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Dr Jekyll
12-06-2003, 07:33 PM
Should I get a 2210 or 4150?

I'm looking at the 2210 because of the Compact Flash. The 2210 with a WiFi compact flash card costs about the same as the 4150 which I would only use at home for file sharing and internet. Or would bluetooth do that job?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Jason Dunn
12-06-2003, 07:42 PM
I have both and I've gravitated toward the 4150 - having WiFi built in is so much more convenient than using a card. However I do sometimes wish the 4150 had a CF slot...

You can certainly use Bluetooth to access the Internet though your desktop computer, but the range won't be as great as WiFi, so it depends on the size of your home. :-)

Dr Jekyll
12-06-2003, 09:02 PM
You can certainly use Bluetooth to access the Internet though your desktop computer, but the range won't be as great as WiFi, so it depends on the size of your home. :-)

Normal use will only be about 5-8 meters and a wooden floor but if I was in the garden that would be 10-15 meters and a brick wall. Would this be to far?

Is one screen better than the other or are they both the same?

12-06-2003, 11:09 PM
Personally, I feel a 4150 would be good for you. You get both BT and Wifi and a small form factor. Even if it is a little more than the 2215. I own a 2215 and I love it 0X

Jason Dunn
12-07-2003, 12:00 AM
Normal use will only be about 5-8 meters and a wooden floor but if I was in the garden that would be 10-15 meters and a brick wall. Would this be to far? Is one screen better than the other or are they both the same?

Re: distance, if you have a Class A Bluetooth dongle on your desktop PC, you should be fine for Bluetooth surfing at those distances. I should note, however, that one of the advantages I've found with WiFi is that I was able to deploy, very cheaply, several wireless access points in other locations that I frequent (my church, my parent's house, my in-law's house, etc.) and now I have WiFi access almost everywhere I am. ;-)

Re: screen, the 4415 has a slight yellowish hue to it, while the 2215 is has a white hue, but honestly after a day I didn't even notice the hue on the 4415. It looks great for multimedia and photos, very nice contrast.

12-07-2003, 12:12 AM
These are both great machines and you can really simplify the decision (IMO) by deciding whether you need CF. I understand Dell is leading in terms of price, but HP is really doing great things with their form-factor.

For me it was an easy decision because I DON'T want CF. After owning the X5 for a year, the 4150 is an incredibily lightweight device. My wife promises to let me play with it before xmas :D since I'm passing my X5 on to my son and he is leaving in a week :cry: . My initial impressions of the 4150 are V-E-R-Y positive.

12-07-2003, 04:24 AM
You can certainly use Bluetooth to access the Internet though your desktop computer, but the range won't be as great as WiFi, so it depends on the size of your home. :-)

Normal use will only be about 5-8 meters and a wooden floor but if I was in the garden that would be 10-15 meters and a brick wall. Would this be to far?

Is one screen better than the other or are they both the same?

I personally preferred the screen of the 2215 over that of the 4150, but it's not a big difference. I'm about to buy another 4150.

12-07-2003, 05:52 AM
Although I have to admit I have a 2215 and I LIKE the CF slot a lot - I have the Canon Digital Rebel and can't wait to review my shots when the card is full!

Jason Dunn
12-07-2003, 05:57 AM
Although I have to admit I have a 2215 and I LIKE the CF slot a lot - I have the Canon Digital Rebel and can't wait to review my shots when the card is full!

That's the ONE regret I have about the 4150.... :cry:

Dr Jekyll
12-07-2003, 12:43 PM
Although I have to admit I have a 2215 and I LIKE the CF slot a lot - I have the Canon Digital Rebel and can't wait to review my shots when the card is full!

That's the ONE regret I have about the 4150.... :cry:

My camera was one of the reasons for wanting CF as I have a number of CF cards from that and my old Psion 5mx (RIP, I will miss its keyboard :cry: ). This should save some cash.

I have 5 PC's (and an XBOX :D ) networked at home. Is there some way I can access all of the PC's with bluetooth or can I only access the one with the BT dongle and its maped drives?

If I can access my other computers with BT I will buy the 2210/2215. Can anyone recomend a BT dongle? But if BT does not work for me I can always get a WiFi CF card but then I have to buy SD cards. :cry:

12-07-2003, 01:34 PM
I know this doesn't answer your question, but I'm not all that familiar with BT. But you can browse all of your network shares via WiFi, that's a definite. I browse my network routinely, grabbing necessary files that I may need throughout the day. I also own both handhelds in question and I would not part ways with either one of them.

Dr Jekyll
12-07-2003, 05:57 PM
I have just found out that the 4150 does not have consumer IR, I really wanted this. Also I plan on getting GPS, the CF slot gives me more choice.

So I have decided to go for the 2210.

Im going to order one now from www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk. Its the best price I have found in the UK (£294.94)

Thanks to all who replied.

Hope my rubbers dont fall off. :wink: