View Full Version : Fitaly
12-12-2003, 01:13 AM
How many of you use it?
I tried it out yesterday for a few minutes and I goddamn hate it. There's nothing wrong with how the product works, but I'm just so damn slow with it. Someone tell me that if I keep up at it I'll be able to write fast with it, because now I'm writing at the equivalent of my father using the keyboard with two index fingers.
PocketPC Addict
12-12-2003, 03:45 AM
I've been using it a couple of years myself, it is my main input method when I don't have a keyboard handy. Really, it does take some practice to get the hang of it - you can't even come close in just a few minutes.
I probably average 25wpm which compared to the built in keyboard is pretty quick. I max out around 30wpm. It isn't as fast as I can type of course, but I can take good notes during meetings, and do my task lists ect. without any trouble.
If you decide to pick it up again, grab the free game fitalyLetris, it trains you to use it and helped me improve my speed. Here's a link for it FITALYLETRIS (§ionId=0&keyWords=fitalyletris&catalog=30&txtSearch=fitalyletris)
Have fun!
Vincent M Ferrari
12-12-2003, 04:05 AM
It took me about a week or so to get used to the layout and the gestures (sliding for caps and numbers) but at the end of my 15 day trial I did what I never thought I'd do at the beginning: Bought it.
My rating according to Letris is up in the area of 33 WPM, about triple what it was with any of the included input methods. It's not even close; once you get used to the layout and the weirdness and it starts to become repetitive, muscle memory will take over and you'll find it much more natural.
Recently I bought a Tungsten T3 and returned it. Why? Because at the time no Fitaly, and I just couldn't be without it.
I'd say that speaks volumes ;-)
Janak Parekh
12-12-2003, 05:42 AM
I tried it out yesterday for a few minutes and I goddamn hate it. There's nothing wrong with how the product works, but I'm just so damn slow with it. Someone tell me that if I keep up at it I'll be able to write fast with it, because now I'm writing at the equivalent of my father using the keyboard with two index fingers.
If you're persistent enough, you will. It's not intuitive because you're expecting the QWERTY layout. It was very frustrating for me to use for a few weeks, but now I'm pretty good at it too, and I've also ditched all the other SIPs.
Jeff Rutledge
12-14-2003, 02:42 AM
I tried it out yesterday for a few minutes and I goddamn hate it. There's nothing wrong with how the product works, but I'm just so damn slow with it. Someone tell me that if I keep up at it I'll be able to write fast with it, because now I'm writing at the equivalent of my father using the keyboard with two index fingers.
If you're persistent enough, you will. It's not intuitive because you're expecting the QWERTY layout. It was very frustrating for me to use for a few weeks, but now I'm pretty good at it too, and I've also ditched all the other SIPs.
Same here. I've tried almost every input method I could find and always come back to FITALY. It's the best mix of accuracy, speed and flexibility as far as I'm concerned.
12-14-2003, 12:34 PM
I'm no FITALY expert and generally have little patience for input methods but I find myself getting faster & faster with it.
Much better than any other input method.
PocketPC Addict
12-14-2003, 05:32 PM
Anybody see that video of Jenneth tapping on Fitaly? She was getting 70+ WPM using it. 8O
She recommends Fitalyletris too.
12-14-2003, 06:00 PM
70+ wpm? I'd like to see video of this. I've been using FitalyLetris and find that it's helping me greatly, as I'm at 30 wpm now with it.
PocketPC Addict
12-14-2003, 06:21 PM
I thought they took the video down of their Dom Perignon II contest.... but I found it! :lol: She's only getting a measly 74WPM :rotfl: in the video when she got 78+ to win... 8O
Here it is, about half way down the page:
PocketPC Addict
12-14-2003, 06:27 PM
How long have you been using Fitalyletris? And how consistently? This topic makes me want to pick it back up. I am generally satisfied with 25+ WPM, for note taking during meetings, etc. But this discussion makes me want to shoot for another 10wpm. 8)
Vincent M Ferrari
12-14-2003, 06:52 PM
Well, I myself did it for a week and a half and hit around 35 before I was satisified that I couldn't go any faster. It is pretty amazing seeing yourself progress, and it's even more amazing when you start trying other input methods when you realize how slow you are with them...
12-14-2003, 11:00 PM
I've been using it for around a few minutes before I started this thread.
After seeing these videos, I have determined to become to Fitaly Champion of the World. I'm going to train my ass off and reach for 90wpm.
When I win, I'll make sure to give a shoutout to
Now, where can I download the Rocky theme song?
PocketPC Addict
12-15-2003, 12:59 AM
After seeing these videos, I have determined to become to Fitaly Champion of the World. I'm going to train my ass off and reach for 90wpm.
See now? That wasn't so hard now was it. :lol:
12-15-2003, 07:46 PM
I've been using it for around a few minutes before I started this thread.
After seeing these videos, I have determined to become to Fitaly Champion of the World. I'm going to train my ass off and reach for 90wpm.
When I win, I'll make sure to give a shoutout to
Now, where can I download the Rocky theme song?
Haha, is that a challenge? I've definitely improved in Fitaly since I last won. Bring it on! :lol:
Vincent M Ferrari
12-15-2003, 07:54 PM
Yeah sure Jenneth... Like anyone could be nutso enough to challenge you! lol
Actually, I wanted to thank you, though. Seeing you fly around the screen using Fitaly motivated me to keep plugging and I went from around 10 words to a comfortable 30-35, which is infinitely better!
12-16-2003, 08:49 AM
Ohhhh yyyyyeah baby. It's a challenge, just not a challenge right now. Give me some time, THEN it's a challenge.
But on a serious note, how long have you been using Fitaly?
On a non-serious note, YOU'RE GOING DOWWWWNNNN
12-19-2003, 07:02 AM
fascinating... I just installed thie trial version and after three games am at 30 words per minute. I wonder - will this really work? Can you really get faster and faster?
12-19-2003, 07:07 AM
I've been using Fitaly for a couple of years now. And I use it every time I use my Pocket PC. Which is multiple times a day. I wonder when the next Dom Perignon contest is .. :lol:
12-19-2003, 07:47 AM
I'm now at 40 wpm. If I continue improving at this rate, I'll be at 100 wpm in six weeks.
Well, maybe it won't be so soon. I'll give it eight weeks. Yeah!
:evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
Zack Mahdavi
03-23-2004, 09:07 AM
Well, maybe it won't be so soon. I'll give it eight weeks. Yeah!
:evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
So it's been more than 8 weeks now. What's the status? :?:
03-23-2004, 12:07 PM
Sadly to say, I barely use Fitaly anymore. I used it daily with FitalyLetris as a means of memorizing poetry - simply typing and retyping the poem countless times until imbibed. I found a better way, so Fitaly got put on the back burner.
Count your lucky stars Jenneth.
Janak Parekh
03-23-2004, 10:12 PM
Time to change your sig then. ;)
Jeff Rutledge
03-23-2004, 11:06 PM
What do you use now instead of FITALY?
Zack Mahdavi
03-24-2004, 12:41 AM
I just discovered Fitaly yesterday, so it feels very awkward using it. I've been practicing with FitalyLetris a lot, so my wpm is slowly improving. How long do you recommend I try it out before purchasing it?
Janak Parekh
03-24-2004, 02:22 AM
It'll take a few weeks before you feel comfortable with it. It's particularly frustrating the first week until your finger "calibrates" to a non-QWERTY style keyboard.
03-24-2004, 04:36 AM
Sorry, I meant to say that I still use Fitaly for regular input, but I don't train to improve my speed anymore. I doubt I could ever go back to QWERTY stylus input again.
Kevin C. Tofel
05-10-2004, 05:54 PM
Question for you "Fitaly experts".....
Once you get used to the keyboard layout, have you found any residual effects when using a QWERTY layout on a regular keyboard? What I mean is: can you train your brain to memorize and reflexively use two different layouts?
:robot: <- "I used to type fast! Really!!"
I'm considering giving Fitaly a try, but I don't want to drop to 10 words per minute on my laptop at work! 8O
Janak Parekh
05-10-2004, 05:57 PM
Once you get used to the keyboard layout, have you found any residual effects when using a QWERTY layout on a regular keyboard? What I mean is: can you train your brain to memorize and reflexively use two different layouts?
Absolutely. It is worth mentioning, though, that I really hate using the regular onscreen keyboard now -- not particularly because of the layout, but because Fitaly has so many useful keys on one screen.
I'm considering giving Fitaly a try, but I don't want to drop to 10 words per minute on my laptop at work! 8O
Oh, I don't think that'll happen. The physical aspects of the input methods (typing vs. tapping) is so different that you're training different muscles anyway. ;) The only skill you might lose is speed with an onscreen QWERTY keyboard on a PDA, and even that's debatable.
Jeff Rutledge
05-10-2004, 05:58 PM
I agree with Janak.
I use FITALY exclusively and have for about 2 years I'd guess. While I hate using a QWERTY keyboard on my iPAQ, it doesn't impact my typing skills. I can still push 100wpm on an external keyboard.
Kevin C. Tofel
05-10-2004, 06:58 PM
OK, you both sold me on giving it a try. Thanks for the input (no pun intended!)
I can still push 100wpm on an external keyboard.
Dude, I can't even read 100wpm, let alone type that fast! That's awesome!!!! 8O
05-11-2004, 01:48 AM
Thanks for the input (no pun intended!)
I'm pretty sure a pun was intended.
Jeff Rutledge
05-11-2004, 02:31 AM
Dude, I can't even read 100wpm, let alone type that fast! That's awesome!!!! 8O
:mrgreen: Thanks! I can't maintain that speed for a long period. I probably average about 80-90 wpm in normal use. We've been having mini-contests at work. Somebody found an old version of Mavis Typing Tutor so we've been running the speed tests. The fastest corrected speed I got was 122wpm.
I was feeling pretty good about myself until I googled the fastest typer. She could maintain something like 150wpm and sustain it for almost an hour. Her top speed is 212wpm!!! That's crazy!
Janak Parekh
05-13-2004, 01:47 AM
Dude, I can't even read 100wpm, let alone type that fast! That's awesome!!!! 8O
I don't mean to belittle JR at all, but 100wpm isn't that rare. Most good typists can accomplish it, especially those that do a lot of correspondence. I can go over 100wpm, although it usually boils down to the situation where I can type faster than I can think (no kidding!) and I'll have to backspace a lot unless I'm just typing something that has been dictated to me. ;) Anyway, I've seen good typists type, and they 0wn me... 100wpm+ without any errors for sentences and sentences. Friends of mine comment that I type fast, but I'm extraordinarily fast with the backspace. :-P
There was a typing thread somewhere on this site that linked to a Java typing applet. We were swapping speeds. I can't find it, unfortunately. :(
Jeff Rutledge
05-13-2004, 03:09 PM
No worries Janak. No offence taken.
I know what you mean about the backspace though. I think one of the reason people think I'm quick is because I've mastered the keyboard shortcuts that I need when correcting mistakes. For example, I usually find it much faster to hit CTRL+Backspace to delete the entire word and re-type it rather than moving the cursor back and adding the letter I forgot or to fix the DOuble caps I just made by accident (I do this a lot).
Also, I'm getting into the habit of not stopping to correct as I go and then letting spell checker to its thing. That seems to help too.
Janak Parekh
05-13-2004, 04:24 PM
I think one of the reason people think I'm quick is because I've mastered the keyboard shortcuts that I need when correcting mistakes.
Good point -- and not just for correcting mistakes, for manipulating the OS. I hearken back from the Windows 1.0 days, when didn't always have mice and had to learn all the shortcuts. I'm still a heavy ALT-TAB and ALT-F4 user. Too bad they got rid of ALT-F9 (Minimize); I now end up hitting ALT-SPACE, and N. ;)
Also, I'm getting into the habit of not stopping to correct as I go and then letting spell checker to its thing. That seems to help too.
Not me. It bothers me when I misspell. ;)
Jeff Rutledge
05-13-2004, 05:30 PM
Absolutely. Keybaord shortcuts are the way to go. I stay away from the mouse whenever possible.
I'm a heavy task user. I can create a new task in Outlook in less than 5 seconds, Ctrl+Shift+K to create the task, type the subject. A few tabs for start and due days, Alt+G for Categories and Alt+S to save it.
It's a big reason I'm able to use tasks so heavily.
I'm still learning new ones too. I didn't know Alt+Spacebar brought up the window menu. Thanks!
Jeff Rutledge
05-13-2004, 05:31 PM
Not me. It bothers me when I misspell. ;)
It bothers me too and I was always going back to correct. It's been a bit of a struggle to press on typing when I know I've made a typo, but I am finding it a lot faster to correct them all at the end.
Janak Parekh
05-13-2004, 05:32 PM
I'm still learning new ones too. I didn't know Alt+Spacebar brought up the window menu. Thanks!
It's an old one, actually. Mostly undocumented nowadays. ;) Thanks for the Outlook tricks -- I never used CTRL-SHIFT-K myself... I might now. My only problem is I don't use the Master Categories List, and there's no one keystroke to jump to the text field to type in the category, as far as I can see. :(
Jeff Rutledge
05-13-2004, 05:37 PM
You're right about the Categories text filed unfortunately. Using Outlook 2003, the closest I could get was Alt+P x2 (check, then uncheck Private), then a Shift-Tab to jump back.
Jeff Rutledge
05-13-2004, 05:45 PM
This discussion has inspired me ( 8)
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