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View Full Version : Another ActiveStink problem -Inbox help!

11-16-2003, 08:02 PM
Well here I go with ActiveSync again. For starters, I am syncing with an iPAQ 5450 running 2002 (not Wm2003).

I have been syncing regularly (thank God) for weeks without any issues, both in the cradle, using WiFi and even once with Bluetooth. Last night, I dropped the PPC in the cradle to load the latest version of Journal Bar and my ActiveSync announced that there were 300+ Inbox items and 250+ Files that had never been synced before and brought up the dialog box asking me to merge, overwrite, etc. I sunced earlier in the day an may have received one or two e-mails and had not changed any existing files (I only actually have 109 files in My Documents).

Knowing I had not made any changes to the PPC, I instructed Active sync to overwrite my PPC data with my laptop data. There was one unresolved Inbox message (but that happens occasionally without issue) but I only sunc the past 7 days so this problem usually goes away by itself.

A few minutes later I synced again (after setting up Journal Bar) and again ActiveSunc advised there were 300+ Inbox messages and 250+ Files that had NEVER been synced with the same dialog.

After multiple syncs or sync attempts (both cradle and WIFi) I finally disabled Inbox syncing and again I got the never synced Files (250+) message, but now subsequent syncs are working file. I tried turning Inbox back on and the same problem appeared again.

I now have Inbox turned off as syncing my Files folder is much more important to me, but I would like to turn Inbox back on. I suspect that an attachment in one or more of my Inbox messages is causing ActiveSync to get confused. Is there any way to root this out other than trial and error (keep changing Inbox parameters until it works)?

And a couple other questions.
If this is a known problem, does WM2003 resolve it?
Is there a third party Inbox app that resolves this?
Can Microsoft please bribe or kidnap someone from the Palm camp to rewrite their syncing software so this becomes a non-issue and I can recommend PPC's to non-technical people?

11-16-2003, 10:04 PM
Update. Well after turning Inbox on and off a few times now my Files folder is doing the same thing. Each time I place the PPC in the cradle I am being advised that my files folder is syncing for the first time, even though no changes have been made since the last sync.

Is there some ActivcSync log file that I can delete or edit so that it stops thinking this? My device is basically useless if I can't sync my Files folder.


11-16-2003, 10:47 PM
Final Update. OK, so I guess I solved my own problem. I renamed my desktop My Documents folder to PocketPC_1 My Documents XX and disabled syncing of Files in Active Sync. I then reenabled syncing of Files, which created a new PocketPC_1 My Documents folder. On the first sync only 43 of about 110 files synced from the PPC. All the rest (like my Code Wallet files and Pocket Excel files were deleted).

On my desktop I copied in all of the deleted synced files from my old (XX) My Documents folder and resynced. Everthing worked fine. I then re-enabled the Inbox folder (will the original settings) and that worked fine. I have tried syncing multiple times (removing the PPC from the cradle each time to create a new connection) and everything appears to be fine.

So I guess my Pocket PC My Documents folder on my desktop was corrupted, but how did it happen and why? And why can't ActiveSync identify this and just tell me? I guess it's another invoice to BillG for the 7 hours I spent troubleshooting this problem. Oh well! :roll: