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View Full Version : PDAHay - Food for your Pocket PC

11-26-2003, 07:59 PM
I just started this new site with a few things to nibble on.

PDAHay - Food for your Pocket PC

First off, is the list of new and updated freeware available for your Pocket PC.

Secondly, to help keep up with the latest freeware releases, there is the RSS feed.

Thirdly, is the loooooong list of mobile friendly links.

Fourthly, a mobile channel makes it all easily accessible from your Pocket PC.

Post here for any suggestions, additions, improvements, thoughts, rants, raves, and problems.

Enjoy :!:

11-26-2003, 08:41 PM
Cool stuff, thanks

11-27-2003, 06:01 PM
It's good, but sometimes the software descriptions could be a bit better - although I understand you don't speak 50 languages and can't read a developer's thoughts :D

I very much appreciate the RSS feed and I've been using PocketFeed to download it every morning ever since I saw you mention it on BrightHand (when you had it based on your previous site) :mrgreen:

Do you update the list manually? If so, a BIG thumbs up for you :way to go:

*muchos impressed*

11-29-2003, 01:02 AM
It's good, but sometimes the software descriptions could be a bit better - although I understand you don't speak 50 languages and can't read a developer's thoughts

The description should more appropriately be called brief summary or synopsis. I'll work on the descriptions. :wink:

Do you update the list manually?

Yes. However, it is much easier now that I am using a MySQL database and PHP. You should have seen the macro I had on my computer to update the RSS feed HTML web page and CSV file. :!:

*muchos impressed*
