response:

"The maximum movie length is 100 minutes. You'll have to buy a bigger memory card or use the 'start after/stop after' functions from the Options Menu to chop up the movie in two parts."

I can live with that. I guess there's only so much compression and such that you can do without turning the end result into hamburger.

12-22-2003, 12:14 AM
I was having the same problem with 128mb mode creating 250mb files. Try this: Click on High and then back to Normal and rip. I was able to rip Spiderman at to 88mg and MIB to 63mb. Although the audio is 1 sec ahead of the video.

I am still having the hang going into step 2. But you can a file DVD.mpeg on the root directory of you hard drive and then run Windows Media Encoder yourself to get it to .wmv. Takes away the point of the software but it is better then ripping again.

As for the 3:4 vs 16:9, I ripped a test mins at 3:4 and it may the image larger but then when I ripped the whole film it was in 12:9. It seems like the Normal/High controls, the settings don't stick very well.

This is a great program, but is not ready for prime time yet.

12-22-2003, 12:22 AM
ikesler -

rip time seemed to be based on your machine. I ripped on DVD on a 800Mhz P4 which took about 5 to 6 hours and got about 9 fps. Then tried it on a 2.1Ghz Celeron and it took about 2.5 hours and got 21 or so fps.)


Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 01:37 AM
rip time seemed to be based on your machine. I ripped on DVD on a 800Mhz P4 which took about 5 to 6 hours and got about 9 fps. Then tried it on a 2.1Ghz Celeron and it took about 2.5 hours and got 21 or so fps.)

This would also tend to explain the differences in quality that some people have described. Slower PCs will drop more frames producing choppier results.

12-22-2003, 01:37 AM
I have a P4 2.4ghz and I can rip and encode a 2 hour movie in about 3 hours.

Like someone else stated, If the program hangs just find the DVD.MPG file and manually convert it through Windows Media Encoder 9.

Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 01:56 AM
In cases where the end file size if too large for your memory card, I have found Windows Media File Editor (comes with DVD-to-Pocket PC) useful for breaking the large file into 2 or 3 smaller chunks.

12-22-2003, 01:59 AM
I have a P4 2.4ghz and I can rip and encode a 2 hour movie in about 3 hours.

Like someone else stated, If the program hangs just find the DVD.MPG file and manually convert it through Windows Media Encoder 9.

So where would I find that file? Since this seems to happen to me over and over lately............

12-22-2003, 02:10 AM
Now I live in Norway and know that I am allowed to make copies of my own stuff, so I can copy a CD, DVD or whatever that I own....
There is currently a trial here going on with a guy called Jon (DVD-Jon some might know him as)... anyway he was one of the guys behind Decess or something like that, so far he have won the trials....
The law thinks like this that you should be allowed to copy music to store away precious originals, or make your own CD with music that you could lissen to in the car... and so on.

So therefor I can't understand why Norway is among the countries that you can't buy this program for.

Anyway... anyone knows if it works on Ipaq 3850 ???

Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 02:35 AM
So where would I find that file? Since this seems to happen to me over and over lately............

Look in your Start menu under Programs/Windows Media/

12-22-2003, 03:11 AM
So where would I find that file? Since this seems to happen to me over and over lately............

Look in your Start menu under Programs/Windows Media/

No, the dvd.mpg file........ :)
That is the one I am looking for.......... I have no idea where that would be..........

Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 03:17 AM
Ooops! Sorry!
Look in the root of your C drive

12-22-2003, 03:20 AM
Ooops! Sorry!
Look in the root of your C drive

Thanks......... No worries, I just found it.
So I should just open in Media Encoder and compress?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject........ first time! :)

12-22-2003, 05:44 AM
When you find the file dvd.mpg convert with windows media encoder. But you have to import the profile "Pocket PC DVD Low" and it should take about :30mins to convert.

But this defeats the point of this software! If you have to run two programs you might as well find a FREE DVD to mpg or DVD to avi ripper and then use the FREE windows media encoder to go to .wmv

12-22-2003, 07:26 AM
Pardon me for my complete ignorance (I'm a noob). Would using something like DVD to DivX perform the neccessary compression to get a feature film onto a video card? What exactly does the windows media encoder do? Does it make it so you can play the file in WM? or does it have additional magical compression qualities.... Lots of questions. Thanks in advance for the answers.
Anyone have any experience with this software?


12-22-2003, 12:10 PM
Makayama Software have updated the FAQ.
Maybe there are some clues for the ones that are having trouble....on my machine it still works like a charm. I've encoded almost my complete DVD collection over the weekend. The software only refused two out of twenty.


12-22-2003, 02:27 PM
Makayama Software have updated the FAQ.
Maybe there are some clues for the ones that are having trouble....on my machine it still works like a charm. I've encoded almost my complete DVD collection over the weekend. The software only refused two out of twenty.


I also have had some success..... I have had a couple of dvd's not work, and have had the lockup a bunch of times...... I am trying to encode the dvd.mpg file that the app left before it froze to see if I can save the 6 hours it will take to go through the process again.......

12-22-2003, 02:28 PM
When you find the file dvd.mpg convert with windows media encoder. But you have to import the profile "Pocket PC DVD Low" and it should take about :30mins to convert.

But this defeats the point of this software! If you have to run two programs you might as well find a FREE DVD to mpg or DVD to avi ripper and then use the FREE windows media encoder to go to .wmv

So going with the standard ppc settings in encoder will not work? That is what I was going to use.......

Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 04:57 PM
When you find the file dvd.mpg convert with windows media encoder. But you have to import the profile "Pocket PC DVD Low" and it should take about :30mins to convert.

But this defeats the point of this software! If you have to run two programs you might as well find a FREE DVD to mpg or DVD to avi ripper and then use the FREE windows media encoder to go to .wmv

So going with the standard ppc settings in encoder will not work? That is what I was going to use.......

Yes - it will work. But the file size seems to be a little larger. I have not tried importing the "Pocket PC DVD Low" profile - but I assume that it would produce a (slightly) smaller file.

All in all - I am quite happy with this application. If you start and then exit the Media Encoder first, it seems to reduce the step 2 problem.

One other thing for folks to try - before you start encoding a new DVD, open the Windows Task Manager (CRTL-ALT-DEL in Windows 2000/ME/XP) and look under the 'Applications' tab. Even though it appears that DVD-to-Pocket PC is not currently running, you may see it listed here. If you do, click on it and then click the "End Task" button.
(If this is too technical for some users, simply reboot your PC)

Is appears that there may be some sort of batch file or script file that remains open after the application has successfully encoded a DVD. If you immediately try to encode another DVD, it seems that this open file may muck up the process at step 2. Manually ending this task (or rebooting) seems to clear things up.

Also, I'd like to reiterate that the responsiveness of the developer has been out outstanding - how often can you say that ??!!

12-22-2003, 07:19 PM
Zipper........ thanks for that reply!
First let me say the same about the developer, I completely agree! Fantastic........ responses are fast and honest, and he seems to be really moving in a forward direction........ that is great to see! Especially with such a newly released app...........

Now...... I tried to encode with the standard ppc option....... it worked but saved it as an encoding session and I could not get it to save as a wmv.
I tried and tried........ and then gave up! :roll: I need to read a book on this dvd encoding stuff........ :?

I am burning a dvd now and trying the start encoder first tip......... we shall see if it works and I will try the other tip using Task Manager as well........ that is a good tip and sounds extremely logical!

We shall see how it goes.........
Anyone else like/hate this app?

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
12-22-2003, 07:50 PM
Let me just say that the DivX solution (DVDDecryptor, DVD2AVI, AviSynth, VDub) produces perfect results with smooth 24fps video (that stretches the entire length of the screen in landscape mode) and 96kbps MP3 audio (stereo). The learning curve to learn how to do this is high, but once you understand it, it becomes second nature.

Nowadays, I don't spend more than about 20 minutes of "face-time" with my computer to rip a full movie for my PPC (I leave the computer alone for the additional 6-8 hours for the conversion jobs). I also have two 512MB cards which makes things easier, but I can squeeze a smooth 1hr45min movie onto a 256MB card without any issues.

For any alternative solutions, if there is any remnants of choppy video or audio issues, then trust me when I say the results aren't even close to the DivX solution.

So it's all a trade-off between "one-button solution" and best results.

12-22-2003, 10:29 PM

Are you using DivX (and which one 4 or 5) or xVid?

All my encodes are still pretty choppy on the Pocket PC so far although flawless on the PC.

I also use DVDDecryptor to grab the vob, create a pseudo-avi and wav with DVD2AVI and process in VDub, using a 320x240 resolution and pre-rotated. Encoding bitrates I have tried range from 128 up to 200, and audio both mono and stereo MP3 at a range of bitrates. Tried 2-pass and 1-pass.

Obviously using PocketMVP.

I've also tried using AutoGK to remove dumbass factor.

Still poor results. OK, my Pocket PC isn't the latest and greatest but should be more than capable of running these vids smoothly.

Any tips? There are some guides out there but what works for you specifically?

Cheers, J'bm

Dave Potter
12-22-2003, 10:49 PM
Jereboam -

What type of PC are you encoding with? A slower PC will drop more frames than a faster one. Less frames captures = choppier looking video.

12-23-2003, 12:34 AM
Currently using my laptop, a Sony Vaio Z1SP, which runs a 1.5Ghz Pentium M (Centrino) processor. Despite the weirdo clock speed, apparently it's actually the equivalent or better than a P4 2.4Ghz. Also loaded up with a gig of RAM.

So there should be no problem with the hardware.

Oh, and of course plugged into AC and running all the settings maxed out.


Dave Potter
12-23-2003, 01:22 AM
a Sony Vaio Z1SP, which runs a 1.5Ghz Pentium M (Centrino) processor.

If I am not mistaken, the 'Centrino' is a mobile processor configuration. Mobile configurations are designed primarily for low power consumption at the cost of performance. Bus speeds are lower on the motherboard and RAM etc.

A while back, a mobile configuration would typically mean a 32 bit processor mounted on a 16 bit board. I am not sure if this is the case with Centrino or not - this was a few years ago.

My point is this, any way you cut it, mobile configurations are not optimal for more intensive processes like video encoding etc. This could still account for your video quality issues. With my desktop PC (P4 @ 2.4 GHZ with 512 MB RAM) I produce very smooth video - even using DVD-to-Pocket PC's 128 MB file size option (highly compressed).

If you can, try using another PC for comparison purposes and see what happens.

12-23-2003, 05:34 PM
Using the suggestion of turning on Media Encoder prior to launching DvdtoPPC....... and also making sure the task is closed in the Task Manager....... I have succesfully ripped and encoded 5 dvd's in a row...... so I think that method is the way to go if you are having problems. I do still get the IFO error at the start now and again, but once that is fixed the ripping proecess goes smoothly........

12-23-2003, 08:20 PM
I tried last night opening Media Encoder then closing it. I went into DVDtoPPC and tried burning Ameggeddon (256mb selected). No luck, it just quit after step one. I left my PC on over night.

I will try another DVD tonight.

Dave Potter
12-23-2003, 08:52 PM
...tried burning Ameggeddon (256mb selected). No luck, it just quit after step one. I left my PC on over night.

I will try another DVD tonight.

It's not the DVD - I burned the same movie successfully

12-23-2003, 08:58 PM

Do you also have to open media encoder then close it? Also, is the dvd burn the only thing you attempted on the PC since starting it up. Seems like that's the way to go.

12-23-2003, 09:55 PM
I've only encoded a couple of DVDs so far and it has worked pretty well. Certainly seems to produce smaller files than the SmartRipper/Virtual Dud technique.
For example a movie that I encoded a while ago using the multipart way was 170MB, with htis software it is 110MB. The quality was OK, although the aspect ratio didn't seem to be quite right.

Dave Potter
12-23-2003, 10:49 PM
Do you also have to open media encoder then close it?

Yes. I also check the task manager to make sure there aren't any 'ghost' instances of DVD-to-Pocket PC running (see my earlier post (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=196115#196115))

Also, is the dvd burn the only thing you attempted on the PC since starting it up.

Actually, no. I have successfully ripped and encoded 4 or 5 DVDs in a row without rebooting (I do, however, check the task manager before starting each session). Also, I continue to use my PC for things like email and web browsing while the DVDs are ripping and encoding. As I write this response, I am ripping the Matrix. My PC however has some extra bells and whistles (Hyperthreading), faster bus on the motherboard and faster RAM. Also each bank of RAM runs off a separate controller allowing me to more effectively multitask. A typical PC shares one controller for all the RAM and therefore does not multitask nearly as well.

12-24-2003, 04:40 AM
Well I give up. I have tried everything and the app just stops at stage 2. When I do a task manager, it says the app is still running and doesn't say "Not Responding".

Program is definately not ready for prime time.

12-24-2003, 04:21 PM
Well I give up. I have tried everything and the app just stops at stage 2. When I do a task manager, it says the app is still running and doesn't say "Not Responding".

Program is definately not ready for prime time.

That is exactly what happens to me half the time as well. And it is extremely frustrating as the Dvd was ripping for like 5 hours and then it freezes....... only to make me start ALL over again!
However when the app works it's great......... and the develepor is aware of the problem and working to fix it. In fact I just got an email with a file to try and root out the problem........ he sent it two quite a few people with the problem I think........ he stated that 1.1 is coming out and that the 'fix' to this problem he wants in it......
So hang tight and lets see if he gets to the bottom of this! :wink:

12-28-2003, 10:47 PM
Very dissapointed so far, I just purchased this software and the username and serial number are not accepted. So far no response to e-mail sent to support. I was hoping to use this software today to convert some dvd's for a flight that I am taking later today. Be careful about ordering this software!

12-28-2003, 11:15 PM
That is very odd....... I haven't seen any other comments re: the support. Sorry to hear about your experience........
It is still working the same for me..... but I am waiting for 1.1 anyday now!

12-29-2003, 12:39 AM
Just wanted to update this, I have now received a response from support. It seems that Handango servers now have the latest version of the software but have not yet updated with the latest serial numbers. They have given me a temp username and password to use for 3 days. The downside is Ihave to enter this info each time I use the software. Well hopefully I will get chance to convert one dvd before I leave.

Hopefully this will be the only problem as this should be a very useful piece of software .

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-02-2004, 11:49 PM
Sorry Jereboam... been out on vacation for a while and haven't checked the boards much recently.

Are you using DivX (and which one 4 or 5) or xVid?
The last video CODEC I used was DivX v5.0.4. I believe that the current DivX CODEC is beyond v5.1 now though I'm not positive what the latest DivX CODEC that PocketMVP supports.

All my encodes are still pretty choppy on the Pocket PC so far although flawless on the PC.
Can be due to a variety of factors. Mostly, you should stay away from any of the DivX Pro features and any "post-processing" features as those are mostly designed for PC playback. I find that I can play a widescreen movie with the full length of 320 pixels on my iPaq2215 (pixel height was far less than maximum... usually around 150-160)... of course, I have to decrease that resolution significantly when I used to rip movies for the less powerful iPaq3870.

So if you're still using a PPC2k2 device, then you'll have to sacrifice a little bit.

I also use DVDDecryptor to grab the vob, create a pseudo-avi and wav with DVD2AVI and process in VDub, using a 320x240 resolution and pre-rotated. Encoding bitrates I have tried range from 128 up to 200, and audio both mono and stereo MP3 at a range of bitrates. Tried 2-pass and 1-pass.
I don't rip anything at the maximum 320x240. If I have a 4:3 aspect film, then normally I'll cut that down to 288x216. That's necessary for smooth 24fps video along with 96kbps stereo MP3 sound. My video bitrate is typically around 220-230kbps. I generally try to keep my video at around 60,000 pixels per frame. The more active your video content is, the more likely it is that you'll need to reduce your resolution or cut back on your framerate to keep things smooth. For full length movies, though, I don't find that I have to deviate much from my own default settings.

As mentioned before, for 16:9 aspect films, I can maximize the 320 pixel width, which usually will cut the height to around 160. Technically, 16:9 would give you a height of 180, but most films have additional area that can be cropped from the height.

Cartoons / Animes are typically one exception to the resolution rules. As they are far easier to compress/decompress, you can often get away with smooth playback of full 320x240 resolutions (in fact, in many cases you can even cut down the framerate from 24 to 15 or 12 fps without any negative effects).

Obviously using PocketMVP.

I've also tried using AutoGK to remove dumbass factor.

Still poor results. OK, my Pocket PC isn't the latest and greatest but should be more than capable of running these vids smoothly.

Any tips? There are some guides out there but what works for you specifically?
For the ripping process, I only use the following apps - DVDDecryptor (for VOB ripping), DVD2AVI (for frameserving), HeadAC3he (for AC3 to WAV conversion), and AviSynth+VirtualDub (AviSynth for preprocessing and VDub for the final rips).

And yes, I of course use PocketMVP for playback.

Also, I typically do nth-pass processing with DivX (usually 3-4 passes).

Feel free to send me a personal message if you have additional questions.

01-13-2004, 05:52 AM
Have you tried wmencoder? Did you simply get better results with VDub? I'm using the method at http://myweb.cableone.net/evalondon/speedzone/vid.html (smartripper, dvd2avi, vfapi, wmencoder series 9) except I like using the widescreen default settings instead of the settings on that web page. I've gotten good results but always looking for even better. Actually, I tried the wmencoder settings on that page and didn't like the quality/file size tradeoff although there were no AV syncing problems in the results. At the higher default settings for widescreen, it seems video lags audio just slightly but picture quality is very good. I also notice a tab bit of choppiness but I'm actually thinking it might be due to the slow CF card I have. Overall, I'm looking for the best quality that can fit on a 256MB CF card. I tried the VBR settings but the wm encoder kept crashing at the end of the 1st pass.

Also, I like the (5 minute demo) output from the dvdtoppc program using the 256mb card settings but I calculated the final output file to be about 298mb for the movie I'm working with. My method creates a 233mb file.

For the ripping process, I only use the following apps - DVDDecryptor (for VOB ripping), DVD2AVI (for frameserving), HeadAC3he (for AC3 to WAV conversion), and AviSynth+VirtualDub (AviSynth for preprocessing and VDub for the final rips).

And yes, I of course use PocketMVP for playback.

Also, I typically do nth-pass processing with DivX (usually 3-4 passes).

Feel free to send me a personal message if you have additional questions.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-13-2004, 03:49 PM
Have you tried wmencoder? Did you simply get better results with VDub? I'm using the method at http://myweb.cableone.net/evalondon/speedzone/vid.html (smartripper, dvd2avi, vfapi, wmencoder series 9) except I like using the widescreen default settings instead of the settings on that web page. I've gotten good results but always looking for even better. Actually, I tried the wmencoder settings on that page and didn't like the quality/file size tradeoff although there were no AV syncing problems in the results. At the higher default settings for widescreen, it seems video lags audio just slightly but picture quality is very good. I also notice a tab bit of choppiness but I'm actually thinking it might be due to the slow CF card I have. Overall, I'm looking for the best quality that can fit on a 256MB CF card. I tried the VBR settings but the wm encoder kept crashing at the end of the 1st pass.

That's interesting... I've used the wmencoder before but not as a replacement to VDub exactly. For a while, PocketMVP didn't run on WM2003, so I spent some time experimenting with other methods and I followed some guide written on the Brighthand boards to create wmv files. My results in creating wmv files were that while they were watchable, from an audio and video standpoint, it was still noticeably inferior to DivX. I've also downloaded numerous wmv videos off the net which were produced by commercial companies and while they were impressive, the couldn't match my results with DivX either.

01-13-2004, 04:54 PM
That's interesting... I've used the wmencoder before but not as a replacement to VDub exactly. For a while, PocketMVP didn't run on WM2003, so I spent some time experimenting with other methods and I followed some guide written on the Brighthand boards to create wmv files. My results in creating wmv files were that while they were watchable, from an audio and video standpoint, it was still noticeably inferior to DivX. I've also downloaded numerous wmv videos off the net which were produced by commercial companies and while they were impressive, the couldn't match my results with DivX either.

Just out of curiosity, before I go down this track to test my results, what kind of CF card are you using? Also, are you using a Ipaq 2215? I've got a lexar 256mb card (1x I assume) and a 2215.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-13-2004, 05:33 PM
Just out of curiosity, before I go down this track to test my results, what kind of CF card are you using? Also, are you using a Ipaq 2215? I've got a lexar 256mb card (1x I assume) and a 2215.
I have 3 different SD cards that I use from time to time. One 256MB SD and the other two are 512MB SD cards. All are of Lexar brand (unmarked in terms of speed... so I assume 1x as well...).

My current PPC is the iPaq2215.

01-13-2004, 07:34 PM
I'm working on updating that WMV Encoding guide that will produce better results on the iPAQ. Currently movies encoded using my process weigh in at about 40MB per hour of video. I'm tweaking the settings so that the improved quality version weighs in at about 50-60MB per hour. That still allows for 2 2-hour movies on a single 256MB card.

The thing to keep in mind is that the purpose of the guide is for those who prefer using the wmv format. If you prefer DivX, great...enjoy. I prefer WMV since I can get better looking video given the same bitrate. DivX really needs "leg room" in the bitrate to do a great job. At the ultra-low bitrates that I use (87Kbps total), DivX just can handle it.

I developed this method because I travel cross-country and wanted to have at least 3 movies on a single 256MB CF card. I am willing to sacrifice video quality for file size.

For those who aren't concerned with filesize, then DivX produces better results... but keep in mind that DivX requires more processing power to decode DivX video so the video tends to be a bit jerky as the bitrate increases.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-13-2004, 11:32 PM
I prefer WMV since I can get better looking video given the same bitrate. DivX really needs "leg room" in the bitrate to do a great job. At the ultra-low bitrates that I use (87Kbps total), DivX just can handle it.
Yes, that's a good point. Size is not a concern to me, but I know it is to many.

I developed this method because I travel cross-country and wanted to have at least 3 movies on a single 256MB CF card. I am willing to sacrifice video quality for file size.
Yup, I was traveling quite a bit between countries (US, Germany, and Japan) and now cross-country (LA and NY) which is why I spent a lot of time learning about DivX.

For those who aren't concerned with filesize, then DivX produces better results... but keep in mind that DivX requires more processing power to decode DivX video so the video tends to be a bit jerky as the bitrate increases.
I think that last sentence is a bit too generalized. Any video will get jerky as the bitrate increases. The point is to figure out exactly what level of quality you want and what space are you willing to sacrifice to get it. At 220Kbps vidio & 96Kbps audio (stereo), I'm able to play full 24fps movies using the full length of the screen in landscape mode without ANY jerkiness. The flipside is that a movie such as Gladiator (roughly 2.5 hours) will eat up around 390MB. A 1.5 hour movie will usually run about 240MB which fits fine onto a 256MB card.

BTW, out of curiosity what resolution are your movies? What are your typical framerates? Is your audio in mono or stereo? I recall having to sacrifice either framerate or resolution size when I was using the wmvencoder.

01-14-2004, 05:27 AM
The videos I create are 320x240 15fps 87Kbps... audio=mono.

Studies have shown that 15fps is the low-end threshold in which the human brain perceives motion... anything less than that and it will appear "stuttering".

Obviously the higher the framerate, the smoother the video, but then you gotta bump up the bitrate to give each frame enough room.

I have found that keeping the framerate low (15fps) but upping the bitrate gives a better visual appearance than higher framerates given the same bitrates. In other words, if more frames need to be drawn per second (framerate) then more data is required (bitrate) to maintain a certain level of quality.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-14-2004, 05:46 PM
I have found that keeping the framerate low (15fps) but upping the bitrate gives a better visual appearance than higher framerates given the same bitrates. In other words, if more frames need to be drawn per second (framerate) then more data is required (bitrate) to maintain a certain level of quality.
The fps observation is DEFINITELY more of a personal preference.

I do have wmv's that are recorded at 15fps (SnapStream program that records TV shows) and the I prefer the additional fluidity of 24fps.

I've also experimented in creating DivX videos at 15fps and decided against it. If you have action movies or music videos where there's an abundance of movement, those 9 less frames per second do become MUCH more noticeable.

Having said that, I have heard of DivX users who choose to rip at 12-15fps and find the trade-off acceptable.

And at 220Kbps, the visual quality of the DivX videos is VERY sharp IMO, but again, this won't work with people looking to fit 3 movies into a 256MB card.

I also enjoy stereo sound enough that I'm willing to take on the additional space to accomodate it... again it's personal. To each his own.

01-16-2004, 11:24 AM
i have a ipaq 3850 with 2002 and it runs dvdto pocket pc :D
but the picture is dark and is hard to see on dark movies (ie matrix)
will upgrading to 2003 (wmp 9) fix it


01-16-2004, 03:14 PM
The fps observation is DEFINITELY more of a personal preference.


I also enjoy stereo sound enough that I'm willing to take on the additional space to accomodate it... again it's personal. To each his own.

I'm just thankful to be able to discuss the subject without it degenerating into some fan-boy flame-war over favorite encoding scheme. I'm always looking for ways to improve encoding...I find "comparing notes" with others very helpful.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-16-2004, 03:54 PM
i have a ipaq 3850 with 2002 and it runs dvdto pocket pc :D
but the picture is dark and is hard to see on dark movies (ie matrix)
will upgrading to 2003 (wmp 9) fix it

Actually, I think your problem is not with the OS but the machine itself. The iPaq38xx series is known for its contrast issues (dark colors are too dark and light colors are too light).

My solution when I owned an iPaq3870 was to decrease the contrast and raise the brightness settings when ripping my movies.

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-16-2004, 04:12 PM
The fps observation is DEFINITELY more of a personal preference.


I also enjoy stereo sound enough that I'm willing to take on the additional space to accomodate it... again it's personal. To each his own.

I'm just thankful to be able to discuss the subject without it degenerating into some fan-boy flame-war over favorite encoding scheme. I'm always looking for ways to improve encoding...I find "comparing notes" with others very helpful.
Absolutely. You did a great service to the Brighthand community by writing that guide of yours. I know a lot of people on that thread were very pleased with their results.