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View Full Version : I can't believe I did it.......T3 used more than 5550

11-12-2003, 10:44 PM
Not long ago I thoght I would give the Tungsten T3 a chance! For the last 2 weeks I have been using the HP 5550 and the T3 side by side and I must admit the HP is being used less and less. Come on Microsoft - get the PPC up to scratch. Here are some of the reasons that the T3 is currently favoured:

1. Size
2. Screen Res and clarity.
3. Hot Sync (no probs)
4. Minimal (1 soft reset) and no hard resets
5. Alarms are loud and sound when they should - they work correctly.
6. Speed - 400mhz and 64M Ram being used for applications - not to carry a cumbersome OS.

I still like the PPC - but I won't use it as my preferred PDA until it is faster and has more stability.

Any thoughts?


Janak Parekh
11-12-2003, 11:11 PM
1. For size, the 5550 is among the biggest Pocket PC 2003s. Try a 4150. ;)

2. I looked at the T3. And yes, its screen is absolutely wonderful. Blows away nearly every Pocket PC device except for the e805.

3. Most of the time, I have no issues with ActiveSync - believe it or not!

4. I soft reset very rarely -- once every week or two. I haven't hard reset in years.

5. Alarms work fine for me. It seems I'm in the minority, and I don't deny others have had problems.

6. I debate the cumbersome nature of the OS, especially with WM2003. Wait until Palm OS is multitasking, supports categories, etc. -- all features that are essential to me. I bet you'll see it has similar properties to WinCE at that point from the standpoint of performance metrics and memory usage.

In any case, though, you should use the tool that's geared better to your needs. I think a Pocket PC is superior for the kinds of things I do, and it has several things that I find severely lacking in a Palm, and that's why I use it.


11-13-2003, 03:46 AM
Use the tools that meet your needs, but remember when they, palm, oh excuse me, palmone :roll: have true multi-tasking like the ppc there will be more complications for them, yes, including soft resets and hard resets. I have never done a hard reset. I did three soft resets but it was the program and it is gone.

4150 is a good choice in size and in options. I will never go back to the dark side :mrgreen:

Kati Compton
11-13-2003, 03:48 AM
...palm, oh excuse me, palmone :roll:
That's quite enough. You've made your point on MANY threads, and have been told already that this is getting excessive. Please stop now. Future posts containing this may be deleted.

No need to reply to this post.

11-13-2003, 03:51 AM
Thats the major thing that just doesnt cut it for me on the PalmOne side of things, no mulitasking! If you use windows, I want to see if you can only have one program running, nothing else. That will be super hard, and it will be frustrating that my PPC would be the same, but not with MS WM2003..

But, each to their own, and another mans treasure is another mans junk, so, Im happy that you are happy with your t3, but you have to compare apples with apples, get something roughly the same size, 4150, and then lets see how the results fair...


11-13-2003, 03:55 AM
and by whom was i told? one person that i know of.
so basically if someone complains about someone elses post it is enough to make them adjust what they do. I didnt know that, mmm, wow, i guess I should keep my eye out then.

11-13-2003, 04:07 AM
No need to reply to this post.

Uh Hmmm....


The e800 from Toshiba looks to be promising aswell with the excellent display, now PPC has the upper level over Palm on every level, well, apart from Palm Enthusiasts, that is :roll:

Never Stop Thinking...

-Justin. 8)

Kati Compton
11-13-2003, 04:10 AM
and by whom was i told? one person that i know of.
so basically if someone complains about someone elses post it is enough to make them adjust what they do. I didnt know that, mmm, wow, i guess I should keep my eye out then.

Well, I see you've said it at least 25 times in less than a month (probably more because I didn't search for typos). A number of people are tired of reading it. I'm surprised you're not tired of saying it.

I've read a few complaints over the past few days. Please consider this the official request.

If you would like to continue this discussion, please PM me instead, as this thread should get back on topic.

Janak Parekh
11-13-2003, 04:13 AM
The e800 from Toshiba looks to be promising aswell with the excellent display, now PPC has the upper level over Palm on every level, well, apart from Palm Enthusiasts, that is :roll:
I don't see how one can summarily say that "PPC has the upper level over Palm on every level". The PalmOS most definitely has its advantages. For one, the single-tasking environment gives you an insanely fast response time on nearly every Palm device. For two, HotSync is still an order-of-magnitude more stable than ActiveSync. It even supports sync with more than two machines!

Without a doubt, I use and need Pocket PCs' advantages. But I've seen the T3, and it's a pretty slick unit. A huge step up over the Palms of the past.


11-13-2003, 04:25 AM
NOw that Janak says that, I remember syncing my IBM 3c and a Psion on my laptop. I didnt have trouble, I just had to make sure the com port was available. Other than that, it never gave me any trouble.

11-13-2003, 04:38 AM
I like the Tungsten form factor, indeed I came very close to buying the original TT before getting my Axim. POS 5 does not quite there as far as I'm concerned and I much prefer my two slot layout. (Have to keep that 1GB CF card somewhere).

At this moment I'm keeping the Axim because I have not seen anything from POS, PPC, Symbian or Linux that tempts me to upgrade. I'm going to wait and see what goodies WM2004 brings before investing in anything new.

However it's possible that POS 6.0 and SD cards over 1GB could shift the balance back in pa1mOne's direction (I just love to type POS and pa1mOne!) and that T3 screen is something else. It's great how they have the landscape - portrait - open - closed stuff sorted. If we tried to do that on a PPC we'd be soft resetting all day long.

Of course PPC has POS well beaten in terms of third party apps. Well maybe not in quantiy - who wants 10,000 freeware alarm clock and launcher apps anyway - but certainly in quality.