View Full Version : We're finally catching up...
10-25-2003, 03:19 PM
I was thinking earlier, and it hit me. Pocket PC is finally starting to catch up, and even pull ahead of Palm, in the hardware front. :D
For the longest time, Palms really were basically ahead of PPCs in hardware. At least in several key areas- high res screens, thumbboards, cameras, etc.. Not only did PPCs not have those features, they also seemed to be basically cookie-cutter designs, for the most part. I'd complained about this before.
But finally, we're seeing real innovation, and differentiation between models. The ViewSonic V36 is out (or almost out), with a camera; The iPaq 4350 has a thumbboard, and the Toshiba e800 has a 480x640 screen. Regardless of Toshiba's product support, this is still real innovation. The e800 is probably most important, because unlike having a camera or thumbboard, which Sony has already had for a long time, no Palms have VGA screens. And with VGA, you can start to view real web pages, without much special formatting.
Now I'm sure some people will disagree with me that PPC was ever behind Palm hardware-wise, but I think they were (and evidently so do many people, look at the "Palm this, Palm that, Toshiba might throw in their hat?" thread). I was worried about PPC, and actually considered switching (horror of horrors). Now, it looks like I probably won't have to, since they're adding in the features I wanted. Now it would help if they put these features into one device, but still, it's a very nice start...
I agree 100% that we were getting well behind with hardware and I think PPC still has some catching up to do. It is encouraging that we are beginning to see some innovation, let's hope it continues.
The keypads we are starting to see don't yet come close to Sony's in the NX and new UX(?) series. I don't see HP and Hitachi's designs of just sticking a pad on the bottom as being particularly clever, but it's a start. For the moment, I'll stick with my Pocketop Keyboard.
Better screens? Yep, great idea, hope we get the ability to switch between portrait and landscape like the Tungsten T3, that will be brilliant.
The one thing I don't want to see is built in cameras. At most of the places I work people have to leave cameras at the security desk. I'd be lost going to meetings without my PPC.
But on the whole, it's great to see some progress. PPC has always had the best OS and the highest quality applications so things can only get better still.
10-25-2003, 03:44 PM
I agree. The keyboard in the 4355 isn't that clever, but it's much better than the OEMs standing still. Like you said, it's a start.
About cameras, for at least the reason you mentioned (security) I don't think they should have cameras in all PPCs, but I think it should be an option. Cameras can be useful, especially if you don't have those security restrictions. So I think it's good to see at least some PPCs with them..
10-25-2003, 04:03 PM
Very good points. Whether you agree with the features (i.e. camera, thumb keyboard, VGA) its's just good to see the PPC camp finally innovating on the hardware side.
I don't think the HP design on the thumb keyboard showed much creativity, but again, the important thing is that they are finally trying something different.
Lastly, being a non-techie, I never really new what all the hub-bub concerning VGA was all about. At least now I know that it basically will allow the viewing of web pages in their original state. This site is just a plethora of technical information :wink: .
10-25-2003, 05:56 PM
Now I'm sure some people will disagree with me that PPC was ever behind Palm hardware-wise, but I think they were (and evidently so do many people, look at the "Palm this, Palm that, Toshiba might throw in their hat?" thread). I was worried about PPC, and actually considered switching (horror of horrors). Now, it looks like I probably won't have to, since they're adding in the features I wanted. Now it would help if they put these features into one device, but still, it's a very nice start...
I would not disagree with you that PPC was behind Palm in hardware. Where I will disagree with you is that the PPC is ahead again. The devices that you mention in your post are not for sale yet. The only one I',m positive will come out is the HP. Even if all of the devices you mentioned were out, PPC is still way behind in my book. Heck if I had the money I would dump my Axim and buy the Sony clam shell UX50 in a second. The UX50 is some cool hardware, not HP's rectangle with a thumb keyboard thrown on.
I welcome all of the changes from HP, Toshiba, and Viewsonic. But things need to be moving FASTER to catch up, and MicroSoft never moves fast on anything till they see money to be made...
10-25-2003, 06:52 PM
What we still don't have is ONE device that has them all - high res screen, camera, and keyboard. A couple of the Sonys have all three; a Palm has high res screen and camera; but no PPC has yet combined any of these features.
10-25-2003, 07:26 PM
who cares about Palm beside the higher resolution screen. I'll keep dual wireless and slots anyday over what Palm has.
But regardless, PPC is not adding hardware feature fast enough. I for one think there should be something like PPC with iPOD capability, except detachable HD.
with dual wireless, camera, and standard PPC feature, that sort of device will be the ultimate portable. Added bonus if it has mic plug.
some other models
-Very basic $150 model. a less fancier version of h1935.
-Nexio s160 with PocktPC instead of .net
-TI Wanda/h6000
-ruggedized PDA with GPS
-gaming version, with sharpscreen and 3D accelerator. It doesn't have to be fancy as long as can spew eye candy graphic very well and has CF/SD slot. (think AximX5 with extra buttons and more colorfull chasis)
10-25-2003, 11:26 PM
egads, I must not have been clear. I don't think PPC is ahead of Palm in terms of hardware yet either. The reason I said that I may not have to get a Palm now, is because I thought the PPC platform wasn't going anywhere, at least not for a while. Except for the Toshiba with its VGA screen, I don't think PPC is actually ahead yet. Still, my point is that they are finally moving, which is what's important.
By the way, the other devices are out, if not for sale immediately. I mean, if you check ViewSonic's website, it talks about the V36. Same with Toshiba's site about the e800...
BTW, just thinking, could the reason they're releasing all of this now be because MS finally lifted those hardware limitations?
Jeff Song
10-25-2003, 11:51 PM
I agree that PPC still has a ways to go to match up with palm, especially sony. I cam from the Clie NX70v-I miss the clamshell design as it was convenient to use and had everything. If only sony did PPC as well. Oh well. Maybe someday we will see some better PPC designs out there. As for now, I guess I'll have to be happy with my 2215.
10-26-2003, 01:36 AM
I do not feel that hp has made enough progress to say they are ahead of palm, oh excuse me, palm one :roll: but I do see the attempt. I feel as if they are playing catch up because of the keyboard in a pda idea that started with handspring.
If hp wants to take the lead it is going to take more than the little bit they are doing, and that is exactly what it is, a little bit. The truth is if hp doesnt keep things in high gear, plam,oh excuse me, palm one :roll: will not only take a lead but keep it indefinitly. For hp to take the lead it will need to be more than a little bit better of a screen, more than JUST 64 o 96 megs of ram. The bottom line model should be the 128/256 model. That is my opinion on that. Blue tooth must now be the standard in every model like infrared has been :wink:
For the longest time, Palms really were basically ahead of PPCs in hardware.
It hasn't been that long, has it? Only a few years.. before that Pocket PCs were on top, at least in resolution. Pocket PC has also pretty much always been ahead of Palm in hardware performance - not OS performance mind you - but the hardware has always been faster.
10-27-2003, 04:57 PM
I honesetly dont consider anyone company to be ahead right now. I wish the ppc market would take control and just blow away the competition but at a price we can all afford, not after it is old technology.
10-27-2003, 06:19 PM
I like the fact that the competing OS's apper to be neck and neck. Competition incourages innovation. That's a good thing in my book.
10-28-2003, 02:21 AM
I see where you are coming from on that thought, I also believe there isnt enough innovation, but that is in my eyes. if they want us to keep ugprading, they have got to really put a lot out there for us to upgrade to. if they are all so similar that the only thing that separates is some bt and some ram, then that isnt good enough :evil:
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