11-25-2003, 03:27 AM
Being a subscriber is great. You get a free PDAmill program and great discounts. The latter, unfortunately, is offered for some programs that some of us just aren't interested in. I figured - since Christmas is just around the corner - us subscribers can make a subscribers wish list, things we'd like for Santadministrator to put in our emails. Though this may never come to fruition, this will be fun anyway (well, fun for me, since I need a break from writing this essay. I hate writing essays). Yaaay! Wrrwheee!
Dear Santadministrator
I've been a good subscriber and have told two other people to subscribe to this forum directly, along with starting a thread about the benefits of subscribing for the naughty non-subscribers. For Christmas I'd like Monopoly for the PPC, or at least a good discount for it (the makers of it are naughty and charge too much for it and I wannit wannit wannit sooo bad). I'd also like to be able to win one of your contests. You have so many subscribers that I doubt I'll ever win. How about you narrow down the eligibility criteria for members whose names start with "s" and end with "ublime"? I'm just joking Santadministrator! I'd also like it if good subscribers like myself would never have to see any more "If this is flashing, you win!" advertisements. It flashes all the time and I still have not received my prize :( That's all for now, Santadministrator. I'll make sure to leave milk and internet cookies waiting for you.
Dear Santadministrator
I've been a good subscriber and have told two other people to subscribe to this forum directly, along with starting a thread about the benefits of subscribing for the naughty non-subscribers. For Christmas I'd like Monopoly for the PPC, or at least a good discount for it (the makers of it are naughty and charge too much for it and I wannit wannit wannit sooo bad). I'd also like to be able to win one of your contests. You have so many subscribers that I doubt I'll ever win. How about you narrow down the eligibility criteria for members whose names start with "s" and end with "ublime"? I'm just joking Santadministrator! I'd also like it if good subscribers like myself would never have to see any more "If this is flashing, you win!" advertisements. It flashes all the time and I still have not received my prize :( That's all for now, Santadministrator. I'll make sure to leave milk and internet cookies waiting for you.