11-24-2003, 06:44 PM
I recently purchased Textmaker, and run it on my Ipaq 2210.
I do a lot of outlining in Word, and was expecting TextMaker to have similar capabilities.
The problem I am running into is Textmaker seems only to offer an Outline view for a document, but not the ability to create an outline as does Word.
What I'm looking for is the ability to create an outline of the form:
I have determined I can use TextMaker's Paragraph Styles to create a similar look, but it is an imperfect solution at best.
The problem I run into is after I use Paragraph style 1, to create the "I" level, and then Paragraph style 2 for the "A", and "B" levels, when I go back to Paragraph Style 1, for what should be the "II" level, TextMaker automatically jumps back to the "I" level.
Word provides an option to continue previous numbering, I can't find a similar option in TextMaker.
I know this is a bit confusing if you've not tried to setup an outline in TextMaker, I hope what I've written makes some sense.
Please - If anyone out there has found a solution to creating outlines in TextMaker, please respond.
I desperately need this feature.
I do a lot of outlining in Word, and was expecting TextMaker to have similar capabilities.
The problem I am running into is Textmaker seems only to offer an Outline view for a document, but not the ability to create an outline as does Word.
What I'm looking for is the ability to create an outline of the form:
I have determined I can use TextMaker's Paragraph Styles to create a similar look, but it is an imperfect solution at best.
The problem I run into is after I use Paragraph style 1, to create the "I" level, and then Paragraph style 2 for the "A", and "B" levels, when I go back to Paragraph Style 1, for what should be the "II" level, TextMaker automatically jumps back to the "I" level.
Word provides an option to continue previous numbering, I can't find a similar option in TextMaker.
I know this is a bit confusing if you've not tried to setup an outline in TextMaker, I hope what I've written makes some sense.
Please - If anyone out there has found a solution to creating outlines in TextMaker, please respond.
I desperately need this feature.