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View Full Version : Sad day for me

10-20-2003, 10:52 AM
Unfortunately due to unfortunate cercumstances it will be a while before I can take advante of everything that PocketPC thoughts has to offer. Sadly my car was broken into for the second time this year. Only this time they actually got something of value. MY AXIM X5 ADVANCED with GPS, and SD card. :cry: (Luckily I did back up all my information because of a article you posted several months back on the importance of backing up data).

I am hoping that my insurance covers it but unfortunately even that takes time to process. I am currently making plans to purchase a new Axim X5 because I need both the Secure Digital and Compact flash cards.

I'm not writing this to get anyones sympohy. But I am kind of interested in what life is like without a pocketpc. I have only been a Axim X5 owner for about the last 6 months so I am a novice but still feel great loss. I seek the major question "Is there life without a PocketPC?". I guess this is something I will need to find out for myself.

In a few months I hope to be back on my feet. I just hope I don't loose touch with the great communitity of information and knowledge on my hiatus.

10-20-2003, 12:02 PM
sorry to hear about that! it definitely sucks. :cry:

in the meantime, you may want to look at some of the nice carrying cases you can get to keep your stuff with you at all times. I use The Pod by Roadwired. (http://www.cachegear.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=22) Keep in mind I wrote that review before I got my iPaq, which now takes the slot my Magellan GPS held. Now I need to figure out how to re-work the bag to hold it all, or get PodZilla. ;)

10-20-2003, 12:16 PM
What a bummer! :cry:

10-20-2003, 01:29 PM
bummer dude! HOpefully things will work out wiht the insurance company. I am assuming you still have your receipts and all, I know they are picky and dont like to put out any money, it is usually the simple everyday people like ourselves that suffer for that.
I would recommend always having it with you in a belt clip case, maybe something from Franklin Covey, and of course there are some others on the web.
I can tell you this, I recently bought a Toshiba e355 a few days ago because my last pda was stolen. I dont have encouraging news :( LIfe wiht out pda sucks once you have had one!!! YOu become less organized at no fault of your own, things become inconvenience because your convenience was been taken away, and keeping track of 'simple' and 'little' things is no easy task. It is easier for them to be lost and slip through the cracks. That was my experience. I know if you dont have the fund (like i didnt) then it makes it even harder to get started again. The good news is it is backed up on you computer. Good job on that dude :wink: for all newbies let that be a lesson, ALWAYS back up your info daily and more than once ifyou can and you are a moderate user of your ppc/pda, if not you will regret it! it is one thing people in my opinion take for granted. NO excuses :wink: !

10-20-2003, 08:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestion mrkablooey. In this case it was mounted exclusively in my car so I couldn't remove it. Not without brute force (something these theives actually had). I had both a Wireless network card and a GPS system in the Axim X5. This allow me to transfer files to it from my computer and act as a GPS system. So unfortunately I couldn't just take it out of the car. Now that it was stolen I think I am going to think of a different type of mounting system that will allow me to remove the Pocket PC whenever I leave my car.

That is to bad to hear Thingingmaddavid. I think I am starting to feel the loss. I always have the feeling like I am forgetting something and that is because I don't have easy access to the information my PocketPC contained. It is only the second day without out. My insurance claim should go through this Thursday so it all comes down too when Dell is able to get me a new one .

The website claims it could be 4 days from the time I make the purchase so I am going to have to order it as soon as my insurance claim goes through. Hopefully by next week I will be back on my feet again (fingers crossed).

10-21-2003, 12:43 AM
isilver- That is horrible! But instead of getting an X5, have you looked into the Ipaq 2215? It has Windows Mobile 2003, CF SD, and bluetooth in a much smaller package than the axim

Just a thought

10-21-2003, 01:46 AM
Yeah, maybe this bad thing gives you an excuse to upgrade :D

Im really sorry to hear about that! I would hate it if my iPAQ was stolen! Do they have any personal stuff of yours that they can have access too on that SD card and the PPC itself? I hope you had a password on the device atleast...


10-21-2003, 01:49 AM
yeah, I had thought about the password, but didnt write anything onit. I am thinking about buying software for security.
That is a good idea being able to remove it whennot in the car. Sedio sells them i think.

10-21-2003, 04:19 PM
There is nothing to worry about the password. Everything was password proetected 3 times over. I don't think they will be able to crack it (I hope). Upgrading is a very interesting though. I really liked my Dell Axim Advanced and thought it was still high up the charts when it came to power. But I could be mistaken.

What pocketpc's are out there that are better then the Axim X5 that have both a Secure Digital and Compact Flash card? I thought Dell was one of the only suppliers of both options.

10-21-2003, 04:22 PM
The HP iPAQ 2215 is much smaller, has Bluetooth, and has both expansion slots, Compact Flash Type 1 & 2, and Secure Digital slot. It has 400mhz, 64mb, 32mb ram (I think its that one) and bigger screen and it runs faster with Windows Mobile 2003.


10-21-2003, 06:45 PM
It is faster, and a little smaller(not as small as the 1900 series), but it's also a lot more expensive. Your insurance is only going to give you the value(hopefully what you paid for it, since it's cheaper now), of the X5, so if you want a 2215, you'll have to put out some more money for it(and if you have a deductible already to pay to repair your car, that might not be so attractive), if you get another X5, you'll end up with some money left over :)

The other option for dual expansion is the Toshiba e755, which is even more then the 2215 since it has built in wifi(which is, admittedly, nice, but not sure if it's worth $100 more then the 2215, which is $100 more then the x5...). All the other current options are SD only as far as I know.

But I agree, DEFINITELY get a mounting system that allows you to remove, or at least hide, your Axim when you're not in the car! There are neighborhoods around here where they will break into your car for a duffel bag, let alone an expensive looking piece of electronics.....you should at least be able to lock it in the glove compartment.

10-21-2003, 10:52 PM
Yep, some of it is true, but locking gloveboxes dont deter some thieves. Nothing is safe.


10-22-2003, 02:42 AM
Perhaps not but if they don't know it's there, they're less likely to break in in the first place. People break into cars either to steal the whole car, or because they see something IN the car that's worth something. If there's nothing in plain sight in your car, then the theives are more likely to go for someone else who DOES have something of value(or potential value like a bag) in plain sight. Why spend the effort and risk getting caught if there's nothing obviously worth taking?

You could still get broken into but it's a lot less likely.

10-22-2003, 04:08 AM
mmm, good point, i think i will take my drum set out of the back seat! 8O
those are all good choices. Do you still have the receipt for when you bought your x5? if so , maybe that will help in getting close to the full amount. some lady went into a store over here and just needed a tag and a receipt filled out by a best buy rep so they get money for their sony that was stolen out of their car as well. turns out when she bought it the price was 300, now it might be worth a hundred, gofigure.
another couple had the same thing happen with a ppc, but it was destroyed due to the hurricane in baltimore, so they had sheets of things on there and were going one by one doing the same thing at best buy.