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09-30-2003, 01:06 PM
Today when I went to activate MS Reader after a planned hard reset I noticed that another tweak has been made to activation (see extract below).

I was able to reactivate without hassle and read previously downloaded titles, so hopefully it won't be a big deal.

September 30, 2003: Today we are announcing the rollout of a Microsoft Reader security update. This system-wide update is the next step in our continual effort to create the best possible technology to support eBook customers, copyright holders and our business partners. The “trigger” for the update is the purchase and/or downloading of a digitally protected Owner Exclusive Microsoft Reader eBook title. When you purchase a new title, or re-download a previously purchased title after September 26th, you will be prompted to update your system. The update consists of a simple step: the re-activation of your reading system(s).

09-30-2003, 02:27 PM
The big deal is that Convert Lit can't be used after reactivating MS Reader. Hopefully a new version will not be too far away.

09-30-2003, 03:39 PM
The big deal is that Convert Lit can't be used after reactivating MS Reader. Hopefully a new version will not be too far away.

Of Reader? Or ConvertLit? :D

09-30-2003, 05:22 PM
Both. Every month, MS will update Reader, requiring the whole, painful, annoying process for people who use desktops and PDAs, and the anonymous author will no doubt show MS as the nimrods they are by releasing Convert LIT 1.4a. 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8,.... :|


Y'know that really ironic language that MS uses ("our valued customers," "appreciate your continued support of Reader") just makes me chuckle. I imagine that serious ebook readers are losing patience and chucking Reader in droves. There are better programs out there, and you're not being forced to prove your honesty through willingness to update/install software on a quarterly basis. :evil:

09-30-2003, 07:28 PM
So they changed the architecture of the .lit files themselves so they can't be converted?

I understand wanting to prevent piracy. Really I do. But it seems to me that the VAST majority of people who are usinc C-Lit are people who legitimately obtained their books but don't want to have to have, for example, the newest version of Reader taking up 2 megs of RAM when there's already a perfectly good and working version of the program in ROM. I tell you now that while I may download more free books in .lit format, I will convert them to unprotected status(why do they need such stringent protection when they're free anyway??), and I will NEVER EVER buy an ebook in .lit format until they come up with some other, better, less intrusive way of protecting their copyrights. Sorry MS, you suck, Palm Reader gets my money.

09-30-2003, 07:36 PM
So they changed the architecture of the .lit files themselves so they can't be converted?

I understand wanting to prevent piracy. Really I do. But it seems to me that the VAST majority of people who are usinc C-Lit are people who legitimately obtained their books but don't want to have to have, for example, the newest version of Reader taking up 2 megs of RAM when there's already a perfectly good and working version of the program in ROM. I tell you now that while I may download more free books in .lit format, I will convert them to unprotected status(why do they need such stringent protection when they're free anyway??), and I will NEVER EVER buy an ebook in .lit format until they come up with some other, better, less intrusive way of protecting their copyrights. Sorry MS, you suck, Palm Reader gets my money.

It seems that the "Dan Jackson" guy is aware of the problem and is working on it. I also will not buy another .lit book. I convert the ones I buy to Mobipocket format anyway, so will just get protected MP books until Convert Lit is updated.

09-30-2003, 09:06 PM
i was frankly disappointed with a secure Mobipocket title (THE YEARS OF RICE AND SALT) that I bought, when a secure .lit version was offered. the Mobipocket version has very small, low resolution images of maps that just cannot be read. i kinda wish I'd bought the .LIT version, broken it down (presuming the images were higher resolution), and made my own .PRC.

i'm with you guys 100%. using a Pocket PC 2000 unit, i have no choice but to crack the titles, even if i wanted to use Reader 1.0 (blech).

10-01-2003, 11:40 PM
Convert LIT users, as of October 1st, 2003, should upgrade their Convert LIT software to version 1.5 in order to retain compatibility with newly purchased Microsoft Reader format eBooks. To update Convert LIT, please go to the Dan Jackson Software website*** and download the program from there, or if you are unable to access it from the website please email us at***. We recognize that this update is an inconvenience and appreciate your continued support for Convert LIT.

; End serious release notes, begin immature blather
Someone would like to add that:
This release is dedicated to the ever delightful Emma Watson, whose eyes are supremely magical.
Someone Else would like to note:
Dear Microsoft,
If you good folk happen to be reading this, we'd like to say that while we're doing just chipper on our own, if you could send us non-sensitive memos regarding us, we would find them highly amusing. We promise to keep them to ourselves, though they would be a great thing to show our kids someday.
And finally, our dolphin would like to add:
Eeep eeeeeeep eep eeeppee eeep! (Which translated means, "The fish tasted funny this time, and I'm bored now. Got anything else to do?")
So long!

*** Edited by moderator SJC 10/01/03 21:54 EDT

10-02-2003, 04:47 AM
ROFLMAO. Dan, I really appreciate the dry wit in that release note. Let the wild rumpus begin....

BTW, you should know better than posting a link.... 6 words for you: 2600 lawsuit, 2600 lawsuit, 2600 lawsuit. ;)


10-02-2003, 05:20 AM
I would not have thought that posting the links for that software wouldn't be allowed. I guess I should have, but I thought it was somehow different.

10-02-2003, 07:12 AM
Hmm, I didn't see anything in the FAQ about not being allowed to post links to software, maybe they should add something like that in there. Either that or make a Rules page - I had a look around but I couldn't see one, maybe I'm just blind or something.

In case anyone hadn't guessed, I'm Dan Jackson of Dan Jackson Software, and you can get the new version of Convert LIT on our web page, which shouldn't be too hard to find on Google.

10-02-2003, 11:52 AM
I can understand the site not allowing a direct link to Convert Lit, I think they have been very sensible in allowing discussion of it in the forums, without letting the threads get into the potentially naughty areas.

Anyway, thanks for the new version Dan. I tried it out on a .lit book I bought yesterday and was able to get it into Mobipocket format with no problem at all.

I guess everyone can look forward to having to reactivate MS Reader again in a short while. :D

10-02-2003, 02:53 PM
At this rate, we'll wind up maxing-out our 8 activations inside a year...

10-02-2003, 03:03 PM
At this rate, we'll wind up maxing-out our 8 activations inside a year...

Activations of previously activated devices don't count, so unless you plan on buying 8 new PPCs you should be alright!

I have had hardware problems with my ipaq 5450 that has led me to activate 2 different 5450s and a 5550 as well as a desktop in the last 2 weeks. So far it has all gone without a hitch.

10-02-2003, 04:46 PM
I would not have thought that posting the links for that software wouldn't be allowed. I guess I should have, but I thought it was somehow different.

2600 magazine was sued for posting the DeCSS utility on their site. If I recall correctly, they were still enjoined under the DMCA for simply linking to another site which offered the utility. It was a strong point of contention with the DMCA that it could be used to harrass groups and individuals simply for hyperlinking to outlawed software.


April, 2000 press release from EFF.org
"The District Court held that 2600's publication of DeCSS was illegal even though it was part of a news story, even though the program itself was protected expression, even though no copyright infringement had occurred and even though it acknowledged that the program has legitimate, even constitutionally protected uses," said Cindy Cohn, Legal Director of the EFF, "Dean Sullivan understands how restrictions that may appear to restrict only technology can in reality restrict speech."

Hmm, I didn't see anything in the FAQ about not being allowed to post links to software, maybe they should add something like that in there. Either that or make a Rules page - I had a look around but I couldn't see one, maybe I'm just blind or something.

In case anyone hadn't guessed, I'm Dan Jackson of Dan Jackson Software, and you can get the new version of Convert LIT on our web page, which shouldn't be too hard to find on Google.

What I'm referring to, as indicated in the info above, is that just linking from PPCthoughts.com to your site outside the US, could open this bbs to legal threats. 2600 magazine got in really hot water, just for linking to DeCSS offshore. It was imHo a really shameful corruption of American legal standards. And this is why, here in the States, we have to protect our discussion forums by not publishing direct links to your fine site. ;)

10-02-2003, 06:22 PM
Thanks, Dan, for the updated version. This is going to be interesting to watch -- I wonder how long it will take for Microsoft to post the next version of Reader?

Jason Dunn
10-02-2003, 07:51 PM
The potential liability is just too much guys - please keep links about ConvertLIT out of these forums. As others have said, it's easy enough to find it with Google...thanks.