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View Full Version : Missing Sync

11-11-2003, 12:40 AM
I downloaded Missing Sync last night and paid $40 for the one time download version for my new 15" Aluminum Powerbook. Unfortunately, the stupid thing crapped out on me today, before I had a chance to make a backup CD, and after calling AppleCare they told me I had to reformat my harddrive. So now the only copy of the software is gone and so now I'm wondering if there is a generous soul out there who would send me a copy of their software. I still have my registration code, but I can't reinstall the software from their website. Thanks.

Kati Compton
11-11-2003, 01:48 AM
Have you tried contacting them directly? If you explain, they'd probably be happy to set you up.

11-12-2003, 12:26 AM
Thanks. I wrote MarkSpace and they sent me another link so that I can redownload the software. I appreciate it.