12-07-2003, 06:59 PM
ScaryBear Software has just released Version 1.6 of CheckNotifications, a utility designed for the Pocket PC devices running the Mobile 2003 OS. This utility helps the user to delete duplicate notification events known to be created by the Mobile 2003 OS when you do a soft-reset of your device (which could amount to hundreds of duplicate events if you do frequent soft-resets).
The changes made to this version are listed below:
- Duplicate events are colored in red on the main display
of CheckNotifications.
- The user can remove duplicate notification events by tapping
the "Clear" button, with the option "Remove duplicate events"
check in the settings panel.
- Individual events can be delete by doing a tap-n-hold on the
displayed event on the screen, and selecting the "Delete" option
from the popup menu.
This is a freeware application available from our web site at
ScaryBear Software
The changes made to this version are listed below:
- Duplicate events are colored in red on the main display
of CheckNotifications.
- The user can remove duplicate notification events by tapping
the "Clear" button, with the option "Remove duplicate events"
check in the settings panel.
- Individual events can be delete by doing a tap-n-hold on the
displayed event on the screen, and selecting the "Delete" option
from the popup menu.
This is a freeware application available from our web site at
ScaryBear Software