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View Full Version : Download Media (music, books, etc) directly to your PDA

10-10-2003, 06:24 PM

I'm just curious about this.. :confused totally: But do you download media directly to your PDA? I mean Music, Books, Audiobooks, etc. If so, how do you do it and with which vendor? If not, would like to be able to do it!

With most PDA's, PocketPhones and Smartphones having the ablity to connect to high-speed connections, I think it's feasible to download media content directly to these devices.

However, I believe PDA users are underserved when it comes to download options. Do you agree? I posted a poll to see what you folks would most likely download to your PDA.


Kati Compton
10-10-2003, 07:08 PM
Well, I don't download music - I rip my own CDs. So I guess I'll say eBooks, as I'd only read them on a PDA anyway.

10-10-2003, 08:46 PM
You didn't give an option for multiple media. I would download ebooks, magazines, movie previews and music.

10-10-2003, 09:02 PM
For some people (e.g. me in the UK) bandwidth is very expensive, and I would use up almost all of my monthly allocation just downloading one MP3. Text has the best bang for the buck, and Ive been in a park on a sunny day before when I wanted to read a book, and connected to PDM and bought and downloaded a book.

I cant wait for unlimited gprs however, so I can use the internet the way its supposed to be, not while looking at my download meter all the time :(


10-10-2003, 10:11 PM
I just use bluetooth over my home network as wireless.
Another missing option is downloading programcabs directly to a pda.
Last night I needed ICQ, and i could only download a windows setup file for it while browsing on my pda. Forced me to get out of bed and hook the PDA to the pc just to get a small program installed.