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View Full Version : Are you happy with the PPCPE dailer?

12-01-2003, 07:33 PM
Having had my XDA 2 now for a few weeks, and having finally worked out most of the kinks of the really inadequate bluetooth stack (by installing the widcomm stack) I am now moved to address my other annoyances: the very feature poor phone software.

I expected a very configurable phone, but was very disappointed with the microsoft dallier. The short list of features I find missing are:

No separate ring tones can be assigned to each contact. This could be very usefully, as you would know who is phoning without checking the screen.

No software to keep track of your calls or GPRS allowance. Even my old nokia from 3 years ago could do that.

No way to transfer a call from the handset to a headset. I know you can do it the other way around, why not this way too?

Very little status information on the dailer screen. Why is this,when most cell phone screens look like the status display on a jet?

Anyways, there is alot more, and people may want to add their annoyances. Im really wondering if there is any software that can replace the microsoft Dailer (like Pocketinformant replaces the pocket outlook).

Any ideas would be appreciated.


12-11-2003, 02:02 PM
I guess people are not very demanding here, but for those thats interested, here some usefull apps that help shore up the deficiencies:

Alternate dailer 1 (http://www.mobidial.com) and Alternate dialer 2 (http://www.imaginet-software.com/index.aspx?p=fingerclix_en)

Personalized ring tones for each contact (http://www.mtux.com/info_ring.aspx)

Hope you find these usefull.


Janak Parekh
12-11-2003, 06:26 PM
Thanks for the links. I find the dialer merely average, but I'm not a heavy voice person in the first place, so it doesn't bother me as much. :)

You'd think they could have made the buttons larger, though, instead of wasting all that space. :| My other criticism is I want a way to get back from speed dial to the main screen without having to use the LCD, and a way to browse all my contacts more efficiently. Still, these are fairly minor gripes overall.


12-12-2003, 07:05 PM
My other criticism is I want a way to get back from speed dial to the main screen without having to use the LCD, and a way to browse all my contacts more efficiently.

I think its a real pity the end-call button does not work as a cancel button. That would have been trivial to implement, and would have made navigation infinitely simpler (like on any normal phone). You can select with the phone key, but not back up with the end call key. Why not? Does it work in the same way on the smartphone?

It does make one wonder if its maliciousness or incompetence.


01-28-2007, 01:36 AM
I am a voice person and simply bought the phone so I would have a good way to synch contacts, calendar, etc. w/ my desktop. I've had it for 6 months and HATE it. YOu essentially do need two hands to dial a number and the cumbersome nature of the phone has had me already drop it on one occasion which actually sent it into oblivion. Phone needed to be replaced, all contacts lost, since I still can't get the darn thing to synch my Outlook contacts.

I got this one over the Palm because I was told it would be easy to learn with the Windows format, etc. I'm stuck with a $499 phone (plus the $50 it cost to replace it once) that I am miserable using. Oh, well, just thought I'd rant somewhere where people might get it.

Sven Johannsen
01-28-2007, 10:05 PM
No separate ring tones can be assigned to each contact. This could be very usefully, as you would know who is phoning without checking the screen.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Didn't see this post before I guess. Tried going into contacts and using the ringtone field? Personally I use Voice Command and it tells me the name or phone number of who is calling.

Actually don't use the dialer screen much. I work throgh contacts and the call history mostly.