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View Full Version : Interesting Note on Voice Notes - 1945

11-25-2003, 04:13 PM
I frequently use my 1945 to take voice notes while driving. God knows I can't remember something for more than 15 min without the aid of my IPAQ :puppydogeyes: . Any who, a few weeks ago I changed the setting in Notes and told it NOT to switch to notes when pressing the Record Button.

My thought was that it would record the note, but keep whatever app was currently in focus up. The following day I recorded a bunch of voice notes, and was later quite shocked to find that they were not on my device after syncing. There were no RecordingX files in my notes.

I was kind of mad because of course I could not remember any of these critical notes. I poked around a bit, and found that from my PC I could see a bunch of files in the Root of My Documents on the device named: ~Vrec_X.wav. I could not see these files at ALL from the IPAQ using the standard file explorer. Yes they were all my voice notes.

After changing that setting in NOTES back to, "Switch to Notes" when the Record button is used ... it all went back to working normally, saving a RECORDINGX in the NOTES area.

What would be the point of this setting since it didn't work the way I thought it should???? :roll:

Why would I want to record a bunch of notes to my IPAQ that I can't even see from that IPAQ??? 8O

01-01-2004, 05:34 AM
I have noticed the same problem, regardless of the setting. I'm surprised no one else has written about this. My problem presented before I installed much software, so I think this is a problem with the OS. I'm still searching the boards as maybe the issue has been captured elsewhere.

Anyone, please write if you've encountered the same issue!