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View Full Version : 1935 The Cheapest PPC?

11-05-2003, 06:52 AM
Looking for a low cost current model PPC to get me by until the 435x comes out. It looks like the 1935 iPAQ is the cheapest current model PPC on the market at this time ($199 after rebate, $249 w/o rebate). Is my research correct, or is there something even better that I've missed?

11-05-2003, 07:12 AM
Toshiba e355 for $179 at Amazon. (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00009K7ET/qid=1068012716/br=2-2/ref=br_ts_slwth_th_2/104-7399603-2970304?v=glance&s=electronics&n=596182)

11-05-2003, 01:43 PM
I was just thinking about the toshiba. how long are you planning on using the pda until the model you want comes out?
just remember that the toshiba model doesnt use the wi fi card :roll: toshiba 0X
I use the e355 and I like it, I just wish that is one feature I could use. But i can still use bt card :wink:

11-05-2003, 02:34 PM
My hope is that I'll only need it for 2 months at best. I'm optimistic that HP will get the 4350 out before Christmas (though they really already missed the holiday window).

I like the price on the Toshiba. I can't really judge from the dimensions. Is it a pretty big PPC? I think it looks like something in between the older 3xxx and 19xx iPAQs. That sound about right?

I'm only planning to use this relief PDA for tracking some tri-workout routines and listening to some phone conversations I have recorded that I need to summarize. So I don't need all the bells...just cheap. Noticed the iPAQ isn't using a standard sound jack either. That's a bit lame.

It looks like the Toshiba is the cheapest of the cheap eh?

11-05-2003, 05:10 PM
I own the toshiba e355 and it is working great for me :)
It is a bit longer than the 1945 but nothing bad. It is not as thickas the 38,39,54,55xx ipaqs.
For the price it is worth it. If you are only going to use it for that amount of time it will more than do what you need it to. What are you going to do with it after you get your ipaq?

11-05-2003, 05:24 PM
I own the toshiba e355 and it is working great for me :)
It is a bit longer than the 1945 but nothing bad. It is not as thickas the 38,39,54,55xx ipaqs.
For the price it is worth it. If you are only going to use it for that amount of time it will more than do what you need it to. What are you going to do with it after you get your ipaq?

Not sure. My fiance's Palm M130 went dead after about 8 months (battery can't hold a charge off the cradle any longer...Junk!), so I may give it to her. Though as hard as I try, I can't get her to that same level of PDA respect that I have. I spent more time cancelling her Palm alarms at home than she did. I should have known something wasn't right when she would leave on business trips and not take the Palm with her. Maybe the PPC would have enough additional fun "things" to make her interested.

The other option is, as always, eBay.

11-05-2003, 05:56 PM
Problem resolved. I found a refurbished 1910 on ecost.com for $169 out the door and shipped.

11-05-2003, 06:01 PM
That is cool. refurbished?mmm, if that works for you, it seems to me the brand new one is a better deal at around the same price.
Maybe she needs more fun stuff to do wiht it. games, movies, etc.

11-05-2003, 06:04 PM
Refurbs are fine, they have been fully restored by HP. :D I have had no probs with refurbs, I have had one or two, one is my printer! (Its old now, I use my dads laserjet)

11-05-2003, 06:06 PM
That is cool. refurbished?mmm, if that works for you, it seems to me the brand new one is a better deal at around the same price.
Maybe she needs more fun stuff to do wiht it. games, movies, etc.

Refurbs are fine. They have a warranty and often times are cured of the issues the new ones have. For $30 less and only a 2 month tour of duty, I can't argue against it.

I'm guessing the 1910 uses a non-standard headphone interface as well? I guess it's off to the Shack to get an adapter.

She used to sneak my old iPAQs away from me to play solitaire, so maybe that's the killer app for her. Not sure. She already has an iPod, so the music won't do it. Maybe it's the full color pictures of me :lol:

11-05-2003, 06:08 PM
That is cool. refurbished?mmm, if that works for you, it seems to me the brand new one is a better deal at around the same price.
Maybe she needs more fun stuff to do wiht it. games, movies, etc.

Refurbs are fine. They have a warranty and often times are cured of the issues the new ones have. For $30 less and only a 2 month tour of duty, I can't argue against it.

I'm guessing the 1910 uses a non-standard headphone interface as well? I guess it's off to the Shack to get an adapter.

She used to sneak my old iPAQs away from me to play solitaire, so maybe that's the killer app for her. Not sure. She already has an iPod, so the music won't do it. Maybe it's the full color pictures of me :lol:

Right, refurbs are good, and Im sure that your wife will love it when you are done with it.

Maybe it's the full color pictures of me :lol:

You wish :lol:


11-05-2003, 07:12 PM
I would love to change this thread to "How can I make my wife use her PocketPC" because I have the same problem bdegroodt. I gave my wife my old Casio E-200 (Okay, so that's probably the problem right there.) and she just never used it. She thinks she also wants that new HP 435X (The one with the keyboard) Anyway - just thought I would say I have the same problem getting "the woman" to use the PDA.

11-05-2003, 07:19 PM
I would love to change this thread to "How can I make my wife use her PocketPC" because I have the same problem bdegroodt. I gave my wife my old Casio E-200 (Okay, so that's probably the problem right there.) and she just never used it. She thinks she also wants that new HP 435X (The one with the keyboard) Anyway - just thought I would say I have the same problem getting "the woman" to use the PDA.

I've found myself going through this same issue a lot lately (though not all are love interests- To be clear). A couple of weeks ago a coworker bought a brand new Axim from another coworker (he decided it wasn't his cup o' tea and went back to paper). So I checked in with her this week to see how she liked it. Turns out her husband had one and insisted she get one, too. Her response...It's ok, but not really in love with it.

So I replied "Just wait until you can't find it one day. Then you'll know how much you love it." She didn't go for it. Insisted that it wasn't worth much to her. So I went for the kill. "Like books on tape?" She replies "Books are supposed to be on paper." Damn! I counter "Like music?" and there it was...the magic opening. "I do. But I don't know how to get music onto it." "I'll be right over!" I reply. Hope it's the beginning of a new love for the PPC. One person at a time...resistance is futile.

11-05-2003, 07:31 PM
Note--this is not a "woman" issue....I bet some tech freak chicks like me have trouble getting their men to adopt technology sometimes :) My roommate has a Palm M130(I think?), him getting it was what prompted me to research PDAs, but since seeing the PPC light, I just can't get him to listen to me. Hell I can't even get him to USE the Palm for useful things!

"Hey Dan, I need the money for the cable bill on Friday"

"Remind me again, I'm going to forget"

"Put a reminder on your Palm, I don't want to have to remind you again"

"I don't use my Palm for that stuff"


11-05-2003, 07:35 PM
Note--this is not a "woman" issue....I bet some tech freak chicks like me have trouble getting their men to adopt technology sometimes :) My roommate has a Palm M130(I think?), him getting it was what prompted me to research PDAs, but since seeing the PPC light, I just can't get him to listen to me. Hell I can't even get him to USE the Palm for useful things!

"Hey Dan, I need the money for the cable bill on Friday"

"Remind me again, I'm going to forget"

"Put a reminder on your Palm, I don't want to have to remind you again"

"I don't use my Palm for that stuff"


True. In fact, in my little summary above, the original Axim owner was a male and the joy of the PPC seemed be lost on him.

11-05-2003, 07:37 PM
It is true. You have to find that can opener of love for the PDA, and when you do they get hooked. I think that will be showing pictures of our kids on the handheld. I use HP's photo viewer program to show a slide show of our two kids and she loves that, so I think if she could thumb type AND show pictures, I would have her. (What is wrong with us that other people MUST like PocketPC's!) I am about to buy one for my brother for Christmas even though he said he didn't think he would use it. Assimilate - Assimilate all life.

11-06-2003, 02:22 AM
Yeah, some people dont have the blood type for a ppc yet, they just need a transfusion:) they think palm, oh excuse me, palm one :roll: until they see the POWER of a ppc :)
i have photosof my girl friend and her kids on mine. I want to watch movies but one thing at a time. I currently amin grad school so getting a keyboard is a high priority for me and the toshiba e355. Nothing like working on a class paper or whatever on a ppc :mrgreen:

11-06-2003, 03:59 PM
Yeah, some people dont have the blood type for a ppc yet, they just need a transfusion:) they think palm, oh excuse me, palm one :roll: until they see the POWER of a ppc :)
i have photosof my girl friend and her kids on mine. I want to watch movies but one thing at a time. I currently amin grad school so getting a keyboard is a high priority for me and the toshiba e355. Nothing like working on a class paper or whatever on a ppc :mrgreen:

Oh boy! The courses aren't hard enough for you? I can't imagine having to play the format/reformat game from PPC to PC for a class paper. :twisted:

11-06-2003, 05:12 PM
Actually I dont have any problem like that at all. I dont do the final formating until it is completely finished.
So it goes back and forth between ppc and laptop. Whatever changes I make on my ppc show up great on my laptop and I dont have to do any adjusting. I am doing APA so it will do most of what I need it for....
double spacing, indenting sentences, blah blah blah. The rest is easy stuff to do such as a running header.
The hard part is the ANALYTICAL CONTENT

Steven Cedrone
11-06-2003, 05:43 PM

Steven Cedrone
Community Moderator

11-06-2003, 05:52 PM
:nonono: Thats right :!:
So when are you getting your ipaq in? I have bought two pda's from ebay and all went well.

11-07-2003, 04:37 PM
Forgot to add that I used my ebates membership to pull a big fat $1.69 off the price which will come to me in the form of the "Big Fat Check."

11-07-2003, 05:54 PM
mmmmmm, oookkkkk

11-07-2003, 05:59 PM
Forgot to add that I used my ebates membership to pull a big fat $1.69 off the price which will come to me in the form of the "Big Fat Check."

Tongue in cheek...

Still the best deal I've seen for a PPC yet. Now if they could get them out the door in volume at that price the revolution would evolve.

11-18-2003, 02:41 PM
One last follow up from me. Costco has the 1910 for $150! (http://www.bensbargains.net/ktalk/1069138610,88773,.shtml)

11-19-2003, 12:08 AM
It is a nice pda, the 1910, but I noticed on the 4th you said you were buying another ppc. By the time you buy a ppc your 4350 will be available to buy. I dont think you will get a ppc for much cheaper than that. You holding out to see the longest you can go before you buy one?

11-19-2003, 12:19 AM
Actually ended up buying 2. Got the 1910 and on the day of arrival the 4350 began shipping. So I did what any self respecting geek would do...I gave it as a gift to my fiance. That got me in good and after some initial resistance, she's loving her PPC (in her own words no less!). Score!

4350 arrived today. Nice PPC. Stylus makes me gripe a bit. Too small, but that's what the keyboard is for.