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10-08-2003, 04:58 PM
This is my first post so please bear with me.

I recently bought an IPAQ 5455 and I have Dell Inspiron 4000 laptop and a Dlink DWL 650 card.

I would like to be able to do 2 things; stream MP3 (or even video) from my laptop onto my ppc and browse the internet via the wlan on my ppc.

So far….

After a lot of messing around I was able to set-up adhoc connection and used netrunner to be able to map the shared folders and play mp3 files. The problem is I keep having regular substantial delays during playback. Sometimes as much as 5 seconds before media player continues. I have looked through the settings over and over again but was unable to make any difference. So I uninstalled netrunner and installed Netusr. Although, the lag seems to be shorter it is still significant and makes listening to mp3 on my ppc undo-able.

Does anyone have the same issues that I’m having? and if so what are the problems and what can I do to fix it.

The 2nd issue is even worse. I connect to internet via DSL using network connection to the DSL modem. Now whenever I’m connect to DSL, I’m unable to get the ad hoc to my PPC to work. I have switched on the internet connection sharing on the LAN connection and it just doesn’t allow it. It is not my firewall because I have disable it and the problem persists.

From other postings that I’ve read I should be able to use my laptop as an access point to the internet connection if I wish. So what am I doing wrong?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

10-19-2003, 08:08 AM
I don't think you can use your laptop as an access point. Well, maybe if you setup an IP address on your PPC and another one on your laptop. Since you cannot get internet connection sharing to work, I don't think it would help.

Would it be possible to get a wireless router? I know it can be a bit pricey, but it would allow you to share your internet connection and also allow you to communicate between your laptop and PPC>

10-19-2003, 06:25 PM
After a lot of messing around I was able to set-up adhoc connection and used netrunner to be able to map the shared folders and play mp3 files. The problem is I keep having regular substantial delays during playback. Sometimes as much as 5 seconds before media player continues. I have looked through the settings over and over again but was unable to make any difference. So I uninstalled netrunner and installed Netusr. Although, the lag seems to be shorter it is still significant and makes listening to mp3 on my ppc undo-able.

I use BizzDev's NetUse on my iPAQ to map network shares of my Desktop PC. It works well for streaming audio and video. BUT I am not using AdHoc. I have an access point.

The 2nd issue is even worse. I connect to internet via DSL using network connection to the DSL modem. Now whenever I’m connect to DSL, I’m unable to get the ad hoc to my PPC to work. I have switched on the internet connection sharing on the LAN connection and it just doesn’t allow it. It is not my firewall because I have disable it and the problem persists.

From other postings that I’ve read I should be able to use my laptop as an access point to the internet connection if I wish. So what am I doing wrong?..

If you have a soho router, Windows ICS might not enable because your home lan uses 192.168.1.x or 192.168.0.x which is what ICS uses. For example, my home lan is setup with a Linksys BEFSR41 soho router and its my DHCP server. Its IP address is so Windows ICS won't enable because it wants to use, but that address is already in use.

You can Establish an active sync connection. Tell ActiveSync on the PPC to maintain connection. (From ActiveSync on the PPC, go Tools -> Options Click the Option button. Set When Syncing remotely... as Maintain connection) On the Desktop PC, set activesync to allow Ehternet and RAS connections (from activesync on the PC, go File -> Connection Settings, make sure check box for "Allow network (Ethernet) and Remote Access Service (RAS)..." is checked.

Then the hand held will connect and use ActiveSync as the way to get through your desktop PC and out to the net.

Also, you might need to set the "location" in active sync on the desktop PC.. (activesync on the PC, go Tools -> Options, click the Rules tab. At the bottom in the Pass Through section, set the correct thing for "Connection:" mine is set as work).

10-23-2003, 11:11 PM
Try this site:


Think it might help. :wink: