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View Full Version : Bluetooth Activesync.. does it actually work?

12-05-2003, 06:21 PM
I setup the bluetooth adaptor as a serial port on the host machine.. they are paired.. but when I fire up activesync on that serial port, it doesn't see the pda. I've been through this site afew times and I think I have it setup right. I was hoping to find an easy way to sync my 2210 inside the rhinocase without having to remove it to put it in the cradle, but I'm beginning to think there is no way. :(


12-05-2003, 06:35 PM
Well I have four different Pocket PCs ActiveSyncing by Bluetooth - each of which does so flawlessly. As one of them is the 2210 I can assure you it is very much possible.

Some questions:

1) Have you actually paired your BT adaptor and 2210?

2) Did you try to set up ActiveSync from the desktop or via the AS wizard in the 2210's BT software?

3) Do you actually have the BT serial port selected in your PCs AS connection settings?

12-05-2003, 07:14 PM
Well I have four different Pocket PCs ActiveSyncing by Bluetooth - each of which does so flawlessly. As one of them is the 2210 I can assure you it is very much possible.

Some questions:

1) Have you actually paired your BT adaptor and 2210?

2) Did you try to set up ActiveSync from the desktop or via the AS wizard in the 2210's BT software?

3) Do you actually have the BT serial port selected in your PCs AS connection settings?

1) yes

2) both actually.

3) yes. I set it to Com3 as indicated by the bluetooth software.

I've tried starting the sync from both sides as well.

12-05-2003, 07:37 PM
I was watching the bluetooth manager when trying to sync.. started sync on PPC.. outgoing connections shows "Bluetooth serial port"

I told the activesync to find the pda and once it hits "com3" a "generic serial connection" comes up on the manager..

Is that part of the problem?

Sven Johannsen
12-05-2003, 07:50 PM
Minor hint. You will not get AS started from the Desktop. You do need to go to the BT Manager on the 2210 and doubleclick on the "ActiveSync with 'computername'" shortcut that is created when you use the BT wizard to get this set up.

All you need to do on the PC is make sure the serial comm port on the connection settings screen is right and serial comm is selected.

It does work, and works well, with both my 2215 and 4155. I even do my Sync-N-Go over BT.

12-05-2003, 07:59 PM
Its a bit slow but works :) Checked bluetooth on the pc and noticed a "Bluetooth active sync" port was added. It was com 4 while the generic serial was com3.. very strange..

thanks for the help. I was about ready to throw the dongle out trying it from the pc.