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View Full Version : ActiveSync 'timeout' settings in PPC's registry

Dave Potter
12-10-2003, 09:47 PM
Does anyone know how to change the timeout settings for ActiveSync in the PPC's registry? Can this even be done?

Here's my problem. I am syncing via WiFi and as long as the PPC is already on - it works great every time. However, if the PPC has 'gone to sleep' (shut itself off) I am having problems. I am syncing automatically via the Mobile Schedule settings. Every two hours, the PPC wakes up and begins to try to sync - except that my WiFi card takes a bit of time to re-initialize and then connect to the network. Unfortunately, this delay is just a bit longer (about 2-3 seconds) than ActiveSync is willing to wait. The result - I get an ActiveSync error message on the PPC 'unable to connect'.

I have looked through the registry - but an unsure which setting to adjust, if any. Can anyone help !

(PS - this was posted in the 'Wireless' forum - but wasn't getting any responses, so I moved it here)

Dave Potter
12-11-2003, 05:54 PM
Somebody - please help!

03-20-2006, 07:49 PM
Has any one been able to figure out a solution to this?

03-21-2006, 12:38 AM
I know nothing about timeout settings in the registry, but have you checked the Power applet in Settings? On battery power: Turn off device if not used for... is, I think, what you may be looking for.