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View Full Version : 2215 doesn't "wake" when placed in the cradle

12-16-2003, 04:01 AM
No big deal, really, since I can just turn it on. 2215 won't wake when placed in the cradle or connected with a USB cable to either my PC at work or my iBook at home. I've soft-reset a few times, no go. Hard reset just for fun, same thing.

Not really worth sending it to HP as I don't want to be without it, but just wondering if anyone else had experienced this.


Jason Dunn
12-16-2003, 04:03 AM
Definitely not normal. Just for kicks, have you tried another PC, USB port, or hub? I wonder if there's something about that port that isn't saying "Hello Mr. Pocket PC"...

Steven Cedrone
12-16-2003, 05:08 AM

The same thing on mine (2215). It sarted after I added a password and I assumed that it was just a function of how the Pocket PC worked once a power on password was applied...


Sven Johannsen
12-16-2003, 05:27 AM
There was a discussion on this on another forum. I responded that I thought it was relatively normal, as mine does that now and again too. I haven't narrowed it down to any particular condition. I know this isn't much help, except to know that it isn't just you. As you say though, it isn't really a big deal. I would actually prefer that sometimes. Just want to charge rather than sync.

12-16-2003, 06:34 AM
I have an axim, not an iPAQ, but every once and awhile my PPC will not sync when I put it in the cradle, I have to pull it out and put it back in and then it works. Sounds basically like the same thing to me, because my PPC is on when I put it in the cradle, otherwise I am assuming it would stay off. I assumed it was just ActiveSync being odd :lol:

12-16-2003, 02:25 PM
Yeah pretty much just doesn't turn on, but the light comes on to charge. Using the included charger or a USB cable on my PC it doesn't turn on, nor does it turn on when using the USB cable on my Mac.

I can live with it, though :D

12-16-2003, 06:04 PM
I have a sync setup at work (win2k) and home (winxp pro). At work, I pop the 2215 in the cradle and everything works as it's supposed to. At home, I plug in the charge 'n sync cable and nothing happens except charge. However, if I open Active Sync first then plug in the cable, my 2215 turns on and syncs just fine.

It seems like AS is not behaving... again.