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View Full Version : Install certifcates on a 3970 upgraded to WM 2003

Paolo Masera
11-24-2003, 11:31 PM
Dear All,
I've upgraded my iPAQ 3970 to new WM2003 (it's fantastic, no problems and all my apps work fine).I've changed my company firewall and I'l like start to use VPN features on my WM2003 device, I'ld like install a personal cetificate on my iPAQ.
I've tried using Active Sync but when I try to use in when is o iPAQ I receive an error message, something similar to : It's not possible use this cerificate, ask to Sys and Network Admin... but I'm the Sys and Net Admin but I've not answers. :?
Can someone help me to understand this issue ?

I've jsut looked for on the web, I've discovered in a ppt file that HP provides an application to install own certificate. I didn't find on original upgrade CD (I looked for it also in the original PPC 2002 CD but wihout success).

Have somene any idea about I can find this application ?

Any suggest will be appreciated.

With regards,


Dave Beauvais
11-25-2003, 03:08 AM
You must first export the certificate from your desktop and then copy the exported file to your Pocket PC's My Documents folder. Once there, tap on it in File Explorer and it will be added using Windows Mobile 2003's Certificates app. (Shown in Settings on the System tab.)

To export a certificate from Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options in Control Panel. Click the Content tab and then the Certificates button. Select the certificate you wish to export then click the Export button. Follow the wizard through the export steps. I always leave the export format at the default "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)," but I think the Base-64 encode would work, as well.

The easiest way to get the cert to your Pocket PC is to save the exported file to your synced My Documents folder. The next time you run ActiveSync, the file will be copied to your Pocket PC. From there, run File Explorer, go to the My Documents folder, tap on your certificate file, and answer "Yes" to the prompt.


Curiously, the "Personal" cert that I exported was added to the Pocket PC as a "Root" certificate, instead, even though there is a Personal tab. :?

Hope that helped to answer your question!

Paolo Masera
11-25-2003, 09:52 AM
Thx for your suggestion,it works and it worked before but I looked for Personal certificate ! :(

Again thx

Best regards,

Paolo Masera