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View Full Version : Trading in the HP2215 for a Treo 600

11-22-2003, 09:02 PM
Up until now I have chosen to carry a PocketPC and seperate phone due to the fact that this was the only option I had with Cingular. The other day I was looking at my friends Treo 600 Smartphone and decided I had to have one of these phones. I bought one at the PalmOne site for $399. There very impressive. I'll still use my 2215 for business I have no choice there. Basically, I'm confused and disapointed that no providers have came out with a Windows based Smartphone similar to the Treo in size and function on the 850Mhz GSM band. Maybe in a few months they will. Given the choice, I would rather use the Windows based software as since I have invested a great deal of money on that side of the fence. Right now, I'm afraid to say that Palm has Windows beat all the way around in the Smartphone arena.

Jeff Song
11-22-2003, 09:16 PM
the new XDAII is coming out that is WM2003 and is an awesome device, not as small as the treo, but it offers so much more.

Also, Samsung has a smartphone coming out in a clamshell design, not sure if cingular will get it tho. Both of these are better than the treo imo, but the treo is a very nice device.

11-22-2003, 11:34 PM
The real problem is that

1. most people don't use a PDA
2. the market is to small
3. the PDA/Phone combo is usually to big for most people to put to their ear to talk
4. the screens aren't meant for long term viewing to do any real work on them.
5. Smart phone don't have the same functionality as a PDA or PDA/Phone

While some don't mind the current PDA/Phone combo I know I do. It would have to be have the same 3.8 inch screen and bluetooth for my Jabra BT200 for me to use it. Phones are a personal preference which makes it harder for companies to produce a phone that everyone will use.

11-23-2003, 12:00 AM
I disagree that the market is too small. Many corporations are wanting smartphones. As a matter of fact, PalmOne is currently in negotiations with some corporations that do want smartphones but NOT a built in camera due to sensitive development. They are looking at possibly selling a Treo without the camera.

I also believe you'll see more people using these devices as they hit the mainstream...like the Treo 600.

As to the Smartphone not having the same functionality, the Treo can do anything any standalone Palm device can do. I hope we see more of this with Windows.

Janak Parekh
11-23-2003, 03:08 AM
I disagree that the market is too small. Many corporations are wanting smartphones.
If you read WyattEarp's comment carefully, I think he's agreeing with you -- the idea is that a PDA phone, like the XDA or XDA II, is too big, while a Smartphone is a better compromise. I believe it was in response to importluva's comments. The Treo 600, along with the SCH-i500, are interesting PDA phones -- they're more of a Smartphone size but with a touch screen. It remains to see how well they'll fare in the market, although I have seen one or two people using one on the subway already.

Re a 850 GSM Smartphone, I believe it's only a matter of time that the MPx or equivalent has it. I'm hoping sooner than later. You might want to ask one of the guys over at Smartphone Thoughts (www.smartphonethoughts.com) about it; they may get more rumors on the subject than we do. ;)

importluva -- re the Samsung i600, it's already out, but it's on Verizon (CDMA). I do not believe there are currently any plans to release a GSM version.
