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View Full Version : Program folder in Start Menu

iPAQ Bjorn
11-22-2003, 03:23 PM
Hi PPC'ers,

Recently I encountered an annoying problem. When I enter the Programs folder via the "Start Menu" of my IPaq 2215, I see only 2 subfolders, Games and an Informant Utils folder... All the other "Programs icons", like Adobe, Pocket Watch...etc... are all "gone"!

But.. the ¨Programs are still installed and are running... e.g. I can still open Word, Excel or Adobe Docs...

Cold somebody please help me with this annoying problem?

Thanks so much,

iPaq Bjorn :?:

11-22-2003, 04:37 PM
just create the shorcuts again, using the file explorer or via active sync. Why are they gone, i don´t know, since you don´t tell what you did to make that happen.

iPAQ Bjorn
11-23-2003, 10:28 AM
Thanks for your advice "mv".

I know how to make the program shortcuts in the general program folder but Unfortunately don't know how to let them appear in the Startmenu, Program section.

Beside that I can't find any reference for Word, Excel etc... in my porgrams folder. My Word, Excel, Explorer and other programs seem still to be loading normally. I mean I can open my docs without problem, but don't have the icons.

I must have deleted a wrong folder somewhere... only problem I don't know is which one and how to get all the icons back in my "Start menu Programs"...

All help more than appreciated,

IPaq Bjorn


11-23-2003, 06:51 PM
I'm not sure I quite understand what you did.
Did you put the icons in the Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder ?
All the icons/folders I put here appear in the Startmenu, Program section. I don't need to set any special folder to have them appear.

Are you running a non-english WM2003 ? In this case the folder has a localized name ("Windows\Menu démarrer\Programmes" in the french version). The problem is that some program setup are using the english folder name whatever the WM langage is, creating the folder if it doesn't exists. But since WM only show the localized folder in the startmenu, the icons put in the english folder never appear. In this case, you have to manually move the icons to the localized folder.

iPAQ Bjorn
11-25-2003, 06:52 AM
Hi Bambi,

No it is an original English version.

BAsically I have everything appearing back in my Start-Programs menu, except: Word, Excel and my Games folder, which is there but empty...

Could somebody tell me where "Jawbreaker" normally is stored? The same for the Excel and Word programs?

Thanks again,

iPAQ Bjorn


11-25-2003, 09:54 AM
iPAQ Bjorn: That sounds pretty strange. Presumably you get this also directly after a soft reset? And, if you view Start Menu|Programs in File Explorer (or Resco Explorer which I use) then that confirms the shortcuts have all gone?

Terry, West Sussex, UK
Using iPAQ 2210 with WM2003.

11-25-2003, 12:00 PM
Hmm... have you tried following the above instructions? If you don't have resco file explorer, using the default one: find the program that you want a shortcut created to, tap and hold then select create shortcut then cut/paste this into the required ...\start menu\ folder and the icons should automatically appear.

The other less reliable option might be to go to settings, then menu and see if you can/have checked the relevant icons.

If the programs themselves have disappeared you've probably corrupted your storage card but from what you describe... microsoft word/excel etc... in installed in main memory :|

iPAQ Bjorn
11-25-2003, 03:36 PM
Last update...,

I have no sign of :
the build in Calculator
the Game, Jawbreaker

Both seem to be gone, I tried a search with the Find function, and the only things showing up are the Help functions of both programs...!!!

Does anybody know how to get these two things back....?

Thanks and best regards,

iPAQ Bjorn