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View Full Version : Fly Presenter CF Problems...

11-19-2003, 08:01 AM
Makes me think I should have spent the additional $100 dollars fro Margi. I go the Fly's website and it is poorly translated English phrases.

Their FAQ page is a joke and I can't figure out what is wrong. It continually crashes my 2215.

The shadow program, which is supposed to setup the VGA output, wants to run an indivisual screen during slide mode! One large screen, and one smaller screen of the same shot, but at a perpendicular angle.

Any takers?


Sven Johannsen
11-19-2003, 06:54 PM
Can't help with the FlyPresenter, but if you get fed up, you might consider the Colorgraphics Voyager. That works fine on my 2215. Margi is likely the premier product, they have been at this for a long time. The reason I went with the Colorgraphics is that the Margi doesn't support composite video and s-video out, only VGA.

11-20-2003, 07:23 AM
My problem seems to be that when I run a slide presentation in VGA slideshow mode, it produces two images at the same time. One is the full screen image, but then up at the top of the image, is a smaller picture of the same image. I just can't figure this out.

I made a 65 image slideshow of someone's life and I intended to use it a memorial service tomorrow, but I think I will end up taking my desktop if I cant' get thsi figured out. PLus it keeps crashing?

Should I have gotten extra memory for this? :?:

11-21-2003, 07:59 AM
Problems resolved. I spoke with technicla support on the phone. In settng the VGA connection, I was letting that program run in the background because of the way I exited that program and that's what caused the problem.

I also did a hard reset to clear out the cobwebs. It performed well for me for a memorial service for my natural father today. I ran ppt program showing pictures of his life from 1926 to 2003. Everyone was touched by that, and also amazed that I was doing it all from an itty bitty HP2215.

Great day.