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View Full Version : Just made my 3955 just like 2215.

11-03-2003, 03:56 AM
Now, my big brick iPaq 3955 has a CF Slot, so thin, it looks like it's embedded to the device itself. Thanks to a sleeve made by whitney at madebywhitney.com.

This is one of the best sleeve I've ever had. It made my iPaq like a professional business pda with it's high quality leather flip cover with extra slots for my sd wifi, 256mb SD card and business card size cd with my backup application.

The sleeve isn't bad in price either, it's a great deal. I found other flip cover to scratch the screen when an extra memory is placed in the extra slot. This one has enough slack for me not to worry about the screen.

Now, I'm carrying around an extra space, with 4 DVD movies on my Micro Drive. Just incase I'm bored. Of course, the size of the 3955 isn't anywhere near 2215. Thought I would share.