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View Full Version : SDIO Wireless Card : which is better ?

Kris Kumar
09-30-2003, 06:11 PM
I am shopping for SDIO 802.11b card for my Ipaq 2215.

Wondering which one I should go for SanDisk SDIO card or the Socket SDIO card...



09-30-2003, 11:37 PM
I have a SanDisk SDIO WiFi card and a Dlink CF WiFi card. After testing the SD, I just went back to the DLink. I didn't lose connection or anything, but it was signficantly slower than the CF card. I heard that the Socket SD was pretty solid, so I would probably spend the money on it. I use a DLink wireless, router, so that might be the reason for speed difference. Took several hours to reload apps to the SD card, since I wasn't going to change registry settings. I did keep the SD drivers loaded, in the event that it was operator error, but for now it is the DLink for me. Hope that helps

Kris Kumar
10-01-2003, 02:08 AM

I think I will focus on Socket SD card then...

I can not buy the CF Wi-Fi card for my Pkt PC, I plan to use the CF slot for my Micro Drive and bigger CF memory cards for MP3 listening. Which means only the SD slot will be free :-)


10-01-2003, 02:56 AM
SD 512mb (SanDisk though) at eCost.com for like $152.00, you can stuff a fair amount of MP3s on that size of an SD card. :mrgreen: