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View Full Version : HP vs Toshiba- The Tech Support Battle Results!!!

12-17-2003, 09:07 AM
OK. So the title's a bit of an exaggeration, but here's what happened. I've got 2 friends. Coicidentally, within a month and a half of each other both have burned pixels on their PDAs. One PDA is an iPaq 19xx and the other is a Toshiba e755. So... the own of the HP is a bit phone shy and tells me that he's going to throw the thing away. I decide to call HP customer support. I go through the entire process of getting them to replace the screen. It takes about 30-40minutes. Not too much time, but enough to be irritating.

A month and a half later, another friend has the same problem- burned pixels. He hears about how I helped our other friend, so he asks me how its done. I decide to call myself. He didn't even have the product registered. We took care of that and the burned pixels in under 10 minutes.

This may be totally situational, but Toshiba Tech support far exceeded my expectations! No, I'm not saying that HP tech support was horrible. He was actually very good, but if I had a page of Gold Star stickers, the Toshiba tech support guy that I talked to would look like a constellation. :D

12-17-2003, 10:09 AM
I live in Perth, Western Australia and i've also had good results from Toshiba support. Not only can i log online and chat live to a consultant (using the US site) but I've had to send my device in 3 times (2 with battery problems and once where it wouldn't load up the OS). Both times I've had my device fixed and running within two weeks of dropping it off at an authorised service centre.

My only gripe is that I shouldn't have had to service it three times to start with. And they don't provide new equipment - they fix your old one and give it straight back to you... The other problem is that I still haven't found out what was wrong with it... no written report/quote - only a verbal conversation that told me what they replaced.

I believe the old flame war against toshiba customer service was primarily aimed at them not providing a PPC2003 OS upgrade. But from what i've read so far, most people have had an otherwise positive experience from them when they have had to send the device back.

12-17-2003, 10:10 AM
It just goes to show you that you have to take all things with a little grain of salt as way more people will go to the trouble of posting a bad experiance than a good experiance. I'm glad that both of your friends ended up with working PDAs....in that long run that is the most important.

12-17-2003, 05:39 PM
Unforunately, even though we expect good support people will report bad support quicker than praising the good. Happy to hear that HP & Toshiba support worked everything out. :way to go: To good tech support.