12-11-2003, 07:13 AM
i'm just wondering a couple things. i'm thinking of getting a ViewSonic V36 for $199. if anyone has input on the model let me know, whether it's a good deal. also a couple other questions about pocket poc in general:
1) is there any sites out there that show good demo videos or pictures shpowing in depth use of the pocket pc? i'm looking to find out what kind of capabilities they have as far as input, output, and development
2) is bluetooth a better choice of wireless compared to a wireless adapter. and where can i find devices that can use bluetooth to conect me to the net, ie. a bluetooth connection to a hub?
3) where are good palces to find pda software, and what do i need to develop? is it complicated?
sorry for all the questions, i'd appreciate your replies greatly. just thinking of getting one for christmas and want to know everything i can before i decide which one i'd like.
thanks very much!
i'm just wondering a couple things. i'm thinking of getting a ViewSonic V36 for $199. if anyone has input on the model let me know, whether it's a good deal. also a couple other questions about pocket poc in general:
1) is there any sites out there that show good demo videos or pictures shpowing in depth use of the pocket pc? i'm looking to find out what kind of capabilities they have as far as input, output, and development
2) is bluetooth a better choice of wireless compared to a wireless adapter. and where can i find devices that can use bluetooth to conect me to the net, ie. a bluetooth connection to a hub?
3) where are good palces to find pda software, and what do i need to develop? is it complicated?
sorry for all the questions, i'd appreciate your replies greatly. just thinking of getting one for christmas and want to know everything i can before i decide which one i'd like.
thanks very much!