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View Full Version : ActiveSync will not Sync anymore! Error message comes up, please Help!

10-18-2003, 08:15 PM

I am experiencing a lot of difficulties latley with Activesync. When I dock my iPAQ 2215 with WM2003 it does not sync anymore! It comes up with a a dialog box underneath the connection diagram on the start bar saying "Cannot Connect - Unable to connect: You have no modem entries created, and no network card present"

Why do I need what it is telling me just to activesync, which worked just fine before?

Also, when activesync from the PPC it comes up with Errors, just below the "Sync" button. I click on it and it says this "Unable to Connect. Verify your dialup or proxy settings are correct, and try again."

As you can probably tell, this is very frustrating because it worked a couple of days ago. Does Pocket Candy interfer with this? Thats the only other program I can think of that I downloaded recently.

Please help, :cry:


Steven Cedrone
10-18-2003, 11:39 PM
Have you done a soft reset? What version of ActiveSync do you have? How about deleting the partnership and re-establishing it?


10-19-2003, 04:23 AM
i would like to know what version of AS you have. I tried to download 3.7.1 and wouldn take. may be related, maybe not.

10-19-2003, 05:17 AM
Justin: Check your ActiveSync settings on the PPC. You have to be disconnected from the PC to be able to access Tools -> Options.

On the PC tab I have:

When syncing remotely... Use <My PC>

and both boxes are checked. The Options button give me When cradled... <box is checked> and `USB Default is selected in the dropdown. The Disconnect when done radio button is selected.

The Server tab has nothing in the Use this server: box.

The Mobile Schedule tab has Manually for both dropdowns, Sync outgoing items is unchecked and the Peak Times button has M-F 8AM-6PM.

Also, in Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced, Select Networks, tap Edit under each and see if you have any entries under the Modem tab and the Proxy tab should probably have the first box checked, the second unchecked and nothing in the Proxy server box. YMMV here though.

And give Avant Browser a try. I like it and if I do then you probably will, too! I have mine set up to function exactly like IE except for the fact that you'll need to Ctrl-tab between windows with it, instead of Alt-tab.

10-20-2003, 03:03 AM

Thanks for all of your help you guys/gals! I deleted the partnership and recreated it, and boom, it works. Ironic isnt it that its something that simple.

BTW, I think Steven Cedrones new avatar is freaky stuff.
