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View Full Version : Ipaq 5550 hard reset itself

11-30-2003, 04:26 PM
the other day I was using my ipaq and it did a hard reset...anyone else notice this? i think this is the 2nd time it happened..the first time I was changing a battery and i only took a second to take off the battery and replace it but it did a hard reset....

12-10-2003, 01:36 PM
I called HP and they sent a box...I called Airborne express at 2:30 pm and they picked it up at 5pm, got email from Hp the next morning saying they got it, got another email later that day saying that they fixed it and shipped it...that was yesterday...I will let you know when I got it...but so far, this has been very impressive...my screen was scratched (hard to see when it is turned on, but evident when it is off) and I asked them to replace it -- I only ever touched it with the stylus, but either dirt on the screen or on the stylus will etch the screen with fine scratches...the emails didn't say if they replaced it but I'll let you know...I sure would like to find that plastic that comes on a new ipaq that says install software first...I've looked in fabric stores, and office supplies but can't find it...

12-10-2003, 10:57 PM
I had it happen once on my 5555. It was connected to my laptop via a charge/sync cable just sitting there working fine. Suddenly, it did what looked like a soft reset. It turned out to be a hard reset. This was at like 3AM while I'm overseas working all night. Was back up and running in a few minutes thanks to a current backup.

Seems like the 5455 I had did what you described one time, though it has been awhile.

Makes me a bit nervous sometimes though, because I have had to do the old "Pull the battery trick" a few times when wifi won't start on the 5555.

Yes, if it happened twice, I would send it in also.

Best of luck, hope it's back soon in perfect health!