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View Full Version : Pocket PC internet via bluetooth dialup phone

matt poole
12-09-2003, 04:23 PM

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get internet access on my HP2210 PPC2003. I've got a sonyericsson t6-10 and Im trying to use it as a modem.

The t6-10 has bluetooth and dialup networking, I've paired my PPC with it and have the dialup service available. I set up my PPC with the number of my ISP and user name and PW and tried it. The first time it worked, but since then I've had absolutely no luck.

When I try and connect, my phone starts dialing and after a few seconds its fails - trys again and then fails again. My PDA gives me two errors:

"No modem at the number above"


"The connection failed and could not be reestablised"

Can anyone help me with this? I'd be eternally greatful if somone could steer me in the right direction

12-10-2003, 03:22 AM
Matt, having just gone through the BT config process myself to set up the same scenario you are working on, I have one idea that may solve your problem (e.g. it worked once, but not again). I also run into type of behavior at times.

First let me qualify my comments by saying that I use T*Mobile as my GSM Provider for both Voice and GPRS. If you are using an ISP that is NOT your Cell phone provider, read no farther because my suggestion may not work, and may in fact make things worse.

If you are using your GSM provider as your ISP, then go into the BT Dial-up modem settings [Settings/Connections/Connections/Manage existing connections/Edit.../Next/Next], and check to see if you have a password entered (which will show as all "*"s).
If you do show a password, and you do not provide a User Name or Domain ID, then delete the password, and save the settings [Finish]

Once saved, try to connect to the T610, but use the BT Manager!!! Tap the BT symbol in the lower corner of the Today screen, select BT Manager, and then tap/hold the icon for your BT Dial-up modem. Select connect, and you will be prompted to enter a User Name/Password/Domain. Enter Nothing! If you have set up the T610 Data Account and the PPC correctly, you should now connect to the WWW via GPRS. Voila!

If you do not connect, try it again, and be sure all is blank, and hit Finish to save settings. If you still don't get through, I suggest you use the search feature and look within PPCT for other ideas, but also spend some time at Howard Forums (http://www.howardforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=37)... this is the jackpot for all things cellular.

Hope that helps :way to go:

12-10-2003, 10:21 PM
I've been on this for about 2wks, with my Siemens S56 and Cingular...

Like Wiggin said, you should make a trip over to Howard Forums and look there, between that and this site you should be able to piece together a solution. I'll give you what I did and maybe that will turn on the light for you.

I haven't figured out how to dial out through my phone to my ISP yet, but I have been able to reliably connect with WAP and GPRS.

From what I've read so far, your carrier needs to support some sort of CSD "Circuit Switched Data", from what I understand your cell carrier recognize the carrier tone from the ISP without this.

If you are on Cingular's network I can offer further help... Also what type of connection are you looking for GPRS or WAP? You may not be able to do the ISP thing depending on you carrier.

Here's something to ponder... I was thinking, if I dial my ISP through my phone, I would still use minutes. So what do I gain over using straight WAP other than speed? I think WAP is around 9600, wonder what the throughput of an ISP through a cellphone would be?

matt poole
12-11-2003, 12:16 PM
Thanks for your replies rpommier and wiggin!

Its turns out the ISP I went with dont support connections from mobile devices (which is strange cos it did work once!). However I have managed to connect through GPRS with my phone service provider, so Im happy now :)