View Full Version : Sprint/Vision/#777 Not working anymore?
I've been using Vision for awhile now to access the internet with my iPAQ. I don't use it a lot so I'm sure I haven't passed their "limit".
Has anyone else had trouble getting this to work lately? I'm in Austin and #777 stopped working about one week ago. Hasn't worked once for me since then. Also, regular Vision using the phone's browser works as it always has.
Any advice/comments are appreciated.
11-24-2003, 05:37 PM
Do you have the CF Card or are you connecting some other way? :?:
I'm using a 2215 connected to a LG5350 with a Gomadic Cable (serial).
I've been using this setup for months in a few different states and it just suddenly stopped working last week. I don't know if it's limited to Austin because I haven't travelled lately.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
11-24-2003, 10:08 PM
I haven't tried mine in a while, my cable's at work. I'll give it a try tomorrow and let you know.
11-25-2003, 06:36 PM
Ok I tried it and everything worked fine. Are you sure you didn't change a setting somewhere? What kind of problem are you having?
11-25-2003, 07:52 PM
Ya, Me too. I have my sanyo 8100 working on my laptop with #777.
I take it that you are not useing Vision. YOu are using pre-vision connectivity? :?:
Thunder, Flower, thanks for looking into this for me!
Yes, I am using the Vision service and everything but #777 access seems to be working fine. I can access all the "approved" Vision services through my phone. I'm only having trouble with net access through #777.
Also, I just noticed that if I dial #777 direct I hear, "The number or code you have dial is incorrect." Does this happen for you too? I never tried dialing direct because the connection always worked through my PPC.
I haven't knowingly changed any settings but I notice WM2003 seems to randomly change things sometimes. Nevertheless, I have tried changing every setting I can find to anything that seems to be plausible. No go on any of that. Bummer.
11-25-2003, 11:01 PM
Sorry to ask about the vision thing. You really answered the question in your first post.
What config are you using from Gomadic Cable? I talked to reps from there and he told me that I could not do it with my sanyo 8100 because "You will need a circuit to sit in between the two
devices. It's quite a bit more complicated than a straight through cable. i.e serial"
Was the connection fast. Reason I ask is because you may have been using pre-vision service on a vision phone and that may be disconnected. I'm trying to confirm this with my Sprint corporate rep. "in an anonymous way" I get 120 kbs speeds with my Future Dial cable/software between my phone and my laptop. Do you get anywhere near that kind of speed?
I'll keep looking into it. :D
11-26-2003, 04:51 AM
I don't know what to tell you, try contacting Gomadic customer service. It works fine for me but I have PPC 2002.
11-26-2003, 02:15 PM
I talked to Gomadic customer service because I was trying to do the same thing as you but I just could not find the right cables. I did here back from them last night and your phone works good with full vision but mine will not. It works fine for me but I have PPC 2002.
Do you mean you have PPC 2002 I did not know the 2215 came with 2002 or am I misunderstanding you.
But sorry I cannot help you. I was hoping I could use a Gomadic cable see if I could get it work on my 2215 and let you know but Gomadic as i said before does not work with my phone. soory :( [/quote]
11-26-2003, 04:57 PM
The LG5350 is the only phone is the Sprint lineup of Vision phones that can do this because its interface is essentially serial (even though there is a USB connector on the cable as well - its two-headed). All of the Samsung and Sanyo phones need a USB host, which the iPAQs can't provide.
I would contact Sprint CS and tell them that you can't dial this number. When they give you a hard time about it, say that you were told by several sales people that you could do this for very minor data usage. Its something on your account that is stopping it and unfortunately, contacting CS is the only way to get it fixed. The service is working just fine for others, including myself (I'm using it on a laptop though, with a Sanyo 4900).
Good luck. You'll need it with Sprint's Customer Service!
11-26-2003, 08:15 PM
I don't have a 2215 I have an Axim. The person who started the thread has a 2215.
And yes the ONLY phone this will work with(on a PPC) is the LG 5350. And I don't think you can buy it new anymore even, it's already more then a year old model; plus I don't think Sprint wanted to encourage using phones for this type of thing so they probably won't release any new phones with serial functionality anytime soon.
Flower, Thunder:
Thanks again.
Yeah, when I saw the 5350 was still available (awhile back) I jumped on it because of the serial port. Otherwise, I would have gone with a different phone. I hope we get native USB host function soon in a PPC.
I do believe you are correct. However, I was really hoping you were wrong. Calling Sprint was going to be the "absolute last resort after everything else has been shot down in flames" answer. Damn.
It just irks me because I know I haven't used that much data and I hear about people doing filesharing with no problem. Now with that MobiTV app, people are *really* going to be using up the bandwidth. Argh!
I'll give customer service a call and cross my fingers. If anything positive comes of it I'll put up another post for the good of all mankind.
11-26-2003, 09:48 PM
Tye, I just connected to 777, as usual. No problems here.
I'm using Ipaq 3955 (PPC2002) and LG5350. Using Gomadic cable.
11-27-2003, 02:09 AM
I don't have a 2215 I have an Axim. The person who started the thread has a 2215.
And yes the ONLY phone this will work with(on a PPC) is the LG 5350. And I don't think you can buy it new anymore even, it's already more then a year old model; plus I don't think Sprint wanted to encourage using phones for this type of thing so they probably won't release any new phones with serial functionality anytime soon.
The Sanyo 6400 (which you also can't buy anymore) is also serial and not true USB. I use mine with my Toshiba E740 all the time. FYI now has cables that will work with the 8100 and the other Sprint phones and PPC's. - sheureka
Well, after spending many hours going through customer support, tier 1 tech support, and then tier 2 tech support I still have no connection. I do have what I thought was some interesting info...
First, even though all the Sprint service reps and tech guys are obviously scared to death to say anything bad about their employer they obviously are frustrated by a lot of corporate's decisions regarding data.
I was told that nothing has been changed on my account. I was told I most likely have a driver issue. This wouldn't have bothered me as much if I was using a laptop but on a PPC I can't think of any driver issues that just crept up in one day. Odd. At least it gives me another avenue. Any takers on this one?
OK, another interesting tidbit that I didn't know... Your data usage IS monitored by Sprint. It is calculated using a formula that the tech guys don't know. This isn't new news. What *was* new to me is that they set the "red flags" at different levels depending on which phone you have. So my LG5350 which I purposely bought because it is so barebones has a lower data limit than a new camera phone. Sprint, of course, making the correct assumption that my 5350 won't burn through as much bandwidth because of its capabilities.
Something else I found interesting. If you knew this then forgive me. Sprint cannot turn off the #777 service for an individual phone. They can either turn it off for everyone or they can turn off *all* Vision services for an individual but not #777. I have read stories to the contrary but the very nice tech guy that obviously didn't agree with Sprint assured me this is fact.
So now I'm frustrated once again because it sounds like something on my end and I can't imagine what's wrong. I've changed every setting I can think of twice or more and I'm still having no luck. Argh again.
I hope those tidbits of wisdom are helpful for someone. I'm off to fiddle with my damned phone and iPAQ. AGAIN!
12-01-2003, 05:52 AM
Just a thought, if you are trying to access lower speed services, non 1xRTT, try dialing #762.
12-19-2003, 09:43 PM
Hi guys, I have been having the same problem as Tye and have the same set up as they do.
I haven't been able to log in on my phone to my sprint email without trying at least 2-3 times.
I was able to connect with the axim for I think one day, maybe two before it stopped working and then some others mentioned I needed a rom update (I have an Axim X5 advanced). Did all that and still no go.
Yesterday I talked to sprint and a supervisor told me that I must be able to connect to the internet because i was running 5000kb of data for the month. Now I'm not really much of a techie, just love gadgets, I don't know if that's a lot or not. she made it sound like it was a bunch though. She asked if I was using it as a modem and connecting to something. I kinda went around that question.
So then I get a tech person and while they are trying to figure all this out they tell me that I am being charged 39 cents a minute for data usage. she went and checked with someone and they told her that it was probably nothing and shouldn't even appear on my bill. The charge is supposedly for improper usage of data/web stuff.
I have never gotten the #777 to work, for the Axim I was told to dial into #2932.
Now in addtion to this I have one more question. Those of you with the LG5350, when you are on the web with your PDA using the phone do you have the icon for the wireless web showing or does it show the icon for an active phone call? Mine first showed the icon for web but now only for active phone call. It is obviously dialing into a modem and I am sure that is part of the data issue mentioned above.
12-22-2003, 07:27 PM
It should have the wireless web icon not the phone icon and you should be using #777. Make sure you're not dialing any area code or 0 or 1 or anything other then #777.
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