View Full Version : Just got back from "The Matrix"...
Steven Cedrone
11-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Anyone else? What did you think???
11-05-2003, 09:51 PM
...and that's all you have to say? :wink:
Tell us what you thought! My son can't wait for us to go this weekend....
11-05-2003, 09:56 PM
:evil: My local theater cancelled the early showing of it, and I dont have time to go see it until sometime later on tonight(most probably 9 pacific). While we are on the topic of movies...anybody planning on going to one of the Lord Of The Rings Marathons? The 2 first movies (extended editions) with the 3rd movie. Back to back.... :drool:
Steven Cedrone
11-05-2003, 09:56 PM
I don't want to spoil it for anyone...
Great special effects!!! :wink:
Steven Cedrone
11-05-2003, 09:57 PM
:evil: My local theater cancelled the early showing of it, and I dont have time to go see it until sometime later on tonight(most probably 9 pacific). While we are on the topic of movies...anybody planning on going to one of the Lord Of The Rings Marathons? The 2 first movies (extended editions) with the 3rd movie. Back to back.... :drool:
I am going to try (if they do it in my area)...
Jonathon Watkins
11-05-2003, 10:16 PM
Now THAT would be fun! A LOTR marathon sounds great - the extended versions?
11-05-2003, 10:29 PM
A friend of mine and I really wanted to go to a LOTR marathon, but it was sold out well in advance.
Steven Cedrone
11-05-2003, 10:30 PM
A friend of mine and I really wanted to go to a LOTR marathon, but it was sold out well in advance.
If you wanted to see Revolutions today (at the theater I went to) in IMAX, it was sold out...
*Notice how I gently nudged us back on topic... :wink:
11-05-2003, 11:02 PM
:drool: Matrix + Imax
Jonathon Watkins
11-05-2003, 11:45 PM
*Notice how I gently nudged us back on topic... :wink:
:oops: Indeed. :oops:
Heck, I still need to see Reloaded - I am behind the times! :!:
So - worth seeing Revolution?
11-06-2003, 12:06 AM
USA Today reviewer gave 1.5 stars...outta 5...
Said the he made the mistake of giving Matrix 2 the benefit of the doubt (as did I). Now I WILL go see it, but it doesn't sound that good...
Jason Dunn
11-06-2003, 12:16 AM
I saw RELOADED in Vegas on an IMAX screen, and it was awesome! Except for how closely I had to examine the faces of all the actors - sometimes things can be a little TOO big, ya know?
In terms of movie critics, bah, ignore 'em! They forget to have FUN when they're seeing movies.
11-06-2003, 12:21 AM
Normally I don't really care what mainstream reviewers say; however, I was sorely disappointed with Reloaded and most of the critics agreed (as did many here). So I'm guessing that I won't rate it higher than 3. But I will go see it, so they will get my cash.
Jonathon Watkins
11-06-2003, 12:28 AM
You've got to finish the Trillogy off really, don't you. :wink:
11-06-2003, 12:39 AM
I havent seen Reloaded yet, but my dad will buy them on DVD to watch on our home theatre.
11-06-2003, 02:21 AM
*Notice how I gently nudged us back on topic... :wink:
That was a very subtle nudge ... :rotfl:
Back on topic : Really ? Matrix revolution is out ! [Jumping around my cubicle in joy] ... someone should make an emoticon that can precisely describe that activity :mrgreen:
Bad news is ... it will take another 3 months to get the movie played down here in indonesia so ...
11-06-2003, 02:36 AM
i am waiting for maybe tomorrow of friday mid day so i dont have to wait inlife 10,000 years :wink: I want to go in there and relax.
lord of the rings both parts at the theatre? I didnt know anything about this 8O when :?: how :?: where :?: :?: :?: :?: 8O
11-06-2003, 04:56 AM
lord of the rings both parts at the theatre? I didnt know anything about this 8O when :?: how :?: where :?: :?: :?: :?: 8O
Let me give you another very gentle nudge to get back on topic. :mrgreen:
11-06-2003, 06:05 AM
i am waiting for maybe tomorrow of friday mid day so i dont have to wait inlife 10,000 years :wink: I want to go in there and relax.
lord of the rings both parts at the theatre? I didnt know anything about this 8O when :?: how :?: where :?: :?: :?: :?: 8O
About a month back or so, 99 theaters across the country (usa), internet only, 1 day only, sold out in 10 minutes. not surprised you didn't hear :?
11-06-2003, 06:36 AM
Well... just got back from a 9:50PM EST showing... boy I haven't been up this late in a while! ;) First, let me say that if you've seen the first two, then you really should go finish out the series. Second, I must say that I was a little dissapointed. That's all I'll say for now. Time to hit the sack.
- Aaron
11-06-2003, 08:58 AM
Just got back from the theater, its 5 minutes till Thursday (PST).
I am a huge matrix fan. When Reloaded came out, I waited in line for 12 hours.
So... it should be no surprise that I went and saw the ending installment of this trilogy.
While I enjoyed the movie, the ending left me quite baffled. I thought this was supposed to be the end to the Matrix movies. Now they hint towards there being a return of Neo? OMG :? This got me furious. They are leaving the doors open, for a return to the series which might bring the downfall of the series. I believe they should just leave the Neo side of the story dead and move on.... or go to the past. Give us matrix movies about the other "the one"s. Oh well just my opinion....
End of Spoiler
11-06-2003, 01:46 PM
Agreed... the ending just didn't do it for me.
- Aaron
Steven Cedrone
11-06-2003, 03:27 PM
Since you posted the spoiler, if people are reading this far....
One more warning: Do not read this if you haven't seen the movie!!!
My reactions:
What about everything the architect said in the second movie? None of that was explained...
Could they possibly drag out that "Death scene" any longer? (you know which one I am talking about)
I left the movie thinking "there is going to have to be another movie", they just left too many questions unanswered...
Critics usually give SCIFI movies bad ratings, but in this case, I have to agree with what the majority of them said about it...
11-06-2003, 05:04 PM
I went into this movie with many questions in mind... expecting many answers. I left feeling as if they simply decided to ignore most of those questions raised in Reloaded. I just left feeling... unsatisfied. I don't know how to explain it. I guess I was wanting more closure than what I got. I have a few specific gripes
I agree about the specific death scene. Dragged on too long. Also, I was surprised that as much as Neo loved Trin, he didn't at least try to bring her back, similar to what he did in Reloaded. I know she said she was ready to die, but love makes you do crazy things, and if my love was dying, and I had the power to save her, I would, no mater what she said.
With all the todo that was made (in Reloaded) about having all of the ships in Zion for the battle (remember the scene where they were asking for volunteers to go look for / assist Morpheus), where were all the ships during the battle? When the hammer showed up it was able to wipe out all of the machines in the dock with it's single EMP pulse. With this kind of power, where were all the other ships and why didn't we hear anything about them? I assume they were already destroyed prior to the machines reaching the dock?
Also, it anoyed me the way the kid kept running around at the end of the movie screaming "The war is over... the war is over!". Not only did it seem lame, but just because that battle was over, how did he know the WAR was over?
- Aaron
Dave Beauvais
11-06-2003, 07:45 PM
I just want to thank guys for making spoiler alerts in your posts. I won't be seeing this until next weekend and am trying to avoid reading about it as much as possible so as not to know the story before I see the film. :) I'll come back to this thread after I see it.
11-06-2003, 07:53 PM
1st I am biased, loved all the series
I think the reason that they dragged the fight scene so long is to show us that neither of the was stronger, as they are just the negative of each other. I could agree that I didnt like the last 2 minutes of the movie as I dont really get what is the deal with the small girl, and how they said neo will be back. Maybe by back they mean another anomaly u know? but guys it was terrific, I loved it so much I will surely see it again soon!
11-06-2003, 09:19 PM
Anyone want a Matrix phone? 8)
11-06-2003, 10:59 PM
Spoiler Alert!
Here is more on my take in regards to the movie.
I agree with he who said that the last two minutes of the movie were quite confusing. Confusing to me at least, after having read and heard, that THE brothers had said this would be the end. By saying that Neo (or "Neh-Oh" like the little girl called him) would be back, they have left the series open.
But open to what? Well I for one, believe that this might leave it open for some future movie in which they might destroy the beauty of the Matrix Trilogy. I strongly believe that the best course of action would have been to end the movie with a clouser that would leave no room for speculation, as has been with Revolutions.
I bleieve that if THE brothers wanted to come back to the movies at some later time, they could do so in a different fashion and not have to go and mess with the Neo Saga. I expected for them to go back to the Matrix world. Because it is a wonderful story that has plenty of room for development, however, this could be done by diving into a different Saga, not centered on Neo, his friends, or the Zion we were treated to.
They could just make a movie based on happenings, BEFORE (by before I mean, maybe one of the previous "The One"s stories) the happenings of the Neo Saga.
All in all, this was a good movie. I was jumping like a baby when the mechs were fighting. Never have I seen such SFX. Also, on another note, am I the only one who was reminded of DragonBall when watching the battle between Agent Smith and Neo?
The explosions of power when they were fighting, the flying in the air while fighting, the pummeling of buildings, etc. All totaly ANIME inspired, but most surely inspired by DragonBall.
Finaly(haha this has dragged on so much[its just I have so many things to say and nobody to tell them to, since only a few of my friends have watched the movie]), anybody else think that maybe the brothers are planning on expanding the series through a different medium? More games, books, anime series, etc. One thing to take note on, is that the Matrix game that is being worked on at the moment, the one which is played online(one of those massive multiplayer online games) is set right after the trilogy, and it takes place IN the Matrix. MMMM.... 8O interesting no?
Lets hear more from you guys!
End of Spoiler
11-07-2003, 05:32 AM
Nice Idea with the "Spoiler Alert" but is it worth going to see because I didnt read the "Spoiler Alerts"
11-07-2003, 05:35 AM
Nice Idea with the "Spoiler Alert" but is it worth going to see because I didnt read the "Spoiler Alerts"
I would say no. Spoilers or not.
I would rate this just a little better than the crapfest that was T3.
11-07-2003, 05:43 AM
If you liked the past two yes.
11-07-2003, 08:54 AM
I concurr. the thing is that most ppl dont see is that is not a sequel, but the 2nd part of reloaded......
I watched it once, and will go to watch it again as soon as I have time 8)
none of my friend has seen it either as they r busy! lol
11-07-2003, 10:50 AM
heheh. i got to see it in advance (on monday the 3rd) - thanks to friends at the school newspaper and an extra press review pass... cut all my afternoon classes for it. in retrospect, i shouldn't have. although it was cool to have the whole theater to myself and 20 other film critics from local papers and college papers.
not that it was bad; it did round things out nicely; but it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyways. And since they insisted on reinforcing a bunch of the things that made the original hard to swallow, and at times the actors seemed strained past the point of believability with all the mixed religious metaphors and spiritual mumbo-jumbo (and i say that as a philosophy major), i didn't enjoy it nearly as much as i could have (especially the first half of the movie). Although the mechwarrior-suit-thingies battle was pretty nifty.
eh. it all got too pretentious for its own good after the first movie; and even that one was getting there.
the bottom page post by "stringfellow" EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!! everything.....
Steven Cedrone
11-07-2003, 02:23 PM
Nice Idea with the "Spoiler Alert" but is it worth going to see because I didnt read the "Spoiler Alerts"
Yes, go see it. You be the judge... :wink:
11-08-2003, 01:58 AM
Ok, I went last night to see matrix 3. I liked it :) I thought it was better than two, but the ending was strange, or at least I didnt expect what happened to neo
11-08-2003, 02:13 AM
I believe there is a lot more philosophical value in Revolutions than Reloaded. The Train Station scene just screams Wittgenstinian language games, the Merrovingian is given a thankfully much smaller role (bye bye psuedo-Aristotle) and the whole business of Smith = inevitability echoes a line from Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited," that is, him being a "part of a man pretending to be a whole one."
You could see it as the dialectic between Continental and Analytical philosophy; or perhaps reductionist positivism vs. phenomenology.
For once in a pop film, the Christological themes go beyond stupid resurrection copies; Neo and 'Trin' in the ship with no weapons flying into enemy territory; Pauline "remain as you were" ecclesiology; the ending's "Matrix rainbow" symbolising the rainbow after Noah's flood, etc.
The only thing that I absolutely don't get is how Neo, the Oracle, the machines, and possibly Smith himself got all mixed up at the end, and what that had to do with all the Smiths blowing up...
11-09-2003, 12:30 AM
yeah. I gotta agree with the christological things working out rather better than usual in a film... but certain things still aren't really clear at the end; and my biggest beef is that they seemed to at times sacrifice believability or anything approaching sense in order to reach whatever philosophical/theological point they were aiming for (which, as you point out, is kinda jumbled and unclear anyways). And in all honesty, the plot and dialogue weren't on the level where they should be expecting everyone to have a PhD in philosophy in order for it to be enjoyable :).
Still had some good action though :).
11-10-2003, 06:19 AM
I think instead of maKing some stupid game (enter the matrix, PS2) with original movie footage that ties directly into the movie, they could have made a fourth movie to explain and work thru some more of the story, and show all that happened from the game. Although, I liked the movies, I felt like they (Reloaded and Revolutions) were rushed, cramped, etc. Like they filmed all this stuff and then realized, 'Oh, we need to fit this into 3 2-hour Segments and that's it.' I thought for sure there would be some deleted scenes on the reloaded Dvd, but nothing.
11-10-2003, 06:15 PM
I thought for sure there would be some deleted scenes on the reloaded Dvd, but nothing.
They are probably holding off until they release the "Special Edition" Trilogy Package. :drool:b
11-10-2003, 08:17 PM
I love the Matrix Trillogy!!
The second, wasn't that great but I think the last was better. The first will always be the best.
You've been warned!
I think the ending was good. Because, if you recall in the second matrix, you learn that this was not the first, there were many like Neo before him. So all that's happened is that the Matrix has been restarted (reisntalled if you will). The problem with using the EMP inside the dock was that it friend all of their own systems as well and left them vulnerable like they were at the end.
In anycase, I think the last Matrix was very well done. It leaves you with a few unanswered questions, yes. But that's what a good movie *should* do. Keep you thinking... What if...
Okay, it's safe to come out now.
Jonathon Watkins
11-10-2003, 10:23 PM
In anycase, I think the last Matrix was very well done. It leaves you with a few unanswered questions, yes.
A few - A FEW????? I rented Matirx Reloaded the day before yesterday in order to see Revolutions last night. Hmmmmmm. What Were They On?
Neo being given the eyes of the Oracle was clever - if gruesome.
The lack of ships is explained by the guy that Agent Smith took over in 'real life'. He triggered an EMP pulse too early, alerting the machines. Remember the quote said by the captain of the Hammer - "It wasn't a fight - it was a massacre!"
That death scene took way WAY WAY too long I saw people checking their watches, sighing loudly & generally wanting to hurry the thing along. The pacing of the film was odd as well LOT of talking, but the action seemed super-concentrated.
It was worth seeing but we all came out saying What was that all about?
11-10-2003, 11:43 PM
The only thing that I absolutely don't get is how Neo, the Oracle, the machines, and possibly Smith himself got all mixed up at the end, and what that had to do with all the Smiths blowing up...
There are two theories floating about this...
The first is that the Oracle allowed herself to be consumed by Smith so that when Neo was being taken over, he would sense the Oracle and know that he would become part of Smith, just like she had. Now that he was a part of Smith, and in turn all the Smiths, he could destroy them all from the "inside".
The other theory was that as you know from the movie, Neo had a link to the machines and the matrix even when he was in the real world (that's why he could destroy the sentienals in the 2nd & 3rd movies and see without his eyes). After Neo became a part of Smith, this linked the Machines with Smith's world, through this link the machines could destroy Smith.
Pick the one you like better :wink:
Steven Cedrone
11-11-2003, 05:40 AM
I looked at the whole Smith thing like this: Smith was the virus, Neo became the anti-virus "software" the machines needed to destroy the virus...
Jeff Rutledge
11-11-2003, 05:50 AM
I saw it yesterday afternoon and was very disappointed. I thought the first movie was brilliant. It is still one of my top 10 movies. It was innovative, smart, clever and raised the bar.
Unfortunately, the second and third movies don't come close. Maybe someone else got some power at Village Roadshow or somewhere else behind the scenes because they seemed so different.
Also, a big problem I think was that they filmed Reloaded and Revolutions at the same time. That took away their ability to respond to audience reaction to #2 and make changes to #3.
Too bad. For me, when all is said and done, I would have preferred they left it at a single. :?
11-12-2003, 05:36 AM
Matrix Revolutions was god awful.
Tell me why, instead of spending all that time creating shells, guns, and big metal machine men, the people of Zion did not simply make a whole heap of Electromagnetic Pulses? Hell, they could just sit back, wait for a bunch of machines to come, then set off an EMP and watch those bastards die. If any of them get the courage to even think of coming back, fry em again.
The third movie introduced characters that were worthless to the plot. The Trainmaster was stupid and pointless. The little girl was cute but equally as useless. Don't try to scrounge up any significance in them. If you find any, you'll find that your explanations are too far reaching to be feasible or even enjoyable.
The first movie was very profound. The second movie was not as profound, but still had some interesting points to make about determinism. The third movie had no philosophical merit at all.
I don't say this from an ignorant point of view. I study literature and criticism at school, with a side of philosophy every once in a while. Matrix Revolutions cannot appeal to any of these categories.
But, my god! Persephone in that red dress was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!
11-12-2003, 08:17 AM
the third had no phylosophy cuz it was the action part of the 2nd movie. u guys shouldnt look at it as 2 different entities, but as a 6 hr movie. the reason why they dont have lots of emps is that has explain, when one is fired ALL the electronic beside it are useless, included that emp and the others beside it. Ya I didnt get the point of the girl, but it doesnt take away the fact that it was still a great movie.
11-13-2003, 12:42 AM
EMPs disable all machinery... including other EMPs. Use one when more bots are waiting outside, and you're toast.
11-13-2003, 02:10 AM
EMPs have a specific range. Keep your stock of EMPs outside of that range, then transport the next one as soon as the blast is over.
It is a very feasible idea, and anyone who put in a shred of effort would be able to think of a convenient way of doing so.
..........and Matrix Revolutions sucks
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