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View Full Version : MSN Messenger Logon Problems

11-03-2003, 09:21 PM

Before I start, I have already downloaded the new MSN Messenger update/security fix for PPC2002. So, you can scrap that suggestion. =)

Here's my problem:

When I try to logon to MSN Messenger (wireless) with my PPC (version 2002), I get this error message:

"Logon to MSN Messenger Service failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again."

I've been getting this error message for 2 days now (ever since I got my 802.11b compact flash card). The internet and email work fine on the PPC. Does anyone have any suggestions or fixes? I've seen a lot of people with this problem and no one has seemed to resolved it. Thanks.

Dell PPC (2002, 300mhz)
Linksys 802.11b wireless router
AmbiCom Compact Flash 802.11b card


11-03-2003, 09:33 PM
Have you downloaded the correct security update from the site?

11-03-2003, 11:23 PM
Yes, I'm positive. I actually found out how to fix it. Here's how:


(From the Norton Internet Security Control Panel)

1. Click on "Personal Firewall", then click the yellow "configure" button.

2. Click the "Home Networking" tab.

3. Under trusted zone, click "Add"

4. Click the "Using Network Address" radio button.

5. Enter the IP address of the device that you are trying to get messenger to work on (this should be your PPC). (commonly, 192.168.1.xxx for Linksys routers)

6. Enter the subnet mask (

7. Hit ok.

This worked for me. Thanks for the suggestion though.


11-04-2003, 01:59 AM
So I see that it is your firewall giving you a problem. Ok, I have a lighlty implemented firewall at my house, and so no problems. Glad you figured it out though.


11-04-2003, 05:03 AM
:rock on dude!: I can connect now! It must be he rom update that's letting me connect because I couldn't connect with the new version before I applied the rom update (via a hard-reset) to my 5550.

Dave H
11-04-2003, 03:33 PM
dont think its a firewall issue, ive not changed any setting on my pc, i connect exaclty the same way as before the msn upgrade and i could connect.

MS have done something im sure, as i can now connect ( after reinstalling the software ) and NO HARD RESET.

11-04-2003, 09:53 PM
Try hard reseting....?


Dave H
11-05-2003, 12:17 AM
no way, hard reset is the last resort in my book !!!

Oliver Mitchell
11-05-2003, 10:17 AM
dont think its a firewall issue, ive not changed any setting on my pc, i connect exaclty the same way as before the msn upgrade and i could connect.

MS have done something im sure, as i can not connect ( after reinstalling the software ) and NO HARD RESET.

what firewall are you using, microsoft may have changed the ports that msn messenger uses

Dave H
11-05-2003, 03:02 PM
its posible that MS have changed the ports, I use zone alarm on my PC, and have no issues with it before the M$ upgrade. Its funny how everybody can suddenly connect to messenger without actually doing anything different with the install of the upgrade - or is it just me??? :!:

11-05-2003, 09:46 PM
I figured it may have been a port thing, but I can connect now and I didn't changed any settings in my firewall since before the upgrade was first announced. The only two things (other than the Messenger ugrade) that are different in my setup since then are 1) I upgraded the rom and 2) I can no longer get my email in Pocket Inbox since I upgraded the rom. I had this issue for a while when I first had this unit, though.

Dave H
11-05-2003, 10:07 PM
really?? i had no issues when i upgrade the rom to 2003 !! everything was fine, except pocket Money. Messeneger was fine till that required an upgrdade.

what errors are u getting with the inbox?

11-05-2003, 10:40 PM
what errors are u getting with the inbox?

Won't connect for me.

Unable to connect to the incoming mail server. Verify that the server name is correct, then try again to send and receive mail.

Every time. Through many, many account setups, deletions and resetups.

Dave H
11-05-2003, 10:47 PM
and MSN works ok? the internet all works on you ipaq?

im no expert and still very new to this, but ive got my work email on my ipaq via active sync. This works fine but im assuming you mean personal pop3 emails. I didnt have these on my Ipaq, but ive just set it up and it worked first time. Norton Virus even checked the mail before it left to goto the internet !!

I can now send and receive pop3 mail to my ipaq. You sure all the settings are correct? the ones which i always get wrong are the incomming and outgoing mail configs, also make sure the the connection option is via the internet.

it worked for me, so hopefully it will work for you ! :)

11-06-2003, 01:23 AM
and MSN works ok? the internet all works on you ipaq?

Everything to do with the Internet works, except an account specific to the iPaq.

im no expert and still very new to this, but ive got my work email on my ipaq via active sync. This works fine but im assuming you mean personal pop3 emails. I didnt have these on my Ipaq, but ive just set it up and it worked first time. Norton Virus even checked the mail before it left to goto the internet !!

This works for me also.

I can now send and receive pop3 mail to my ipaq. You sure all the settings are correct? the ones which i always get wrong are the incomming and outgoing mail configs, also make sure the the connection option is via the internet.

it worked for me, so hopefully it will work for you ! :)

I've tried setting up the account so many times I've lost count. Every time, I tap Send/Receive Mail and it gives me Connecting... then Logging on... then it asks me for my password, the gestures for which I can enter blindfolded now I've done it so many times; at this point if I tap OK it cycles through the whole thing again and if I tap Cancel it gives me the error message I reported earlier.