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View Full Version : Belkin Sync/USB power cable for 4150

11-30-2003, 05:47 AM
My Toshiba e740 just died and I was able somehow to get it swapped for an Ipaq 4150 under my service contract for the e740 as they no longer are bothering or as they said able to get the e740s serviced. So far I am very pleased with the 4150. It out performs my old e740 on its best days.

I really want/need a single sync/USB power cable with car adaptor like the ones that Belkin has for the e740. What I would like to know is if any knows if the Belkin USB Sync Charger for iPAQ™ H1910/H1940/H2210/H3800/H3900/H5450 & H5550 Series Pocket PC, Part # F8Q2000 will work with the Ipaq 4150. If not is there any other third party single cable sync/power solution for the 4150 available.


11-30-2003, 06:23 AM
Yup, they will work fine. You can check out a few here (http://www.pocketpcmall.com/default.php?cPath=147_49) as well :D