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View Full Version : Bonding two BT devices (same model) to another device?

10-19-2003, 03:42 AM
I'm considering going BT for my wireless needs around the house but am as yet ill-informed in regards to one thing.

Is it possible to have one BT device (in this case an iPaq) bond to two other devices of the same brand, model etc. such that it "roams" between the two the way WiFi roaming works? My main PC is only on part of the day but there will be another PC here in the near future, that will be on 24/7 (power problems aside ;) ) but this PC will be used for Internet access via BT and possibly a media server only.

10-19-2003, 05:31 AM
You can have as many paired devices as you wish.

You'll have to manually connect to each one when the situation needs, though.

10-19-2003, 08:46 AM
That's the one weakness of bluetooth vs wifi (on my loox at least), taht it does not connect automatically, like to a wifi access point. It is however not that much of a hassle, but I sure hope they change that in some future revision. I believe its only a question of software, and allowing the specification of preferences etc.
