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View Full Version : 256MB Toshiba SD Card Error

10-04-2003, 09:29 AM
Dear all,

I own a Toshiba 256MB SD card and occasionally, any data stored in the card becomes unexecutable. For example if I tap on a program icon, it will blink but nothing will happen. If I try to open a picture from the main memory, (since I have Resco's picture Viewer installed in the Storage Card) it won't let open it...Also, Occasionally an error message will appear(even when I can still execute the items in my card) saying that I will need to format my Storage Card. Unfortunatly, this message appears when I least expect it (ie. when I haven't backed up my data). :( I have contacted the Toshiba tech support and they said that they do not recognize the error. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this problem? Or how to make the Storage card formatting error message to appear ?

PLS help the only solution I've found to this error is to hard reset the device (I have no idea how that fixes the card).

10-05-2003, 02:58 PM
Have you tried just turning the Toshiba off, removing the card and reinstalling it? This is not a problem I've had with my e335, but a friend of mine has a Sony Clie NR-(something) and has to do this from time to time. Like maybe the contacts are a little smurfed.

10-06-2003, 03:23 AM
Yes didn't work :( I think theres something wrong with the SD Card Driver (when I hard reset the device, the problem disappears without a trace). HP's got a driver for its h3*** series but there's none from Toshiba. I've consulted the Toshiba Tech Support regarding this issue they replied weirdly :? ...

If you need to follow up on this email please use the reply button in your email program. Be sure to include the reference number and subject line from the original email from Toshiba.

Thank you for contacting Toshiba PDA Support and please visit our website at Toshiba.com.

Toshiba PDA Support Staff

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

10-10-2003, 11:29 AM
Please keep this post going (or try to anyway) I hard Resetted my device and started the long process of re-personalising it. I hope a solution will be found soon. Cuz I'm quite certain that this problem will once again haunt me...

10-11-2003, 03:12 AM
Can it be that the pop-up message mentioned in this topic is the cause of this SD card error?

10-16-2003, 08:45 PM
It's not your SD card, it's most likely the System, Windows 2002 has a very unstable SD and CF driver, normally if you do a soft reset if should resolve it, same problem happened to me and all I did is soft reset the device.