10-25-2003, 05:51 AM
Hi all!
I desperately need help with this issue.
I think I have the MOST boring job on earth! All I do is sit in meetings all day and listen to attorneys litigate and fight patent and other type of cases for hours on end.
That’s why I LOVE my G1K it truly makes the day go a little faster, now to get to the point.
I have come up with what I think a genius idea for a keyboard placement that would change the way people look at PDA’s, this is not an add on hardware but a built in, what am trying to say is for example HP must have this already built in the unit. What makes it so special is it will not add an inch to the PDA size.
I have thought about it and I really think it is feasible for this keyboard to be implemented in a PDA.
I really don’t want to go into detail and what I would like is for some help with some of these points:-
1- I am willing to put some money to create a demo “dummy” unit! Where can I go to get this done? I do have some drawings of the basic idea, and am willing to invest up to $20000, let’s say I do create a demo do you think it’s worth it? And would let’s say companies like HP pay more attention to my idea?
2- I already asked the attorneys on how to go about getting a paten but if you guys have any ideas please feel free to through them at me.
3- Can I get lets say an old PPC and basically build my idea in it? Is there a company that does things like this? Where I would give them drawings and ideas spec …etc, and they would do it for you?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, I have read a lot of your posts here and there is some truly intelligent people on this board, I think that you guys could steer me to the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
P.S: I am not a genius nor am claming to be Einstein!! Please do not flame me all am looking for is some advice.
I desperately need help with this issue.
I think I have the MOST boring job on earth! All I do is sit in meetings all day and listen to attorneys litigate and fight patent and other type of cases for hours on end.
That’s why I LOVE my G1K it truly makes the day go a little faster, now to get to the point.
I have come up with what I think a genius idea for a keyboard placement that would change the way people look at PDA’s, this is not an add on hardware but a built in, what am trying to say is for example HP must have this already built in the unit. What makes it so special is it will not add an inch to the PDA size.
I have thought about it and I really think it is feasible for this keyboard to be implemented in a PDA.
I really don’t want to go into detail and what I would like is for some help with some of these points:-
1- I am willing to put some money to create a demo “dummy” unit! Where can I go to get this done? I do have some drawings of the basic idea, and am willing to invest up to $20000, let’s say I do create a demo do you think it’s worth it? And would let’s say companies like HP pay more attention to my idea?
2- I already asked the attorneys on how to go about getting a paten but if you guys have any ideas please feel free to through them at me.
3- Can I get lets say an old PPC and basically build my idea in it? Is there a company that does things like this? Where I would give them drawings and ideas spec …etc, and they would do it for you?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, I have read a lot of your posts here and there is some truly intelligent people on this board, I think that you guys could steer me to the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
P.S: I am not a genius nor am claming to be Einstein!! Please do not flame me all am looking for is some advice.