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View Full Version : D-Link DCF660W -- worthless!

10-22-2003, 06:10 PM
Has anyone else had incessant hardware problems with the D-Link DCF660W card? I bought one for my Axim in March and have had to return it 3 times because each one would spontaneously stop working. With the current one, a slight nudge is all it takes to drop it off the network, and reinserting it gives an "Unrecognized Card" dialog box unless I *twist* the card as I'm inserting it. I've got CF memory cards that the Axim can access with no problems, so I'm reasonably sure the blame lies with the card.

I really wish I had the $120 to shell out for a Socket card, but unfortunately $6 and a week or so without wireless to RMA the D-Link is a far more realistic option right now. :evil:

10-22-2003, 09:42 PM
I have one and really havent had any huge problems with it...every once and a while it will not pick up the network, but i just need to soft reset my axim.

10-23-2003, 12:06 AM
I used that card with my former Jornada 568. It worked perfectly.

The kind of troubles you describe, I experienced with a Socket CF BT card instead - what worked for me was to breathe once or twice with the card between my lips (it must have been the moisture helping up some poor connections).
I will not comment on the chain of events that brought me to this somewhat peculiar handling of sensitive electronics... :)

11-04-2003, 08:15 PM
Mine died on me after 3 weeks of use. Similar thing - stopped working properly and started giving an "unrecognized card" error. Currently sent for RMA, we'll see how it goes when it comes back....

11-04-2003, 10:26 PM
zero troubles with D-link in my Axim, I even swap it out into a PCMIA sleeve and use it in the Mrs' laptop.