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View Full Version : ActiveSynch via WiFi??

11-13-2003, 06:18 PM
I'm interested in synching a 4150 with a laptop via WiFi rather than having to use the cradle or a synch cable. I seem to remember reading a string a while ago that said AS 3.7 could handle WiFi, but I can't find the string via search, and I've been unable to get it to work.

Anyone have some fast tips on how to configure? Are there any 3rd party software apps out there that perform a Synch over WiFi?

Thanks! :way to go:

Jason Dunn
11-13-2003, 06:28 PM
Funny, I'm fighting and swearing at my Pocket PC trying to get the same thing going...<sigh>

11-13-2003, 06:41 PM
I will NOT throw my iPaq into the wall...
I will NOT throw my laptop into the wall...
I will not let technical gadgets get the best of me...

oh well... at least I can Surf for answers on the web using WiFi!!! :lol:
Holler if you have better luck

Jason Dunn
11-13-2003, 06:58 PM
The solution used to be Marc Zimmerman's HOSTS file program, but I don't know if that's still valid under 2003....@)(#*@)(#@

Why does Microsoft make this so darn hard? Is wireless synching to a local desktop PC really so obscure in this day and age?

11-13-2003, 07:01 PM

Setting up WiFi ActiveSyncing is hard, or so I've heard. But try having a look at this guide, maybe it can help you:


Good Luck! :wink:

Jason Dunn
11-13-2003, 07:09 PM

"The last step was the most important. This configuration parameter enables the transparent ability to synchronize between the Pocket PC and the designated host computer. Tap the Name Servers tab and in the WINS field, enter the IP of the designated host sync computer. I entered, which had been assigned statically to the Windows XP-based computer."

What the heck? The only way for Activesync to see the desktop PC is to switch the Pocket PC over to a hard-coded IP system? :evil:

11-13-2003, 07:58 PM

"The last step was the most important. This configuration parameter enables the transparent ability to synchronize between the Pocket PC and the designated host computer. Tap the Name Servers tab and in the WINS field, enter the IP of the designated host sync computer. I entered, which had been assigned statically to the Windows XP-based computer."

What the heck? The only way for Activesync to see the desktop PC is to switch the Pocket PC over to a hard-coded IP system? :evil:

Yep, looks like it. :(

I hope that the next ActiveSync x.0 version will have some sort of a Wizard for setting up syncing via WiFi and Bluetooth. However, such a feat will require major brainstorming... on the other hand, Microsoft has got the peoplepower to do that... :twisted:

Other option is to setup a Linux server running SynCe and you can have dozens of Pocket PCs sync from anywhere (well almost). The hardest part (I suppose) is setting it up right, but I might be wrong on that point...

Jon Westfall
11-13-2003, 08:25 PM
I fought with this last week and finally got it working after installing pocket hosts, setting up the hostname / IP, getting it to connect as guest, and then (mysteriously) when I deleted the entry in pocket hosts, it synced over wi-fi as it should. I'm using an XDA II with WM 2003 over a Sandisk WiFi SD card.

11-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Why does Microsoft make this so darn hard?

Why indeed?!!
Any luck Jason? I read the article by Bowman, and didn't get anywhere. It was aimed at the pre PPC 2002 OS, so I couldn't map her tasks to the 2003 alternatives.

There is no excuse to have built WiFi / BT capability into the unit and then fail to provide a straight forward approach to synching the unit WITH the technology!!!
MS must be doing design by concensus and across silos??!! :soapbox:

11-14-2003, 04:30 AM
Ah.... the birds are chirpping, the sun is shining, and there's a rainbow overhead ... or at least it feels that way :lol:

Sweet success... I will NOT be overcome by a gadget that only knows how to count from zero to 1.

WiFi Sync is now a reality...and it is SWEET!! :clap:

Truth be told, I resorted to HP Tech Support and lucked out by getting a WiFi Geek (positive label!). After 60 minutes on the phone with Trevor, we hit the ball out of the park and all was well.

I'll write my notes in a follow-up post and drop it here soon so that others can share in the wealth.


11-14-2003, 06:47 AM
If it helps any... my setup allows my iPAQ 2215 (WM2003) to active sync, surf the web, access network shares, stream audio/video... all across Wi-Fi with the iPAQ using DHCP...

All of the guides I found when I got my ipaq back in July were for PPC2002 or earlier so most of the screen shots and steps were different then what I saw and I could not always translate the steps to WM2003.

Once I got it working, I was happy. Then I saw others having problems setting up Wi-Fi on their WM2003 devices, so I decided to write up the steps I took to get mine working.

see... http://marzano.home.att.net/mobile/ipaq.htm

the write up is nearly 100% complete, but I want to better document the wireless access point setup portion. The iPAQ setup is as step by step as I can get...

Hope it helps you...

11-15-2003, 02:01 AM
I just wanted to chime in on this thread. I am proud to say that through hours of frustration and madness, I am also able to ActiveSync wirelessly!

I have an Axim and a Socket card. And I did it all with WEP enabled.

The guides that were the most helpful to me were:

this one (http://wifi.aximsite.com/wifi-faq.html)


this one (http://wifi.aximsite.com/wifi_net.html)

Check it out!

Also I am streaming my Divx movies through WME....nice.

11-18-2003, 05:57 AM

I have a linksys router providng DCHP, and all I did was turn my WIFI on on the HP 5455 and then hit "Sync"

no issues..no problems.....outta the box.

But then I'm also a WIFI geek :)


11-18-2003, 05:15 PM
I got the sync to work like that as well. Very easily... but the connection is super slow. I would almost say that syncing through IR is as fast!

11-19-2003, 04:08 AM
I have not had a problem with either my IPAQ 5450 or 5550, D-link or Lynksys routers. After successfully Syncing via the cradle, just sync and go.

Our company uses Avaya VPN firewalls and software. I am able to sync via Wifi as well once my pc and PPC are tunneled into the network. Wi Fi has really enhanced the use of my PPC .