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View Full Version : Negative Experience with Pocketop Customer Service

09-29-2003, 03:29 AM
I purchased a Pocketop keyboard earlier this year for use with my Dell Axim running PocketPC 2002, and it worked great. Then I sold my Axim and bought an Ipaq 1945 running WM2003 and that's when all the trouble began.

First, the drivers they posted didn't work. Not only did the not work, they also forced my unit into a hard reset...losing all my data. Then, they released some beta drivers that worked fine...if you don't mind typing sideways. But, no, they couldn't just take the screen rotation feature out of their drivers, they just told their users not to use the screen rotation. Their solution to this problem is: a $20 "IR Extender," that must be purchased.

I have tested these beta drivers with nyditot 3.22, and the screen rotation seems to work fine. But then, that means that I must spring $20 for the nyditot software, which comes with a bunch of features such as virtual resolution, system colors, etc. that I don't want or use.

Either way, I'm out an additional $20.

So, I e-mailed Pocketop and asked them if they were planning to release new drivers with screen rotation enabled, since I don't much like typing sideways. I told them that if I had to shell out another $20, I would rather sell my Pocketop on Ebay and wait for the next keyboard. I told them they should check the brighthand forums and see what people were saying about their product.

I got this e-mail back from "patrick" with the subject line, "From your brighthand forums." He had cut and pasted some post from a Palm user about how they were having problems with their Stowaway, and Stowaway XT. Was this supposed to imply that Pocketop makes a better product? The Palm user did not even talk about attempting to use a Pocketop keyboard.

Not only did this not address my question, but I found it to be a little more than unprofessional. The post was completely irrelevant.

I e-mailed "patrick" back and told him that if Pocketop wanted to cater to Palm users, that's fine, but his company was isolating a large number of PocketPC users.

What Pocketop needs to do is re-negotiate their license with Nyditiot to get access to the WM2003 drivers for their users, not come out with some $20 IR extender.

And they certainly do not need to be snide to customers who spent close to $100.00 buying their product in the first place.
