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View Full Version : Will some one with Textmaker please try this experiment?

11-20-2003, 06:05 PM
I am having a problem syncing TM files. If you have TM will you try this out for me and report the results?

Create a file called "Test" (or whatever you want) in TM on the desktop. Save it to your sync folder. Open it on the PPC, and close it (should still be TM file). Then, open it in TM on the desktop again but save as... and change it to a Word file, then save again and sync.

Once you do this does the file sync? Can you open it as a Word doc on the PPC. I cannot and have tried many scenarios!

Any help is appreciated.


11-20-2003, 08:46 PM
Did you tell Texmaker during the installation to disable the converting of .doc files to pocket word files? I don't have TM installed on the PC, so I can't help you with PC TM problems.

11-20-2003, 09:05 PM
I am having a problem syncing TM files. If you have TM will you try this out for me and report the results?

Create a file called "Test" (or whatever you want) in TM on the desktop. Save it to your sync folder. Open it on the PPC, and close it (should still be TM file). Then, open it in TM on the desktop again but save as... and change it to a Word file, then save again and sync.

Once you do this does the file sync? Can you open it as a Word doc on the PPC. I cannot and have tried many scenarios!

Any help is appreciated.

First of all, turn off any ActiveSync conversions for .doc files as this will taint the results. TextMaker wants real .doc files, not dumbed-down Pocket Word files.

Secondly, when you open a .tmd file (either on the desktop or the Pocket PC) and then save as a .doc file, you have two files: the original .tmd file and the new .doc file. If you saved them to your Synchronized Files folder, they will be updated on the opposite machine on each connection.

Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH

11-21-2003, 12:43 AM
Everything is working fine now. I reinstalled TM on the PPC and I think that solved it. I made sure to turn off the file conversions. I think that was my problem. Thanks for the help, I got a better answer here than I did with TM email support, they only suggested upgrading AvtiveSync; they said, "This is not a problem with TextMaker itself, because TextMaker saves the file correct." I went into way more detail with them so I suspect that they didn't even read my question.
