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View Full Version : Which Pocket PC is Better

11-23-2003, 05:01 AM
Hi, I am planning to get a New Pocket PC, as I am new to PDA, I would like to seek your opinion to choose the right one...

Currently I am looking at HP 4150 and Mitac 558, both with Wireless LAN ability, is there any Pocket PC that worth to have a look and is available in Hong Kong?

Any suggestion is welcomed.


11-24-2003, 04:20 AM
Any PPC is worth having. It all depends on what you want to do with it now and in the future. Don't limit yourself to what a magazine may say is the hottest device out. Because it may have features you may never need or use. And who wants to pay extra for that. I don't know what's available in Hong Kong. You will have to check the stores and manufacture sites for that.

The best advise I could give you is:
1. list the things you want to do with a PPC
2. list what you want in a PPC (eg. device size, screen size amount of RAM, etc.)
2. list the PPCs that fit those needs
3. decide from that list

Search the forums here and manufacturers sights for specs. It may sound like a lot but its money your spending so do so wisely. Ultimately you have to get what you like. Good luck. :D

11-24-2003, 10:17 PM
My top 3: 8)

1. e800 :D : SDio, CF, built-in Wi-Fi or built-in Bluetooth, USB host, VGA out, 128 MB Ram, 4" screen, VGA screen, VGA screen, VGA screen, VGA .. :lol:

2. Mio 558 : CIR, SDio, CF, built-in Bluetooth, built-in Wi-Fi, USB host

3. iPAQ h4150 : SDio, built-in Bluetooth, built-in Wi-Fi

11-25-2003, 01:23 AM
Thanks for the info and the advice, I think my purpose of gettng a PPC are:
1. The PIM scheduler function
2. to jog a few notes
3. to take some frequent reference material around
4. to enjoy some multimedia files

I think most of the PPC do have these functions. Besides, I look forward to hook it up to the wireless LAN and to have one PPC that works smoothly.

As I won't switch to a new PPC frequently, I aim to get one that I would use for at least two year's time... :-)
