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View Full Version : bootscreen on ipaqs with wm2003

11-02-2003, 10:05 PM
i have been wondering, have MS or HP or whoever improved the image that appears when you softreset?
i dont really like the current red compaq one and was wondering what others look like.
although i dont want to change mine even if it were possible, i am just wondering what they look like. if possible post pics:)
also it dont have to be ipaq ones. show all your bootscreens!
toshiba, HP, any!

Dave Beauvais
11-02-2003, 10:21 PM
The h5000, h2000, h1900, and I assume the h4000 series, as well, have a solid white background with the blue "HP invent" logo with the ROM version in the corner. Not worth taking a picture of if you ask me. :)


11-02-2003, 10:39 PM
cool:) well i am going to do an article on it, if you dont want to you dont have to, just a screencap or whatever.
any otehr makes now?

Dave Beauvais
11-02-2003, 11:10 PM
Okay, okay... here! Have the stupid picture! :lol:


It's a bad photo so if you'd like one better, I'll use a tripod next time and control the lighting a little better.
